An immunological blood test is a method used by medical professionals to determine the ability of a patient's body to resist serious bacterial and viral diseases. The diagnostic results determine the level of immune protection by assessing the qualitative and quantitative indicators of cells and the presence of antibodies in the bloodstream.
How body defense works
Foreign agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, chemicals and toxic substances) that enter the human body are called antigens. The immune system reacts to their invasion by actively producing so-called antibodies - specific formations on the surface of lymphocytes, aimed at binding to antigens and their further inactivation.

Maturation, differentiation and formation of immune cells occur in the following organs:
- bone marrow located in large bones;
- thymus;
- tonsils;
- lymph nodes.
Cleansing of the blood from foreign agents associated with blood cells occurs in the spleen. Lymphocytes are transported throughout the body and carried to different areas with the flow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels. This is the peripheral part of the immune system.
Indications for diagnostics
An immunological blood test is prescribed in the following cases:
- frequently recurring diseases of infectious origin;
- a severe infectious disease;
- acquired or congenital immunodeficiency;
- have an autoimmune disease;
- allergic conditions;
- need for extensive major surgery;
- postoperative complications;
- monitoring the results of taking immunomodulators in dynamics;
- anorexia;
- intoxication of various nature;
- tumor processes;
- diabetes mellitus;
- development of serious side effects while taking medication.

Immunogram indicators are not deciphered by laboratory workers. The results of the examination are evaluated by the attending specialist.
Immunological blood test
Obtaining the final results of the analysis includes a whole range of activities aimed at determining the quantitative and qualitative indicators of immune cells - immunoglobulins. In most cases, in the direction for analysis, the specialist indicates which link in the work of factorsprotection needs to be assessed.
A complete immunogram, the price of which is in the range of 5-6 thousand rubles, is a rather lengthy and laborious screening, so laboratory workers determine only those indicators that are necessary for the doctor.
Often take blood for the study of the following immunological factors:
- Quantitative indicators of serum immunoglobulins M, A, G, E.
- Components of complements C3, C4-2.
- Functional activity of immune cells.
- Phagocytic index.
- Proliferative activity of lymphocytes.
- Quantitative indicators of immune cell subpopulations.

Overview of key indicators
An immunogram analysis primarily determines the level and parameters of immunoglobulins. The largest amount (about 75%) is occupied by immunoglobulins G. It is they who are able to penetrate the placental barrier from the mother's body into the fetus's body, creating the baby's own defense system.
If an immunological blood test shows an insufficient amount of IgG, this may indicate the presence of a tumor of the lymphatic system of a malignant nature or a human lag in development. A high level indicates liver pathology, an autoimmune or infectious disease.
IgM occupies a tenth of all other immunoglobulins. They appear at the initial stages of the development of the disease. IgMs include rheumatoid factors and anti-infective immunoglobulins. High scores indicate growthcirrhosis or hepatitis.
IgA make up 15% of the total mass of immunoglobulins. They are mucosal protective factors. An immunological blood test shows an elevated level with the development of lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, myeloma, alcohol poisoning.
During the first 14 days of illness, IgA appears. For another 7 days, IgM join their number. By the end of the month from the onset of the disease, antibodies of class A, M and G can be detected in the blood. While the patient is on the mend, IgA and IgG remain in the circulatory system, but their quantitative indicators decrease by 2-4 times.

There are also IgE and IgD. These antibodies appear with allergic manifestations and helminthic invasions. In a he althy person, they have low rates.
Alloimmune antibodies
These are specific antibodies that appear in the body to the antigens of erythrocytes. Their production can be caused by Rh-conflict pregnancy or blood transfusion. It is based on the recognition of the Rh factor of donor blood as foreign.
Analysis is assigned in the following cases:
- the period of bearing a child for the prevention of Rh-conflict;
- monitoring those pregnant women who have a negative Rh factor;
- history of miscarriage;
- development of hemolytic disease of the newborn;
- examination of a patient before a blood transfusion.
Anti-sperm antibodies
Immunogram, the price of which indicates the usehigh-quality innovative diagnostic methods, allows you to assess the presence of anti-sperm antibodies in the blood. This method is used as an additional diagnosis of infertility in couples.

Antibodies can be detected not only in the blood, but also in the mucus of the cervical canal, on the surface of spermatozoa, in the plasma of seminal fluid. Doubtful indicators are in the range of 55-60 U / ml. Upon receipt of such results, repeated examinations are carried out after 14 days.
Immunodeficiency conditions
Distinguish between primary and secondary immunodeficiency states. Primary - congenital, resulting from pathology at the gene level. Secondary - acquired, which develop during life under the influence of various physical and biological factors.
There are also physiological immunodeficiencies that occur at certain stages of the body's development:
- immunodeficiency of the newborn - due to the transition from the presence of maternal immunoglobulins in the blood to the production of their own;
- pregnancy immunodeficiency - occurs against the background of the action of placental steroids on complement activity;
- senile immunodeficiency - due to a decrease in the intensity of the production of protective cells, a decrease in the phagocytic activity of neutrophils, macrophages, bactericidal activity of serum.

To restore the immune system in the development of pathological deficiencies, usecorrection principles:
- Immune engineering - bone marrow, liver, thymus transplantation, immunoglobulin administration, hemosorption, immunosorption.
- Introduction of hormones and mediators - interferon, interleukin, thymus hormonal factors.
- Drug treatment.
Rules for preparing for analysis
Biochemical studies require taking morning venous blood (on an empty stomach until 12:00). The day before the sampling of the material, it is necessary to give up alcohol, smoking, limit physical activity. In the morning before going to the laboratory, you can only drink water.

Do not take any medication on the day of blood donation. If this is not possible, then inform the laboratory staff about this factor so that the assessment of the results is not erroneous. Biochemical studies are carried out before any diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Advantages and disadvantages of the method
Immunological blood test, the interpretation of which is carried out by an immunologist or treating specialist, has the following advantages:
- possibility of obtaining accurate results;
- definition of the disease in the early stages of development;
- carrying out correction of drug therapy after determining the ratio of indicators of immune protection;
- help with difficult diagnosis.
The disadvantage is the long diagnostic process when it is necessary to assess the full picture, since immune factors requiring recalculation of quantitativeindicators, a huge number.
The immunogram is a reliable and accurate analysis. Its implementation requires highly qualified laboratory technicians. Decoding will allow you to determine the state of the body's defenses, confirm or refute the diagnosis, select an effective treatment regimen and increase resistance to infectious diseases.