Why warts appear and how to deal with them

Why warts appear and how to deal with them
Why warts appear and how to deal with them

Warts are a skin disease that manifests itself in the form of small tumor-like formations that do not have an inflammatory nature. They are benign in nature and can affect any place. The main reason why people seek to get rid of them is the extremely unaesthetic appearance of warts.

Why warts appear
Why warts appear

The main reason why warts appear is the human papillomavirus. It is able to be transmitted through touch, objects. The infection develops and manifests itself within a few months. Its reproduction is very active and is accompanied by the growth of the upper layers of the epidermis. The carrier of the infection may not have external manifestations. Another reason why warts appear is microtrauma of the skin. So, on the feet, they may appear due to swimming in a public pool. Also, warts will spread throughout the body. From one place a person transfers them to other places, causing microtrauma to himself. Decreased immunity is another reason why warts appear. It is for this reason that residentsthere are more and more big cities. The body is under constant stress, as a result, the virus multiplies extremely actively.

Mole removal reviews
Mole removal reviews

There are different types of warts. Tight little nodules that do not cause pain are common warts. Their surface is rough. Most often they appear on the hands, face and head, and can affect both children and adults. They do not cause any discomfort. There are plantar warts on the legs. They may be painful. They look like filiform papillae surrounded by a corn-like ridge. The reason why warts appear on the feet is the wrong shoes.

Another variety is juvenile warts. These are nodules of skin color, rounded in shape and with a smooth surface. They barely protrude above the level of the skin. They usually affect young people, appearing on the face and hands. Genital warts are also referred to as warts. They are transmitted through unprotected sex, which is why they are sometimes called sexually transmitted diseases. They are treated by gynecologists and urologists.

Another type is senile warts. They do not require treatment. Under the guise of a wart, some other disease can also be hidden, including malignant tumors. Therefore, removing them at home is not recommended. In order for the operation to be carried out correctly, successfully and safely, the help of a qualified specialist is necessary. Only a doctor can diagnose such a neoplasm. They must be handled with care, as any wart canbe reborn into malignant.

From warts
From warts

Many people wonder about wart removal and mole removal. Reviews show a very different attitude. Someone thinks that it is completely safe, others are convinced that it is better to use only folk remedies.

It should be noted that when using folk remedies, a positive result can be obtained infrequently. It would be more correct to consult a doctor who will determine whether this or that neoplasm can be removed. From warts today they use a laser, with which you can perform the operation in just a few minutes. This method is non-traumatic and safe. Electrocoagulation, cryotherapy and surgical excision are also used.
