The name of the candles from hemorrhoids and their use

The name of the candles from hemorrhoids and their use
The name of the candles from hemorrhoids and their use

Hemorrhoids are a very unpleasant thing, an ailment that causes discomfort and pain. It, as well as any disease, should be diagnosed in time. It is treated mainly with suppositories, including homeopathic ones. From this article you will not only get acquainted with the disease and how to treat it, but also learn the name of the candles from hemorrhoids, the most popular in our time.

name of suppositories from hemorrhoids
name of suppositories from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids - what is it?

The disease is manifested by an increase in the volume and blood flow of the veins in the hemorrhoidal plexus, which is located at the exit of the anus. These veins form hemorrhoids. It is believed that this disease affects up to 15% of the adult population and is one of the most common. Most often, hemorrhoids occur in people after 45 years, but after 65 cases of the onset of the disease are less common. Predisposed are mainly those who suffer from constipation, who have a sedentary job, pregnant women, and one of the factors is the hormonal background of the body. Prevention of hemorrhoids is extremely important. We list some ways for you:

  • prevent constipation;
  • breaks during prolonged sitting (warm-up every forty minutes);
  • avoiding heavy lifting;
  • diet;
  • refusing anal sex;
  • anal hygiene;
  • excluding sports such as horseback riding, cycling.

It should be noted that the treatment of this disease is long-term, very unpleasant and not always effective. Let's find out the name of the candles from hemorrhoids and a little about the composition and action of the drugs.

Which candles to choose?

homeopathic candles for hemorrhoids names
homeopathic candles for hemorrhoids names

In fact, there are a large number of drugs produced in the form of candles. You can only offhand recall more than twenty names. Moreover, the composition can include both chemical elements and natural ones. Often patients prefer to use homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids, specifying the names in the pharmacy, knowing only the composition. Such candles are usually one-component. For example, "Sea buckthorn candles", one of the active ingredients of which is sea buckthorn oil, which has a wound healing and hemostatic effect. Another name for bio-based hemorrhoid suppositories is Posterazin. They contain components of the shell of Escherichia coli, this biological substance strengthens the immune system, which helps to restore damaged tissue. Candles with propolis have only one active ingredient, but its effect is very wide. Propolis removes inflammation, promotes tissue repair, and soothes pain.

hemostatic suppositories for hemorrhoids
hemostatic suppositories for hemorrhoids

Combined drugs

Sorry,when the disease is running, it is increasingly required to use hemostatic suppositories for hemorrhoids. The names of these drugs and knowledge of their mechanism of action will help you navigate the pharmacy. The choice should be made in favor of those that have an astringent effect, such as Neo-Anuzol, or with an analogue of adrenaline, such as Relief. Proctosedil, Procto-Glivenol will help from inflammation, pain and severe itching. We have listed the main medications, if you meet another name for hemorrhoid suppositories in a pharmacy, check if they are a simple analogue of a medicine you already know.
