Skin integuments in animals, as well as in humans, often suffer from defects of various etiologies. There are cases in which the disease is transmitted from animals to humans, so veterinary drugs can be used for therapy. Ointment "Yam" is a veterinary drug for demodicosis. A drug that is used to treat skin ailments in humans is also Yam Bk in the form of an ointment. This is a fairly highly effective drug intended for topical use.

Main properties of this drug
Ointment "Yam" is a veterinary drug intended to get rid of demodicosis. According to the manual, it belongs to non-hazardous substances and does not produce a toxic effect on the body. Due to this, such an ointment can be used to treat demodicosis in humans. Thanks to the components included in the composition, this drug is endowed with the following properties:
- It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal and antiparasitic properties.
- Thisthe medicine disinfects the affected areas of the epidermis.
- May have a local anesthetic effect.
- Promotes rapid healing.
Pathogenic organisms with parasites can multiply well in a humid environment, so the presented medicinal product includes substances that have a strong drying effect. Owners of sensitive and dry skin should use this remedy with extreme caution in order to prevent severe flaking and excessive dehydration. In addition, this drug is endowed with a bright and pronounced specific odor due to its sulfur, zinc oxide and tar. People with chronic migraines and those who are sensitive to irritating odors should limit the amount of time they apply this product.
Next, we will find out in what cases and under what diseases this therapeutic ointment can be used for human therapy.

Indications for the use of medicinal ointment
Indications for the use of Yam ointment for people are the following diseases:
- Presence of demodicosis and other skin diseases caused by mites.
- The appearance of eczema, that is, an inflammatory disease, accompanied by a rash, itching and severe burning.
- Development of trichophytosis, which is a fungal disease better known as ringworm.
- Appearance of rosacea or rosacea.
Instructions for Yam ointment are very detailed.
The composition of this medicationfunds
The manufacturer indicates that this product is a low-toxic, fungicidal and bactericidal preparation, which is a thick composition of a dense consistency. The components of the ointment give it a pungent odor. This product contains ingredients in the form of salicylic acid, zinc oxide, sulfur, tar, coal creolin, lanolin, turpentine and petroleum jelly.
The components are selected in such a way that the ointment promotes softening, and at the same time, rejection of the upper skin layer, rapid healing, destruction of parasites and acts as an excellent antiseptic that has an acaricidal effect. This ointment quite effectively fights the causative agent of trichophytosis and scabies, and in addition, treats eczema along with microsporia, dermatitis and other diseases. This remedy is used to treat animals and humans.

Ointment "Yam Bk": instructions for humans
This remedy for humans is used in the treatment of diseases arising from various ticks:
- If you have rosacea. At the same time, the skin of the person's face turns red, pink rashes appear, gradually transforming into small abscesses and tubercles. The risk group includes women in their thirties with red hair, as well as those with fair skin.
- With demodicosis. Human skin becomes earthy and gray, and in addition, bumpy. Acne occurs along with irritation, peeling, redness, eyelids overflow with blood, and people quickly get tired. Scales appear at the roots of the eyelashes, along which you can visuallyrecognize this disease. What is another use of Yam Bq ointment?
- With lichen. This is an infectious skin disease. It is usually characterized by lesions of the skin and the appearance of nodular formations. This disease is often transmitted from animals to humans, it occurs with reduced immunity, stress, and it is also likely to manifest itself after a blood transfusion.
Immediately before the procedure for applying the Yam ointment, you need to wash your face with an antiseptic. It is applied in a thin layer on the problem area of the face and he althy areas near it. Manufacturers recommend rubbing the product into the skin. Ointment "Yam Bk" is applied to the skin twice. The course of therapy can take up to two months. This tool gives results after just one week of use. Stir this ointment thoroughly before use.
This confirms the instructions for use for the Yam Bk ointment.

