Faced with the problem of rhinitis, or, as it is popularly called, the common cold, many do not suspect that the disease is serious and requires treatment. The reason is that a runny nose most often passes very quickly. It is enough to use widely used nasal sprays and drops. However, this is not always the case.

Sinusitis is a complication of classic rhinitis
In some cases, a common cold is complicated by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. This happens due to the accumulation of mucus in them, as well as the ingress of microbes and bacteria. As a result, suppuration of mucus occurs and, as a result, the formation of pus in the maxillary sinuses.
After a certain period of time, characteristic symptoms of sinusitis appear: weakness, loss of efficiency, fever, throbbing pain in the head and in the temples. Sinusitis is a rather complex disease that requires serious treatment, up to surgical intervention. Untimely started therapy threatens with serious complications:blood poisoning, the development of meningitis, decreased visual acuity. And today we will talk about what kind of sinusitis pills exist.
Complex approach to the treatment of sinusitis
Since sinusitis is a complex disease, accompanied by a whole bunch of symptoms, the approach to its treatment should also be comprehensive, taking into account the elimination of all manifestations of the disease. How to treat sinusitis, which groups of pills can be used?
First of all, it is necessary to remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa. It is the swelling of the mucous membrane that prevents the regular removal of purulent accumulations to the outside. The complex therapy of sinusitis includes various decongestants, such as "Nazol", "Oxymetazoline". It should be understood that these drugs are symptomatic, but not curative, so their use leads to complete recovery, provided that they are combined with other drugs.
Given that sinusitis is accompanied by a severe headache and fever, doctors strongly recommend non-narcotic analgesics, in particular Ibuprofen, Naproxen and Aspirin, in the treatment of the disease. When prescribing drugs, contraindications and restrictions to their use, including age ones, are necessarily taken into account.

Appoint otolaryngologists in the treatment of sinusitis and mucolytic drugs, which are quite effective. Mucolytics have the ability to thin the mucus in the maxillarysinuses, which contributes to an easier discharge of pus. The most effective tablets for sinusitis are Mucodin, Fluimucil and Guaifenesin. However, mucolytic drugs are prohibited for patients under the age of 18.
But the main remedy in the treatment of sinusitis of bacterial genesis, taking into account the severity of the disease, are antibiotics.
Antibiotics in the treatment of sinusitis
Antibiotics for sinusitis in tablets can only be picked up by a doctor. Previously, the patient is assigned a smear analysis of the contents of the maxillary sinuses, which is necessary to determine the nature of pathogenic bacteria. Let's look at the most commonly prescribed antibiotics for sinusitis in tablets. The list is quite extensive.
This drug is very popular in the treatment of sinusitis. The reason for its special demand is the directed action on microorganisms that parasitize on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. The drug is able to disrupt the life cycle of bacteria, which eliminates the possibility of their further reproduction.
These sinus pills have several side effects, including nausea, vomiting, upset stools. An allergic reaction to the components of the drug in the form of a rash and itching is possible. In some cases, candidiasis may develop.

Another broad-spectrum antibiotic. Augmentin has a destructive effect on bacteria, disrupting the synthesis regime. This drug is used not only in the treatment of sinusitis, but also in the treatment of many other inflammatory diseases. Side effects of this remedy may be disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
Modern drug for the treatment of sinusitis, presented on the pharmaceutical market. In general, this is an excellent antibiotic for sinusitis. 3 tablets of the drug make up the full course of administration (one for three days). The medication is not recommended for severe kidney and liver disease.

The remedy is also an effective antibiotic in the treatment of sinusitis. The advantage of this drug is that it is very quickly able to penetrate into the bloodstream, which means that it starts working almost immediately. These sinusitis tablets can be prescribed to patients prone to allergic reactions. In acute forms of the disease, recovery occurs as soon as possible. There is a persistent remission in the treatment of chronic sinusitis.
The use of "Macrofoam" will help to avoid surgical intervention. The main condition is that the drug should be used from the first days of the disease.
Flemoxin Solutab
The drug differs from other antibiotics in that it has practically no effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, but at the same time it has an effective effect on pathogens. Contraindications to taking the medicine are mainly age related: the drug is not prescribed for the elderly.

Another drug that has a wide range of antibacterial action, and therefore successfully used by doctors in the treatment of diseases - "Amoxiclav". It has a destructive effect on the bacterial wall, as a result of which it collapses and dies.
The drug is prescribed not only for the treatment of sinusitis. Effectively treated with "Amoxiclav" and otitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as other inflammatory diseases. But the remedy has a lot of side effects and is completely contraindicated in kidney diseases.
The drug also proved to be excellent as an antibiotic for sinusitis. 3 tablets of the drug (take one per day) already significantly alleviate the condition. The full course is seven days.
"Isofra" - nasal spray-antibiotic
In cases where it is difficult for a patient to take tablet forms, doctors will prescribe an antibiotic in the form of a spray - Isofra. Apply the drug by injection into each nostril. In this case, the dosage is prescribed individually, depending on the severity of the disease. The product is used no longer than 10 days.
The medicine has practically no contraindications. Do not use it only in cases where a preliminary analysis showed the ineffectiveness of using Isofra for treatment. The drug is also used in children, for this it is enough just to remove the dispenser and use the spray in the same way as drops in the nose.

Antivirals and sinusitis
Treatment with antibiotics (tablets that are used for antibiotic therapy, we have already considered) is not the only way to deal with the disease, because sinusitis can be not only bacterial in nature. Inflammation of the sinuses caused by viruses requires the use of other drugs. These are various antiviral agents. In this case, the drugs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, aimed specifically at the focus of inflammation. The edema associated with the disease subsides, and the discharge of pus from the paranasal sinuses is facilitated.
One of these drugs is "Sinupret". This herbal remedy belongs to the group of secretolytics. Due to its ability to thin and remove mucus from inflammation, it is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. Tablets from sinusitis "Sinupret" are an excellent remedy for both acute and chronic forms of the disease. A rather complex composition of the drug provides a multilateral effect on the focus of inflammation.
In addition to the anti-inflammatory action, "Sinupret" also has a pronounced antibacterial effect, it is also an immunomodulator. Take the drug for two weeks. The advantage of the treatment is that "Sinupret" is a herbal preparation.
The remedy has no wide range of contraindications. With caution, it is recommended to use it for hepatic pathologies, as well as against the background ofdrinking alcohol. Do not use Sinupret to treat children under two years of age, even if they have acute sinusitis.

Treatment (tablets, note, should be prescribed by a doctor) of this disease cannot be started, since this very unpleasant disease can cause many complications.