Cryptitis: treatment, causes and symptoms, diagnostic methods

Cryptitis: treatment, causes and symptoms, diagnostic methods
Cryptitis: treatment, causes and symptoms, diagnostic methods

Cryptitis is an inflammation of the Morganian crypt. It comes in two forms. Acute is accompanied by sharp pains. In some cases, severity may be present. With such cryptitis, maceration of the skin occurs. The disease can disturb for 3 weeks. The appearance of chronic cryptitis depends on many reasons. These include sphincter spasm, coccygodynia, mucus hypersecretion.

If left untreated, cryptitis can develop cancer. Therefore, be careful. If the disease is acute, the symptoms of cryptitis and the treatment of the disease should be determined by a narrow specialist. And only after that it is allowed to start therapy.

cryptitis symptoms treatment
cryptitis symptoms treatment


Cryptitis disease is promoted by frequent failures of bowel movements, as well as mucosal dysfunction. Such failures in the release of mucus do not properly lubricate the feces at the exit, so they are not completely excreted by the body.

That part of the feces that settled into theanal sinuses, clogs them, preventing the withdrawal of mucus and contributing to its stagnation. And this leads to irritation and inflammation of large areas in the rectum. In general, the mucus produced by the body is a barrier that effectively prevents tissue infection.

Key Factors

The reason for the development of the disease is the favorable conditions that are created after infection or inflammation. The main factors provoking cryptitis are:

  • prolonged constipation that damages the rectal mucosa;
  • prolonged diarrhea that irritates the crypt mucosa;
  • remains of undigested solid food (bones, husks, fish bones) that injure the intestinal mucosa;
  • injuries due to the presence of foreign objects in the rectum;
  • inflammatory process in the rectum or an infectious disease;
  • enlargement and inflammation of hemorrhoidal bumps.
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    cryptitis treatment reviews


At the initial stage of inflammation, the patient has common signs:

  • lowered immunity;
  • fatigue;
  • irritation and deterioration of well-being.

Signs of cryptitis may come and go periodically, depending on the state of he alth. The symptoms of cryptitis are often confused with the symptoms of hemorrhoids. As the disease progresses, characteristic signs such as:

  • acute pain and severe burning sensation in the abdomen when relaxed and increased pain during exercise and movement;
  • educationabscesses and fistulas, resulting in discomfort and a sensation of a foreign body in the rectal area;
  • fever;
  • chill;
  • hard stools with blood;
  • increased intestinal motility;
  • constipation and spasms;
  • pain during bowel movements, accompanied by bleeding;
  • loss of appetite;
  • redness, thickening and swelling of tissues in the anus;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • discharge of mucus or pus from the anus;
  • blockage of anal gland passages;
  • stress and emotional distress associated with feelings of shame;
  • other diseases and inflammations of the digestive system, as a result of the development of cryptitis (inflammation of the anal gland).
  • cryptitis symptoms treatment photo
    cryptitis symptoms treatment photo


When diagnosing a disease, the patient goes through the following stages:

  • Collecting anamnesis.
  • Inspection. Considering the patient's complaints, the doctor conducts an external examination of the genital area, and also palpates the perianal area. If the inflammation does not go beyond the crypts, then the external examination of the anus will be unchanged. Digital rectal examination reveals soreness, swelling and suppuration of the crypts.
  • Laboratory research. There are increased levels of inflammatory markers (ESR, leukocytosis).
  • Anascopy - the study is performed using a rectal mirror. Thanks to this method, you can see swelling and redness of the crypt area, the presence of white plaque and dischargepurulent secretion.
  • Sigmoidoscopy allows you to determine the integrity of the mucous membranes of the rectum and sigmoid colon. Used when comorbidities are suspected.
  • Ultrasonography. The method is performed using a rectal or vaginal probe.
  • Proctography. Refers to X-ray examination. It is carried out by introducing a contrast agent.
  • Biopsy. It is used to clarify the diagnosis in the presence of suspicious areas on the intestinal mucosa. During the anoscopy, a biopsy is taken for histology.
  • cryptitis treatment drugs
    cryptitis treatment drugs

Medicated treatment

Symptoms of the disease (inflammatory process in the anal canals and crypts), occurring in a chronic form, give the patient a lot of discomfort, and in the acute stage are characterized by intense throbbing pain and significant difficulty in defecation. Given the above, adequate, timely treatment of the symptoms of cryptitis is of particular importance.

Modern medical practice of therapy is primarily to eliminate the root causes of such a pathology, relieve the inflammatory process, relieve symptoms and pain. Below are the main directions of drug treatment, indicating the main pharmacological groups of drugs necessary for this.

Effective can be called the treatment of cryptitis with folk remedies. There are many prescriptions for therapy, but only a few are considered the most effective. For cookingtake a few tablespoons of dry chamomile, 100 ml of water and put in a water bath. Boil 15 minutes. This decoction should be poured into the bath when bathing.

