Liver enzymes are elevated: diagnosis, causes, symptoms, possible diseases and treatment

Liver enzymes are elevated: diagnosis, causes, symptoms, possible diseases and treatment
Liver enzymes are elevated: diagnosis, causes, symptoms, possible diseases and treatment

In the article, we will consider the reasons why liver enzymes can be elevated.

The liver is one of the largest glands in the body. It takes part in metabolic processes, purifying the blood from toxic and poisonous effects, controlling a number of biochemical processes. Most of these changes occur with the participation of enzymes synthesized by the gland itself. Liver enzymes (the so-called enzymes) maintain constancy in the body, acting in a way that is invisible to humans. Against the background of the development of pathological conditions, the level of enzymes of this organ changes in a certain direction, which is considered an important sign and is used in differential diagnosis.

liver enzymes are elevated
liver enzymes are elevated

So what does it mean when liver enzymes are elevated?

Main causes of increased enzymes

The increase in the level of liver enzymes is insignificant, this phenomenon occurs due to the use of drugs or due to the accumulation of toxiccomponents in the body. This can also be observed in the development of diseases. Such enzymes are capable of increasing with long-term therapy with painkillers, statins (drugs used to remove bad cholesterol) and sulfonamides, and, in addition, Paracetamol.

The provoking factor that liver enzymes are elevated may be the use of alcoholic beverages along with the abuse of fatty foods. This includes long-term use of herbal medicine (ephedra, skullcap and senna herb). In the event that in the blood test for liver enzymes the indicators are increased, then this very often signals the following pathological ailments:

  • Presence of viral inflammation of the liver (hepatitis).
  • Development of cirrhosis and fatty hepatosis of the liver.
  • Occurrence of a primary malignant tumor.
  • Presence of secondary tumor processes with the formation of metastases.
  • The appearance of inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Development of infectious myocarditis along with heart failure.

Now let's talk about the reasons why liver enzymes can be elevated in children.

elevated liver enzymes in the blood
elevated liver enzymes in the blood

Reasons for an increase in a child

Children's liver enzymes are affected by various factors:

  • Excessive permeability of cell tissues.
  • Children can get one type of hepatitis. In this situation, liver enzymes will increase.
  • The development of congenital pathology in a child in the liver orgall.
  • In the presence of different viruses in the child's body.
  • This can happen due to disruption of the endocrine system.
  • In the presence of diseases of the pituitary gland and against the background of blood pathologies.
  • With pathologies of the heart, liver enzymes may be elevated in a child.
  • Rheumatological diseases often affect the performance of these enzymes.
  • The appearance of malignant tumors can contribute to the growth of the level of these enzymes in children as well.
  • Child had an operation.

How does an elevated liver enzyme show?


Symptoms with this deviation may not have a visual manifestation. The following complaints from the patient are often noted:

  • Decreased performance along with constant fatigue.
  • Occurrence of abdominal pain syndrome.
  • Appearance of disturbances in appetite.
  • The occurrence of itching of the skin.
  • Appearance of yellowness of the sclera and skin.
  • Frequent bruising and nosebleeds.
elevated liver enzyme in the blood
elevated liver enzyme in the blood

Pregnancy indicators

There are very often elevated liver enzymes during pregnancy.

During the period of gestation, a number of different changes occur in the female body. Organs and systems at this time begin to work for two, which can be reflected not only in the state, but also in laboratory parameters. The level of the enzymes in question during pregnancy reaches 31 units perliter.

In the event that toxicosis develops at the twenty-eighth week of bearing a child, then the numbers increase even more. The first two trimesters are accompanied in women by a slight exit of this indicator beyond the permissible limits, which is not considered a deviation, since the load on the liver is maximum at this time.

How elevated are liver enzymes in the blood?

GGT in pregnant women is up to 36 units per liter and can only slightly increase from the twelfth to the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, which is considered the absolute norm. The level of enzymes can strongly increase against the background of the inflammatory process of the liver, and, in addition, with pathologies of the biliary system and against the background of gestational diabetes.

The normal value of alkaline phosphatase is 150 units per liter. The active growth of the fetus from the twentieth week until the moment of delivery causes an increase in the numbers of liver enzymes. The indicator of alkaline phosphatase may change against the background of the use of large doses of ascorbic acid, antibacterial agents, and, in addition, with a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus.

elevated liver enzyme causes
elevated liver enzyme causes

So don't worry if your liver enzyme is high during pregnancy.

