Hairline is a component of human epithelial tissue. We can say that hair is part of the skin. Nature endowed a person with such vegetation on the body not by chance. Hair gives people an aesthetic appearance. A neatly trimmed man or a woman with a fashionable hairstyle look quite attractive and have a conversation. But many people prefer to get rid of excess vegetation on the body. Men carefully shave, women attend depilation rooms. The hairline is intended not only to decorate a person. It also has the most important protective function, protecting the body from excessive heat loss.

Hair protection
And what protects the hairs themselves from drying out and breaks? This function is performed by microscopic scales. They cover each hair like a shell, overlapping one another. If the scales are not damaged by any chemistry or disease, then the hairstyle looks great. Shiny hairsilky, he althy. Their fragility and lifelessness indicates damage to the upper scaly layer. To avoid this and create comfortable conditions for hair, what vitamin is needed?
The role of vitamins in the body
Everyone knows that these are real guards in protection from various diseases. In addition, they help all systems to function normally, strengthen the immune system, and are responsible for the functioning of the metabolism. Deficiency in the body of such vitamins as A, D3, B leads to a deterioration in the condition of the hair.

Vitamins for hair and nails
Every person dreams of he althy hair and nails, no split ends, no splitting of the nail plates. The he alth of the body is reflected as in a mirror in the appearance of a person. That's why you need to take a daily vitamin complex that helps nails and hair to bloom.
What vitamins are needed for hair and nails
- If the strands become brittle, and whitish blotches are visible on the nail plates, then the body needs to restore metabolism and replenish calcium.
- The lack of B vitamins manifests itself in dry hair. In this case, it is necessary to start using special hair masks containing B6. This vitamin will help restore the structure and make the hair shiny and voluminous. Vitamin B12 prevents early graying of hair. It is no less important for nails. With a lack of it, they become rounded, darken, bend and dry out badly.
- Folic acid helps the formation of new cells. In the absence of thisvitamin hair and nails do not grow well.
- Inositol deficiency leads to weakening of hair follicles. Significantly slows down growth, there is a danger of hair loss.
- Micronutrients are equally important for the he althy functioning of epithelial tissue. These are zinc, calcium, animal and vegetable protein, Omega3.

All the necessary nutrients enter the human body with food. But sometimes this is not enough. In such cases, the doctor will advise which vitamins to take for hair and nails. They can be purchased at any pharmacy.
Why hair falls out
Scientists have found that red-haired people have less hair on their heads, and blondes have the most luxurious hair. Closer to old age, the hairline becomes drier and thinner. Part of the hair falls out. But it doesn't just happen with age. Sometimes the cause of baldness can be a genetic predisposition. It is associated with an excess amount of the male hormone testosterone in the body. Also, hair loss can be associated with impaired thyroid function. If a similar problem arose, it is necessary, first of all, to consult an endocrinologist, who can more accurately determine the disease. As a result of an illness or a lack of vitamins, this process begins in seemingly young people. What vitamins are needed to prevent hair loss?

This problem is not only male, but also female. But if a bald head in a strong half of humanity is a sign of brutality, then for women it isjust a disaster. But this can be fought. First of all, you need to review your diet. Does it contain the necessary useful elements, what vitamins are needed for hair loss. You need to analyze your menu and find out if it contains such products as liver, milk, eggs, fish, nuts, potatoes, cabbage, cereals. It is these products that saturate the body with B vitamins, the lack of which immediately affects the hair.
Vitamin H is very important for the prevention of baldness. The lack of biotin is filled with yeast, soybeans, tomatoes, cabbage, beef and pork liver.
Also, a person may begin to lose hair if his body is deficient in vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency is replenished by eating carrots, butter, whole milk.
With a lack of ascorbic acid, the blood circulates worse, the hair follicles lack oxygen and eventually die. Hair becomes weak and lifeless. The process of falling out begins. To avoid disaster, fresh fruits and vegetables must be present in the diet.

