Arrhythmia attack: causes, first aid, treatment methods, consequences

Arrhythmia attack: causes, first aid, treatment methods, consequences
Arrhythmia attack: causes, first aid, treatment methods, consequences

In the article we will figure out what to do with an arrhythmia attack.

Rhythm disturbance due to stressful situations or heart disease can occur in relatives and friends. You should know how to relieve arrhythmia attacks with affordable means at home. Very often, it is first aid measures that can help save lives and prevent a deadly complication. But, regardless of the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic actions, in such a case, it is imperative to call an ambulance.


Reasons for the development of this pathology

Irregular heart rhythm can be caused by the following reasons:

  • The influence of severe stress or nervous strain. This is one of the most frequent and at the same time dangerous factors that can lead to critical disorders in the work of the myocardium.
  • Chronic fatigue along with physical exhaustionorganism. In such a case, sooner or later, people will begin to give up the body, which can be expressed not only in attacks of cardiac arrhythmia, but also in hormonal disorders, endocrine failure, and so on.
  • Influence of a number of pathologies of the heart. Especially dangerous is considered a previously transferred heart attack along with heart disease, in which the work of the myocardium is severely disturbed. Moreover, the appearance of palpitations can be observed in the presence of arrhythmias, bradycardia, tachycardia and other diseases that are usually not treated.
  • The occurrence of hypertension and frequent jumps in blood pressure.

In addition, banal bad habits in the form of smoking and alcohol play a significant role in the occurrence of arrhythmia attacks. In addition, the work of the myocardium can be disrupted with an unbalanced diet, in which the body does not receive enough useful trace elements.

How does arrhythmia manifest itself?

Often, arrhythmia is one of the complications or consequences of heart disease, which worsens the course of pathological processes. Acute situations or chronic disease may present with typical cardiac symptoms, of which certain signs should be looked out for, for example:

  • Constriction in chest.
  • The appearance of radiating pain in the back, and in addition, in the arm or under the shoulder blade.
  • Occurrence of shortness of breath with a feeling of lack of air.
  • Pain in the epigastric region with nausea.
  • The appearance of fatigue and rapidly growing fatigue.
  • Risepanic and fear with cold sweats and dizziness.

Arrhythmia attacks are accompanied by a change in the heart rate, which can manifest as extrasystole or tachycardia. Such manifestations are considered even more dangerous options than the same bradycardia.

It is very important to be able to recognize the first episode of violation in the cardiac rhythm in time. When frequently recurring arrhythmic conditions appear, it is optimal to prevent attacks by using simple procedures and medicines recommended by a doctor.

atrial fibrillation attack
atrial fibrillation attack

How to relieve an arrhythmia attack?

First aid for this pathology

The first symptom of a heart rhythm disorder always occurs at the most inopportune moment, and, as a rule, this happens away from medical facilities. At the pre-medical stage, first aid for an arrhythmia attack should include the following activities:

  • It is required to provide access to fresh air, namely, unbutton the collar, and then open the window. Need to get out of the stuffiness.
  • It is recommended to take a horizontal position, it is best to lie down or at least sit down and lower your head down.
  • You also need to eliminate provoking factors. The patient needs emotional and psychological rest along with the cessation of work, you can not smoke or drink alcohol or coffee.
  • Wrist heart rate needs to be assessed by pulse, so blood pressure needs to be measured.

What else needs to be done toremove an attack of arrhythmia of the heart? Against the background of the first appeared episode, it is very difficult to understand the causes of presyncope and retrosternal pain. In any case, if there is minimal suspicion of the arrhythmic nature of the attack, vagal tests should be used:

  • Try to swallow, without chewing, a small crust of bread.
  • Immerse your face in a bowl of cold water.
  • You should try to take a deep breath and exhale.
  • Try holding your breath for a few minutes.
  • The finger is pressed against the root of the tongue to provoke a gag reflex.
  • Trying to cough.
  • Without any effort press fingers on the eyes.
  • Massage the neck in the carotid zone.