Permissible indicators and norm

The following values are acceptable for liver enzymes:

  • ALT up to 41 units per liter.
  • AST up to 45 units per liter.
  • GGT from 7 to 55 units per liter.
  • Alkaline phosphatase 30 to 130 units per liter.

Case management

As part of the determination of elevated liver enzymes in the blood, a doctor prescribes a number of additional examinations in order to clarify the general condition of the patient. The specialist immediately recommends that the patient begin therapy with dietary adjustments.

elevated liver enzymes during pregnancy
elevated liver enzymes during pregnancy

The goal is to reduce the load on the liver, reduce the level of fatty deposits in it, and, in addition, the removal of toxins and toxins. It is important to increase the amount of vegetables. Spinach is especially beneficial, along with kale, herbs, lettuce, and dandelion. You should also increase the amount of foods that contain antioxidants (for example, avocados with nuts).

The daily menu must contain at least 50 grams of dietary fiber, in particular fiber. These substances cleanse the body of harmful cholesterol, which contributes to the excellent normalization of the biliary system. Foods that are high in fiber are fruits along with nuts, grains, berries, legumes and leafy green vegetables.

Treatment involves the intake of the required amount of protein, since it is the protein components that are considered the necessary basis for the normal recovery of all damaged hepatocytes. How much it should be in the daily diet, the doctor will tell. But it is important not to consume too much in order not to overload the liver system with protein processing. It is also necessary to drink enough clean water. Drink daily untiltwo liters of liquid. This should be done on an empty stomach, before meals, physical activities and after them, and, in addition, before evening rest.

liver enzyme elevated during pregnancy
liver enzyme elevated during pregnancy

Using herbs and supplements

Phytotherapy favorably affects the state of the liver and allows you to reduce the pathological rate of enzymes. Treatment consists in the use of teas based on herbal ingredients. But it is important to consult a doctor about the possibility of such events. Astragalus is considered useful plant components along with dandelion and thistle. Turmeric should be added to food, which reduces the manifestation of inflammatory processes, and, in addition, garlic, which has an antitumor effect. With the permission of the doctor, you can use nutritional supplements that are rich in antioxidants.

Possible diseases

Now let's look at what diseases can load the liver. Partly because the liver performs so many important functions, it is subject to a wide variety of diseases. There are many pathologies that can increase the level of liver enzymes:

  • The development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, which is also known as fatty hepatosis. With this pathology, fats usually accumulate in the liver in the form of triglycerides and cholesterol.
  • Infection with hepatitis viruses. Hepatitis is caused by various reasons. But all its types equally intensively load the human liver.
  • Also, various infections in the form of, for example, mononucleosis,adenoviruses and cytomegalovirus. Parasite and tick bites can lead to dangerous diseases like American tick rickettsiosis or toxoplasmosis.
  • Liver cancer is often associated with previous viral pathologies and cirrhosis.
  • Presence of alcoholic hepatitis and jaundice.
  • The development of cirrhosis or the presence of late stages of various organ lesions.


Given that an increase in the level of enzymes is a consequence of inflammation of the organ or its damage, the doctor first of all tries to find the causes of this condition, which must be eliminated. That is, therapy is not aimed at reducing the level of liver enzymes in the blood, but is being carried out to eliminate the pathology that caused such a reaction in the body.

Often, with such pathologies, patients are recommended a diet that excludes all fatty, and, in addition, smoked, spicy and s alty. Also exclude the use of alcohol, carbonated drinks, as well as coffee. You should eat plenty of organic food, as well as dairy products.

liver enzymes are elevated in a child
liver enzymes are elevated in a child

In addition to drugs that treat this disease directly, various hepatoprotectors are also prescribed. Such drugs can repair already damaged liver cells and effectively protect them from subsequent damage. In addition, they can facilitate the work of this body, contributing to the performance of some of its functions. But patients should not forget that any medicationsmust be appointed by a specialist. There are frequent examples when self-therapy and taking medications to cleanse the liver led to opposite and dangerous consequences.

We looked at what it means when a liver enzyme is elevated. The reasons for this deviation from the norm have been described.
