An increase in blood glucose levels associated with any endocrine disease indicates that a person develops hyperglycemia. Symptoms of this pathology are manifested in weight loss, frequent urination and increased thirst. Hyperglycemia always accompanies people with diabetes.
Causes of disease development
Among the factors that cause changes in blood glucose levels, endocrine diseases and general disorders in the body can be distinguished. Endocrine factors include:
- Diabetes mellitus is a pathology associated with a complete or partial lack of the hormone insulin in the body. Symptoms of hyperglycemia in diabetes are manifested by being overweight or obese.
- Thyrotoxicosis - occurs when the thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormones.
- Acromegaly is a pathology characterized by an increase in the level of growth hormone.
- Pheochromocyte is a tumor localized in the adrenal medulla. Provokes excessiveproduction of adrenaline and norepinephrine.
- Glucagonoma is a malignant tumor that secretes glucagon. Symptoms are similar to diabetes and are manifested by changes in body weight, anemia and dermatitis.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia in children appear with an unhe althy lifestyle, regular consumption of sugary and unhe althy foods, carbonated drinks and lack of physical activity. Factors of general disturbances in the functioning of the body can be:
- overeating;
- indigestion;
- high stress;
- consequences of heart attack and stroke;
- infectious and chronic diseases;
- side effects of some drugs.
Within 1-2 hours after eating, the sugar level in a he althy person rises by 1-3 mmol/L. Then the indicator gradually decreases and returns to normal 5 mmol / l, if this does not happen, we can conclude that hyperglycemia has developed. This condition requires medical intervention and effective treatment.
Classification of hyperglycemia
Depending on the level of glucose in the blood, there are several degrees of severity of the disease:
- light - 6, 7-8, 2 mmol/l;
- medium - 8.3-11 mmol/l;
- severe - blood sugar level exceeds 11.1 mmol/L.
If the glucose concentration rises more than 16.5 mmol/l, a pre-coma develops, when the glucose level rises to 55 mmol/l, the patient is diagnosed with hyperosmolar coma. She isis a serious condition for the body and in most cases ends in the death of the patient.

Hyperglycemia syndrome: symptoms and manifestations of the disease
The first signs of hyperglycemia are manifested in the form of increased fatigue and reduced performance. Clinically, at this stage, one can detect a slight increase in blood sugar levels after eating and a long-term preservation of indicators above the norm. Hyperglycemia is also characterized by the following symptoms:
- impaired concentration;
- excessive thirst;
- frequent urination;
- dizziness and headaches;
- pallor of the skin;
- apathy;
- drowsy;
- nausea;
- heart rhythm disorder;
- lower blood pressure;
- decrease in visual acuity;
- sweating;
- itching of the skin;
- ketoacidosis (an imbalance in pH that leads to coma).
Progression of pathology causes an increase in symptoms and serious disturbances in the functioning of body systems.

Hyperglycemia: symptoms, first aid
It is very important to be able to provide first aid to a person with hyperglycemia in time. In most cases, such actions help save the patient's life.
- Insulin-dependent diabetics with an attack of acute hyperglycemia must administer insulin by injection. It is recommended to check andtry to lower your blood sugar. It is necessary to inject the hormone every 2 hours, regularly checking the glucose level until it returns to normal. In rare cases, it may be necessary to wash the stomach with a warm solution with a small concentration of soda.
- If first aid does not give positive results, you must independently deliver the patient to a medical facility or call an ambulance. If this is not done in time, then an excessive amount of sugar in the blood will lead to acidosis and disruption of the respiratory apparatus. In the hospital, with this course of hyperglycemia, an infusion drip is most often prescribed.

Hyperglycemia, the symptoms of which are mild, is eliminated by improvised means. To reduce acidity in the body, you can drink water without gas, herbal decoctions, soda solution, or eat fruit. If dryness of the skin appears, rub the body with a damp towel.
Hyperglycemia treatment
To eliminate hyperglycemia, a differential approach in therapy is used. It consists of the following doctor's actions:
- Questioning and examination of the patient - allows you to find out heredity, susceptibility to certain pathologies, the manifestation of symptoms of the disease.
- Laboratory examination - the patient takes tests and undergoes the necessary studies.
- Diagnosis - according to the results of the tests, the doctor makes a diagnosis of hyperglycemia. The symptoms and treatment of this disorder should beinterconnected.
- Treatment prescription - the doctor prescribes an appropriate diet, moderate exercise and drug therapy.
It is also necessary to regularly visit a cardiologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist and urologist to monitor the work of all internal organs and systems and prevent the development of complications.
Diet for hyperglycemia
With elevated blood glucose levels, first of all, simple carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet and complex carbohydrates should be reduced to a minimum. It is improper nutrition that becomes the main cause of such a disease as hyperglycemia.

Symptoms of metabolic disorders can be eliminated with the help of dietary nutrition. The diet is not strict, it is only important to follow certain rules:
- drink plenty of water;
- avoid long breaks between meals - that is, eat little and often;
- minimize consumption of spicy and fried foods;
- eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits (mostly unsweetened);
- increase the amount of protein in the diet (meat, eggs, dairy products);
- from desserts, use only dried fruits or sweets intended for diabetics.
Quickly reduce sugar levels will allow plenty of fluids and physical activity (particularly gymnastic exercises).
Treatment with folk remedies
Alternative medicine is widespread and perceived by many asan effective and affordable way to treat many diseases, and hyperglycemia is no exception. Symptoms of the disease can be treated with folk remedies, but it all depends on the degree of development of the disorder.
Mostly folk remedies are represented by decoctions of medicinal herbs, which include alkaloids (dandelion, elecampane, goat's rue).

Besides these herbs, the following plants are common:
- blueberries;
- lilac;
- purchased;
- bay leaf;
- fuck;
- oats;
- red ginseng.
Phytoalkaloids, which are part of them, act like the hormone insulin, reduce blood glucose levels and normalize the functioning of the whole organism.
Disease prevention
The main preventive measures for hyperglycemia are dietary control and daily activities. It is very important to make a rational menu and stick to it so that the body receives all the microelements, vitamins and fibers it needs for proper functioning and ensuring all life processes.

Proper lifestyle and good heredity will prevent diabetes. Hyperglycemia, the symptoms of which are fatigue and drowsiness, is easier to treat. Whereas in the presence of disturbances in the course of internal metabolic processes, therapy will be long-term, and the diet will have to be followed constantly.