The child has bronchitis. How can we treat him?

The child has bronchitis. How can we treat him?
The child has bronchitis. How can we treat him?

Video: The child has bronchitis. How can we treat him?

Video: The child has bronchitis. How can we treat him?
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With the onset of autumn days it gets colder, and then trouble happens - the child develops bronchitis … Parents, of course, are not up to poetry, because they want the baby to grow up he althy. Moreover, the appearance of bronchitis can lead to long-term complications, and the disease itself is not so easy to treat. A child who is 2 years old is much more susceptible to the disease "acute bronchitis" than his mother or father. Why is this happening?

Bronchitis child 2 years
Bronchitis child 2 years

The causes of bronchitis in children are always the same: immunity, anatomy and environment. Do not forget that the "tuning" of the child's body for the upcoming adult life will continue for many more years. Until your child's immune system is fully functional, it is not yet able to recognize the infection attacking the body and give it an effective rebuff. This is first. In a child, especially in the first years of life, the bronchi are shorter and wider than in an adult. Therefore, andthe path of infection to the target is easy and short. Especially in wet and cold weather outside, in the air dried by central heating in the room, after regular communication with other children, and even with parents who smoke in front of the baby. The fact that the child has bronchitis does not immediately become clear: he, insidious, skillfully disguises himself as the most common cold. Until the viruses develop inflammation to a mucosal reaction in the form of sputum, and a dry cough appears, by which it will be possible to recognize the enemy, two to three days will pass, and time will be lost. So call your doctor immediately at the first sign of a cold. The sooner treatment begins, the lower the chance that bronchitis will appear at all.

The child has bronchitis
The child has bronchitis

Cough is a warning signal: the body has turned on its defense mechanism and is trying to prevent the infection that has bred on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract from penetrating deeper and reaching the bronchi and lungs. After such a warning, a visit to the doctor can no longer be postponed. Even if before that the cold was quite tolerable and was treated with home remedies. Any self-treatment by good parents is unacceptable! Especially antibiotics. You will have only a 5 percent chance of coping with the disease, since bronchitis in a child (as in an adult) is overwhelmingly caused by a viral infection, against which antibiotic drugs are powerless. So the evil viruses will survive, but the good microorganisms that form a natural protective barrier against pathogens will die. Another thing is if antibiotics are prescribeda doctor means it's a necessity.

Causes of bronchitis in children
Causes of bronchitis in children

Special warning to parents: don't even try to completely suppress your cough! And consult your doctor even about seemingly harmless cough drops. Independent decision-making in this case is unacceptable. Tell me, are you sure that the child has bronchitis? And if it is masterfully disguised as it and more severe bronchial asthma, whooping cough or false croup? With them, cough suppression will make the disease more severe.

To really alleviate the condition of a sick child, give him an emollient and expectorant. Do not forget to carefully read the instructions that come with the drug. Because antitussives will be appropriate for a dry cough, but not for a wet one. Remember also that bronchitis develops quickly, but the child's he alth after it is restored slowly. Even when the disease has receded, both strength and immunity will be fully restored only after a month and a half.