Even if you know how to relieve an arrhythmia attack at home, it is far from always possible to get rid of the disease through primary measures, and therefore, after the onset of symptoms, you need to call emergency help. If there is no effect or an increase in dangerous symptoms, vagal tests should be stopped.

after an attack of atrial fibrillation
after an attack of atrial fibrillation

Medicines: what should I take for such an attack?

Before the arrival of the doctor, in order to eliminate the symptoms of arrhythmia, it is necessary to use herbal medicines. The safest and most effective are "Validol" along with "Corvalol", tincture of valerian and motherwort. The main goals of drug exposure are attempts to calm down, eliminate fear with panic, help restorethe right rhythm for the heart. The drug "Corvalol" in the presence of arrhythmia helps to achieve the following results:

  • Expansion of the coronary vessels, which greatly improves blood flow, reducing pressure.
  • Relieve muscle spasms.
  • Elimination of psycho-emotional excitability and feelings of fear.
  • Calmness and help in falling asleep.

It should be taken into account that while taking herbal remedies or sedative medications, arrhythmia will not disappear, but the general condition improves, the stress factor that provokes rhythm disturbance is eliminated.

Primary medical actions in the framework of emergency care for this pathology

Doctors at the stage of providing the necessary emergency care for such an attack evaluate indicators in the form of pulse rate, blood pressure and electrocardiogram values.

Ambulance specialists know perfectly well how to stop an arrhythmia attack with medications. The best option for therapeutic measures is intravenous or intramuscular administration of drugs that have a direct effect on the automatism and overall conduction of the heart.

If necessary and based on indications, the doctor will use the technique of electrical impulse treatment in order to restore the correct rhythm. Properly performed, and at the same time, timely assistance in the presence of an arrhythmia attack is the main factor in the prevention of a deadly condition.

cardiac arrhythmia relieve an attack
cardiac arrhythmia relieve an attack

The consequences of an attack

In the absence of real help in the presence of increasing rhythm failure and typical cardiac symptoms, the following complications may appear:

  • The occurrence of acute ischemia in the myocardial region with the formation of an infarction focus of various sizes.
  • Failure of cerebral blood flow with overt or latent manifestation of a stroke.
  • Formation of blood clots with blockage of small and large vessels.
  • The appearance of severe forms of arrhythmia in the form of flutter, flicker and fibrillation.
  • Complete cardiac arrest is not ruled out.

It is worth noting that the provision of emergency primary medical care does not at all guarantee a complete cure: timely elimination of symptoms and restoration of the desired rhythm only prevents dangerous complications, but in no way eliminates the development of chronic cardiac pathology. After such an attack, ambulance doctors offer hospitalization of the patient in the cardiology department. A complete examination within the hospital with the correct selection of permanent drug treatment helps prevent serious complications in the future.

In the event of a sudden or repeated attack of arrhythmia, it is important, starting from the first minutes, to carry out effective measures to help the patient. Simple, yet affordable techniques, along with the use of herbal remedies with a calming effect, are the basis of primary care. The doctor who arrived on call will certainly help restore the heart rhythm, provide competent emergency care. Any episodes of arrhythmia with a risk of dangerous consequencesare the reason for inpatient therapy in the cardiology department.

How to relieve an arrhythmia attack, everyone should know.

removal of an arrhythmia
removal of an arrhythmia

Basic principles of help with such attacks

Before the doctors arrive, first aid in the presence of such an attack includes a certain algorithm of actions, for example:

  • Providing a person with complete rest along with getting rid of certain physical activities. It is best to seat the person on a level surface.
  • In case of poor functioning of the heart, provoked vomiting will certainly help to normalize and restore its functions.
  • The patient must be provided with an influx of fresh air, for this it is necessary to open the window.
  • When transporting such a patient, the seat belt must be loosened. The same applies to the belt on the trousers to facilitate air access to the throat.
  • It will not be superfluous to ask the patient to do a breathing exercise. This will help normalize the pulse.
  • Simultaneously with breathing exercises, they press on the patient's eyelids for ten seconds. This will usually help calm the person with an arrhythmia.