There are different methods of treating the symptoms of cryptitis, the photo of which is not attached for aesthetic reasons. This is:

  1. Conservative method.
  2. Surgical intervention. If the traditional treatment of cryptitis with drugs does not work, then surgery is recommended. It is performed under local anesthesia.
  3. Radio wave method. This is the most dangerous treatment, in which it is almost impossible to avoid affecting he althy tissues. The advantage is that it helps to quickly achieve results.
  4. Infrared coagulation. The most painless method.
  5. cryptitis treatment candles
    cryptitis treatment candles


The acute stage of the development of cryptitis is characterized by a clear inflammatory process with an intoxication syndrome, moreover, cryptitis is often accompanied by purulent accumulations. Therefore, for the treatment of the described conditions, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy is necessary, which is carried out using groups of antibiotics both in tablet or injection form, and in the form of suppositories for rectal use.

When choosing a group of antibiotics for cryptitis, the attending physician, as a rule, prefers broad-spectrum drugs, namely such medicines suitable for the treatment of cryptitis, reviews of which are positive:

  • Cefotaxime;
  • "Metronidazole";
  • Gentamicin.
  • acute cryptitis symptoms and treatment
    acute cryptitis symptoms and treatment

Candles and ointments

As mentioned above, in parallel with antibiotic treatment, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out with the help of rectal suppositories and ointments, which, in addition to these properties, have an analgesic effect and eliminate discomfort.

Among the most effective and used most often, only a few drugs should be singled out. It is worthwhile to dwell on the treatment of cryptitis with candles and ointments:

  • Aurobin ointment is an anti-inflammatory drug based on prednisolone with analgesic effect, which is ensured by the presence of lidocaine hydrochloride in the preparation. The ointment has a good wound healing and reduces itching and burning effect.
  • cryptitis treatment with folk remedies
    cryptitis treatment with folk remedies
  • "Proctosan" (in the form of ointments and suppositories) is the most commonly used antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug for cryptitis. "Proctosan" is a combined remedy that restores damaged tissues, relieves burning and itching.
  • Ointment and gel "Levomikol" - a drug based on methyluracil and chloramphenicol. Effectively affects bacteria and pathogens, restores the tissues of the anus affected by the inflammatory process, and eliminates the symptoms of the disease. With cryptitis, either a gauze swab or a cotton pad soaked in Levomikol is inserted into the anus.
  • Ointment and suppositories "Proctosedyl" - a multi-component remedy that helps fight againstthe root cause of cryptitis is with hemorrhoids. In addition, the drug relieves inflammation, eliminates pain, heals wounds and cracks in the anus, improves venous circulation in the anus, has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Diphenhydramine suppositories are also widely popular, which eliminate the symptoms of cryptitis (pain, burning, fever).

Recommendations for the use of medicines

There are some recommendations for the use of rectal pharmacological preparations, namely:

  • before applying the medicine, it is recommended to empty the intestines so that in the future, when defecation does not remove the ointment or suppository from the anus;
  • the perineal and anus area should be thoroughly washed with warm non-soapy water and, if possible, take a local bath based on herbal antibacterial solutions;
  • the ointment is directly applied to the skin around the anus and inserted into the rectal canal using a special applicator;
  • candles (suppositories) are inserted into the anus.


Very often, cryptitis is the result of impaired defecation - from debilitating diarrhea to prolonged constipation. In the first case, the attending physician recommends taking sorbents and antidiarrheal drugs, including:

  • "Loperamide";
  • "Atoxil";
  • Imodium.

For constipation, laxatives are prescribed (with herbal formulations taking precedence), including:

  • Senade;
  • "Bisacodilu";
  • Lactulose.

However, it is important to note here that it is desirable to deal with constipation with the help of enemas, since laxatives cause repeated defecation, which, in turn, is an irritating factor in the rectal area. Laxatives are only recommended for persistent chronic constipation.


In order for a person's own immune system to more effectively fight and cope with the inflammatory process in the body, with cryptitis it will be useful to use immunostimulating drugs, as well as vitamin complexes.


Prevention of cryptitis, its complications and exacerbations is to maintain hygiene of the anus and involves washing the anus with cold water after each stool. This helps to reduce blood flow to the rectum. In order to prevent inflammation, you can do hot baths with a solution of potassium permanganate.

A good result is given by therapeutic exercises that improve blood circulation in the pelvic area. It is important to achieve normalization of the stool and eliminate constipation by using a dairy-vegetarian diet and proper food processing methods (boiling, stewing).

Food products that cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa should be eliminated from the menu, it is forbidden to eat fatty and fried foods, spicy, s alty, spicy and pickled dishes, carbonated drinks. It is also worth reducing the consumption of flour dishes, sweets, chocolate, strong coffee and tea.