Using a drug for demodicosis
After treating the face, this medical product is applied to damaged areas of the skin. The first three days of the course of therapy, it is necessary to wash off the medicinal composition no later than five minutes after application, on the fourth day the time interval must be increased to ten minutes, and on the fifth day to fifteen minutes. The presence of this medication on the face for a long time can cause irritation and burns. This remedy is removed with tampons using vegetable oil, and then with warmwater.
Using a drug for lichen
Ointment "Yam Bk" for people is used for the treatment of weeping lichen, and in addition, for the treatment of trichophytosis and eczema. Immediately before applying this remedy, the lichen is treated with iodine. In this disease, in no case should the crusts be removed. This ointment is applied in a thick layer on and around the affected area of the skin. The agent is washed off only immediately before the next application. It is impossible to glue the affected area. In order to prevent smearing of the medicine, you can attach a napkin or bandage. The course of therapy lasts about one month.
Using acne medicine
In order to achieve the best effect, it is recommended to wash your face with tar soap or antiseptic agents. After preparing the skin, the medicine is applied with point movements to the places with defects. In the first few days of therapy, this ointment should be applied for five minutes, and then for ten, gradually bringing the application to fifteen minutes. An overdose of the ointment sometimes causes burns with redness.

The main stages of treatment with this ointment
The use of any therapeutic agent is a responsible step, so be sure to read the instructions and test for sensitivity to medicinal components. Ointment "Yam" for the treatment of people is used in this way:
- First, cleansing is done. Before applying the product, you need to cleanse the skin of makeup and other impurities. You can use the usualmake-up remover, then rinse your face with cool water. Moisture should be blotted with a towel or paper towels.
- Preparation for use. In the event that a new bottle has recently been purchased, you should make sure that the expiration date of the medicine has not yet expired. An open jar is stored for no more than fourteen days. It is necessary to mix the contents until a homogeneous mass appears using an applicator or a cotton swab.
- Ointment "Yam" is applied pointwise to acne and pimples, and then it is easily rubbed with a thin layer around the affected area. On the first day of the treatment course, the drug is applied for five minutes, then wiped with a cotton pad, which is moistened with any base oil. Do not apply this product like a regular cream, otherwise you will not be able to avoid the appearance of very strong peeling.
- After applying, you need to wash with cool water, but do not rub the skin with a towel or hands. Also, do not apply any cosmetics for the next hour.

Contraindications to the use of ointment
Ointment "Yam" for a person, although applicable, has the following contraindications:
- The presence of intolerance and hypersensitivity of the body in relation to any of the components of the medicinal product.
- Having increased hair growth.
- Using other topical preparations.
- This ointment is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
- This remedy cannot beuse by children under six.
- The appearance of an allergic reaction after application.
Ointment price
This bactericidal ointment is sold in veterinary pharmacies and can also be ordered online. The price of this tool directly depends on the size of the package and the place of purchase. The dermatological drug in question is a common remedy, due to which there will most likely not be any difficulties in purchasing it from buyers.
If you buy online, you need to carefully check the date of manufacture upon receipt of your order. The fact is that this medicinal product with an expired expiration date is likely to cause irreparable harm to the patient. The cost of the ointment ranges from 150 to 300 rubles.
Side effects of drug use
According to the instructions for use for the Yam ointment, its use for skin diseases may be associated with the manifestation of possible side effects. So, it is possible to observe the following negative reactions:
- The appearance of irritation.
- The occurrence of allergic reactions.
- The appearance of a chemical burn.

If the patient has an individual sensitivity to any of the ingredients, allergic reactions may occur in the form of itching, redness, burning, rash or small blisters. Therefore, it is very important to perform a sensitivity test before starting treatment for the disease.
Burn possible only if used incorrectlydrug. Most often, something similar happens if you keep the remedy longer than the set time. Provided that the rules are followed, the risks of burns are minimal. If you experience dizziness, nausea or any other ailment, you must immediately stop therapy, and then be sure to consult a doctor.