It should be remembered that due to lack of air, people can experience a panic attack. It is in connection with this that it is necessary to reassure the patient and say that such symptoms are temporary. If the heart rhythm normalizes, the condition quickly returns to normal.

How to relieve an attack of atrial fibrillation, consider below.

Help with the development of ventriculararrhythmias

In the event that a heart rhythm disorder is caused by improper functioning of the ventricles of the organ, then the main symptom is likely to be a decrease in heart rate. In this state, the patient's pulse will be barely perceptible. First aid in a similar situation to relieve an attack of arrhythmia involves the following actions:

  • The person is laid down and his head is thrown back. It helps improve breathing.
  • Unfasten constricting clothing with a belt.
  • Monitor the pulse and call an ambulance.
how to relieve an attack of atrial fibrillation
how to relieve an attack of atrial fibrillation

If after ten minutes an arrhythmia attack does not pass (for example, a person may lose consciousness), then the patient is given a heart massage and artificial respiration. For this, the patient is placed on a flat surface. The person who provides assistance sits on the left. Thus, it will be convenient for him to perform artificial respiration. Other emergency measures for people with an arrhythmia attack can only be provided by a specialist, since further therapy involves the administration of a number of drugs.

Help if a patient has atrial fibrillation

Such a phenomenon as an attack of atrial fibrillation can often be accompanied by a critical acceleration of the heart rate. In such conditions, the following assistance should be provided:

  • Try to give the person absolute peace.
  • Give a mild sedative medication.
  • If there is shortness of breath during an attack of atrial fibrillation, you need to plant a person, and then try tocalm down.
  • Against the background of a critical condition, in the absence of a heartbeat, it is necessary to do cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation.
  • Then call the doctor.

After an attack of atrial fibrillation, an ischemic stroke is not excluded.

Properly provided assistance will help not only to correctly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also save a person's life.

Folk treatments

You can get rid of arrhythmias with the following recipes:

  • The use of buckwheat. Pour two tablespoons of buckwheat with boiling water and wrap the dishes overnight. In the morning, strain the composition and drink a glass three times. This is a very good remedy for strengthening the heart.
  • Use turnip decoction. The root crop is cleaned, crushed and poured with a liter of water. Boil the composition on fire for about an hour, after which it is allowed to cool. Strain the prepared solution and drink half a glass twice.
  • Treatment with pumpkin juice and honey. Freshly squeezed juice of this product is very good for the heart. Mix half a glass of this juice with a spoonful of honey. Drink the resulting cocktail daily before going to bed for one month.
arrhythmia what to do
arrhythmia what to do

When does a patient require hospitalization?

When the medical worker arrives, the patient will need to remember what possible reasons could have caused him to have an attack. If such a condition occurs not for the first time, then doctors should be informed about what treatment was carried out before. This will immediately help the doctor determine the drugs used by the patient in order to choose the right one.further treatment.

In the event that it was not possible to remove an arrhythmia attack before the arrival of an ambulance, the patient will most likely need hospitalization. In such a case, there is no need to refuse inpatient therapy, because at home it is not always possible for people to receive the required medical care to the extent required. The main symptoms, in the presence of which hospitalization is required, are the following manifestations in he alth:

  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Appearance of pallor and great weakness.
  • Absolutely no improvement in a person's well-being after providing first aid.
  • Decrease in pressure or, conversely, increase it.
  • The need for surgical treatment and a thorough diagnosis of the condition of a sick person.

The therapy performed directly depends on the established diagnosis of the patient. In such a case, it is very important to remember that the sooner treatment is carried out, the lower the risk of complications. If a person immediately starts taking medications, then his condition will certainly completely normalize.

We looked at how to relieve an arrhythmia attack at home.