But everyone knows that, getting into the body with food, the lion's share of vitamins is not absorbed. If the issue of hair loss is very acute, you need to contact a specialist. Only a doctor can prescribe which vitamins to drink for hair loss. Most likely, this will be a complex prescription of drugs.
The effect of weather on hair
With the onset of autumn dampness, and then winter cold, oftencolds and various viral diseases come. This greatly undermines the immune system, as a result of which the general condition of the body worsens. The skin becomes dry and sensitive. Hair suffers as well.
They also grow dull and fat from wearing warm hats, not getting enough oxygen from the outside. But if you do not wear a hat, the hair suffers even more.
Summer is worse. The high temperature outside, the dust dry out the hair. There is increased fragility, split ends.
At any time of the year, hair needs appropriate care and attention.
How to strengthen hair
First of all, you need to pay attention to the shampoo that is used to wash your hair. In the cold season, it is better to use detergents for oily hair. They can slow down the work of the sebaceous glands, make the hairstyle more beautiful. In the summer, on the contrary, it is recommended to use shampoos for dry hair. They will moisturize the scalp, help the hair become more elastic and resistant to drying out.

Regardless of the season, hair needs extra nourishment. And one shampoo is not enough. It is necessary to use special masks and balms. They should be used after every hair wash. Folk remedies for strengthening hair also provide good support. Many women prefer to use them, arguing that this is the most effective help for weakened curls.
The most important vitamins for strengthening hair
Well, and, of course, one cannot fail to mentionvitamins that have a direct impact on the general condition of the body and hair in particular. Knowing what vitamins are needed to strengthen hair, you can avoid many problems with your hair. The most important for strengthening the hair is vitamin B5. It is he who is responsible for the normal functioning of the hair follicles, providing them with nutrition.
Vitamin of youth (E) - minimizes the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation. With a lack of it, the hair falls out and breaks.
Every person should remember what vitamin is needed for hair, and make sure that his body does not suffer from its deficiency. But it is B5 and E that are most important for strengthening hair.
Hair Growth
The first hair appears in a person when he is still in the womb. They cover the entire body. But by the time of birth, most of them fall out. Fetal fluff remains only on the baby's head.

From the moment of birth until the child learns to take care of his hair on his own, his parents do it. It is very important to use special shampoos for children so as not to harm the scalp and not destroy the hair follicles.
During the active growth of a child, it turns out: what vitamin is needed for hair? And after that, if necessary, the missing nutrients are added to the diet.
What slows hair growth
Within a month, a he althy person's hair grows one and a half centimeters, for some lucky people - two. The rate of hair growth depends onbelonging to a particular race. It has been proven that people of the Mongoloid race are in the first place in terms of hair growth, and the Negroid race is in the last place.
In addition to heredity, other factors also affect hair growth. Bad ecology, stress, lack of sleep, the presence of an illness, the use of strong antibiotics slow down the process. But the most common cause is an unbalanced diet. Eating irregularly, not caring about the presence of useful vitamins and microelements in it, a modern person undermines he alth. As a result, all processes slow down, including hair growth.
How to speed up hair growth
If any of the latest techniques promises that curls will grow fifteen centimeters in a month, you can’t believe this. In a person, such hair growth can only be with a serious illness, or a genetic abnormality. But it is still possible to achieve one and a half to two centimeters a month.
If the diet is balanced, there is no serious illness, and the hair grows very slowly, you should contact a specialist - a trichologist. He will tell you what vitamins you need to drink for hair growth. Most likely, this problem arose due to their lack in the body.
But there are well-known vitamin complexes. First of all, you need to find out: what vitamin is needed for hair? To stimulate hair growth, vitamin B7 is considered the most important. It helps the body produce fatty acids and stimulates cell growth. But for the best work of B7, the body must have enough other B vitamins (B5, B6, B12). Replenishment of these useful elementscomes through taking a multivitamin.
No less important for hair growth are vitamins such as C, A, E, which were mentioned earlier. They support the general condition of the body, on which the rate of hair growth directly depends.

So, hair needs constant care. The use of balms, masks, decoctions, and hygiene help prevent many problems with them.
It is necessary to provide the body with all the useful elements for normal functioning, because this is the determining factor in luxurious hair. Knowing which vitamins you need to drink for hair, you can prevent hair loss and accelerate growth.