Buruncles on the back: causes, methods of treatment and prevention

Buruncles on the back: causes, methods of treatment and prevention
Buruncles on the back: causes, methods of treatment and prevention

The causes and treatment of furunculosis are closely related. Treatment is carried out under medical supervision. But what is this disease?

Furuncle is a purulent formation on human skin that develops due to damage to the sebaceous gland and hair follicle. In the back area, these formations most often occur due to staphylococcal or streptococcal infections. Next, we will consider what to do with a boil on the back of a child, a man or a woman.

furuncle what to do
furuncle what to do


However, dermatologists identify an additional number of causes of a boil in the back:

  • Violation of personal hygiene rules by patients and the use of low-quality care products (soap, shampoo, shower gel, etc.).
  • Regular injuries of the skin (scratches, abrasions), their incorrect and untimely processing and treatment.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Being overweight.
  • Stress experienced.
  • Overheating or hypothermia of the patient's body.
  • Hormonal imbalance in adolescence.
  • The presence of skin diseases of various etiologies in the back, accompanied by itching in this part of the body.
  • The use of a specific list of drugs, including Azathioprine, Methotrexate and others.

Thus, purulent boils on the back can be caused by completely different reasons, they require immediate medical attention.

furuncle on the back does not mature
furuncle on the back does not mature


The very first sign of a boil is a painful swelling of the skin, as inflammatory infiltration appears. The affected area begins to disturb more and more, it becomes denser, it is marked in red. This is the first stage in which the symptoms begin to progress. The following stages are distinguished by the fact that:

  • A purulent-necrotic rod is formed over the course of several days, protruding above the surface. It is a small cavity in which pus accumulates. At the same time, all signs of intoxication appear, that is, the temperature rises, he alth worsens, appetite disappears. Pain at the site of inflammation increases, some movements are painful.
  • The boil is fully ripe, so it opens. The rod and purulent discharge depart. The wound on the body remains to the depth of the lesion. Symptoms gradually decrease.
  • Healing occurs, swelling subsides, pain disappears, granulation tissue appears on the surface. The wound is scarred, but initially has a bluisha color that is getting lighter, but traces remain.
back boil ointment
back boil ointment


Skilled specialists identified three main stages in the development of this disease:

  • Infiltration. The first symptom is hyperemia, and thickening and swelling around the hair shaft also appears. As the purulent cavity grows, the pain becomes stronger.
  • Formation of a purulent rod. When the disease enters the second stage, the furuncle itself begins to rise on the surface of the skin. In the center of this formation, the head is clearly expressed. After the ripening stage has ended, the lid opens on its own, and the bulk completely comes to the surface. After that, the pain syndrome decreases.
  • Healing stage. After the rejection of the purulent rod has passed, the wound cavity remains, it gradually regenerates and is tightened by the tissue.

The transition from one stage to another can take up to 10 days, provided that the immune system has been significantly weakened. If treatment is not started in time, this can lead to complications and the formation of furunculosis or carbuncle.

large boil on the back
large boil on the back


According to the medical reference book, a furuncle is a rather dangerous purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous glands. Simply put, a boil looks like a regular pimple, only it is larger in size, and the skin around it is often very inflamed and swollen.

Despitesmall size, the boil is dangerous, it can cause a number of terrible complications. In this case, we are talking about a pimple on the back:

  • The abscess is caused by the fact that the patient did not seek help in time, and the boil was not cut to remove the pus. Thus, pus creeps deep into the subcutaneous cells, since it has no other way out.
  • Furunculosis. Often, when an infection enters one area, a rash from a large number of purulent sacs may appear.
  • Phlegmon. Again, pus penetrates the subcutaneous tissue, as the patient did not seek help.
  • Lymphadenitis is one of the most neglected complications. Inflammation occurs in the lymph nodes, often even goes to the kidneys.
  • Sepsis - Staphylococcus is out of control, spreading through the body along with the blood, damaging all organs.

Complications can occur even if you touch the boil with dirty hands, so you should immediately consult a doctor.


Furunculosis is an acute inflammatory disease of the hairline follicles. The formation of a boil is caused by an infection with the microbe staphylococcus aureus.

Excessive sweating, pollution of the skin, impaired immune processes in the body and other negative factors provoke the appearance of pathology.

The appearance of a boil is possible on any part of the skin where there are hair and sebaceous glands. The most common localization is the back and neck area.

Diagnosis of a large boil on the back is carried out according to the following symptoms:

  1. On the bodya painful, cone-shaped lump appears.
  2. The color of the skin at the site of the formation of the boil becomes reddish.
  3. A soft spot, called a "purulent head", appears in the center of the induration.
  4. At the next stage, the boil breaks through, which is accompanied by the release of pus.
  5. A rod consisting of green necrotic tissue forms at the site of the breakthrough.
  6. Within a few days, the rod, together with blood and pus, is rejected.

When the first signs of furunculosis appear, you should seek qualified medical help.

It is categorically not recommended to injure, cut or squeeze out a painful neoplasm on your own. Such actions can cause serious consequences and lead to complications in treatment.

furuncle in a child on the back
furuncle in a child on the back

Surgical treatment

Surgical therapy is very rare. As a rule, surgical treatment is resorted to when the abscess is accompanied by huge skin inflammation, the boil matures painfully and for a long time, and the stem does not separate. In this case, the doctor opens the abscess with a scalpel. The patient is given local anesthesia or the affected area is frozen with chloroethyl. It is impossible to remove the necrotic core of the boil on your own.

Surgical treatment of boils is performed according to the general laws of the treatment of dermatological abscesses and purulent inflammations. The affected area is cut off with painkillers, the abscess is cut, the rod is removed, cleaned of pus and deadfabrics. As a result, the patient has an open depression on the body, in which the abscess matured. In order for the wound to heal faster, a variety of compresses, ointments and antibiotics are prescribed.

Please note: when the furuncle on the back does not mature, surgery is the very last option of therapy. In order not to leave scars from the scalpel and deep pits from boils on the body, do not forget to take care of the cleanliness of your own body, keep the immune system at a high level. as this is a guarantee that boils will not occur.

Medication treatment

Drug treatment uses drugs that affect the MRSA strain of Staphylococcus aureus. The list of commonly used drugs in the form of tablets or capsules includes up to a dozen names.

boils on the back of men
boils on the back of men


Treatment of a furuncle on the back in men and women is possible with the help of the antimicrobial medication "Lincomycin". It exhibits a bacteriostatic effect on a relatively large number of bacteria, begins to fight infection 2-4 hours after oral administration. This medication is used in the treatment of infectious diseases of soft tissues and skin, including infected purulent wounds, abscesses, furunculosis, as well as numerous infectious diseases of bones, joints, respiratory tract and ENT organs.

For each patient, the dose of "Lincomycin" is determined by the doctor, and the usual dose for mature people is 500 mg three times a day (withthe same intervals between use). The drug should be taken thirty minutes to an hour before or 2 hours after a meal with plenty of water. The duration of the cure should not exceed 2 weeks.

The use of this substance may produce similar side effects such as vomiting, nausea, headache or pain in the hypochondrium, stool disorders, skin irritations, rash, urticaria, increased blood pressure.

With pathologies of liver and kidney function, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 6 years old, this remedy is prohibited.

back furuncle surgery
back furuncle surgery


In the treatment of furunculosis with antibiotics, doctors advise using Cefalexin. It belongs to the semi-synthetic beta-lactam drugs of the cephalosporin series. The drug is produced in the form of capsules, tablets and powder for suspension. The drug acts bactericidal. The highest plasma concentration is reached 60-90 minutes after consumption.

The average daily portion of Cefalexin is 1-4 g (the largest is 6 g), it must be taken every 6 hours. The course of therapy is 1-2 weeks. Secondary effects of this substance are manifested in the form of impotence, tremor, dizziness, dyspepsia, diarrhea, leukopenia. The use of the medicine during pregnancy is probably only under the supervision of a doctor.


Destroys microorganisms and cleanses the focus of pus that has accumulated. Her comfortableapply in the treatment at home. The ointment has not only anti-inflammatory quality, but also bactericidal, has a healing effect. The drug functions on the basis of the destruction of the protein synthesis of the microorganisms themselves, which die as a result. The drug contributes to the rapid recovery of tissues due to the stimulation of intracellular metabolic processes. A sterile gauze bandage is impregnated with ointment and applied to the boil. Change bandages every day.

Vishnevsky's ointment

It is widely used in the treatment of boils, has anti-inflammatory properties, it is comfortable to use at home. In addition, it has bactericidal properties, well improves the process of tissue renewal. Ointment from the boil on the back has an excellent healing result. Used in the form of lotions, tampons, compresses. Apply in a thick layer to the focus of infection and fix. A similar operation is done 3-4 times a day, disinfecting the wound before each time. In no case should they be used during the period of rupture or maturation of the boil, as it weakens the walls of the abscess, contributes to the threat of the formation of a parenteral abscess - an abscess.

Pine baths

Needles are a variation of the foliage of evergreen trees. Among other things, the needles contain the following elements: tannins, vitamin C, essential oils. Folk remedies for a boil on the back based on pine needles are quite effective.

Therefore, if you make a bath and add cones or branches of pine needles, then such a bath will have a general tonic result, it will help you bothget rid of boils, and remove the pain from their maturation. It is possible to simply buy coniferous oil in a pharmacy, but still a natural decoction of pine needles will be more effective.

If the skin is dry and there is a constant rash on it, then spread it with a decoction of kirkazon. Kirkazon is a herbaceous plant, it comes across everywhere: in forests, along river banks, in meadows; blooms from May to July. This plant includes approximately the same as the needles: essential oil, vitamins and tannins.


Those who do not know what to do with a boil on the back, if there are no funds in the first-aid kit, this method is recommended. It is necessary to combine and stir one egg yolk, a spoonful of ordinary butter, but certainly dissolved, then add flour. The dough should not come out very thick, but such that it does not spread.

Fix the dough to the affected area with a bandage. Change the bandage 2-3 times a day. You can save the mass in the refrigerator.

As soon as you need the dough again, you simply need to take it out of the refrigerator. As a rule, therapy takes a short time, in the latter case, you simply need to wait a little, but still no more than a couple of days.


In order to prevent and prevent the appearance of a boil, several preventive measures must be taken:

  1. Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene, Especially for those people who suffer from oily skin: it is necessary to prevent clogging of pores and s alt glands.
  2. It is worth avoiding colds andhypothermia.
  3. Need to give up bad habits.
  4. In case of damage to the skin, treat in time to prevent infection.
  5. It is necessary to carry out and eliminate infectious lesions in a timely manner.
  6. Follow the diet: it must be balanced.
  7. In order to prevent the appearance of a boil on the back and on any other part of the body, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, lead a proper lifestyle.
  8. We need to control body weight, obesity can lead to frequent boils.

It is necessary to prevent this disease so as not to cause serious complications. Self-medication is not recommended, as it can aggravate the situation, and this will lead to serious problems.

As you can see, the causes and treatment of furunculosis are quite diverse. The main thing is to follow the doctor's recommendations, and then a quick recovery will come.
