"Furasol": instructions for use, price and reviews

"Furasol": instructions for use, price and reviews
"Furasol": instructions for use, price and reviews

During infectious diseases of the oral cavity, doctors prescribe a wide variety of medicines. "Furasol", the instruction for the use of which is quite simple, is applied topically or externally, but in no case inside. And of course, you should definitely consult your doctor before taking it.

furasol instructions for use
furasol instructions for use

What kind of drug

The active substance in the drug "Furasol", instructions for use of which will be presented in detail below, is furazidin. It is a finely crystalline yellowish powder with a bitter aftertaste. Actually, "Furasol" (instructions for use is attached to each package) is just a trade name. In fact, this is the same drug that is used for gargling and mouthwash. In some cases, it is prescribed to treat an infected open wound.

Dose form and cost

"Furasol", the price of which ranges from 250-500 rubles per package (depending on the volume), is available in the form of a powder forsolution preparation. It is noteworthy that when it comes into contact with an open wound or mucous membrane, it does not cause irritation. But only if there are no contraindications. And there are a lot of them, by the way.

furasol instruction
furasol instruction


You need to familiarize yourself with them before purchasing Furasol. The instruction to it says that it should not be taken by pregnant women at any time (in any of the trimesters of pregnancy). The same applies to nursing mothers, as well as children whose age is less than four years. In addition, those who suffer from allergic dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases should avoid the drug. And of course people with hypersensitivity too.

When Furasol is prescribed

Instructions for use indicates that infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx are especially successfully stopped with this drug. Many otolaryngologists prescribe a powder for preparing a solution in cases where a favorable environment for the development of microbes is just beginning to form. That is, at the initial stages of diseases.

furasol instructions for use price
furasol instructions for use price

Furasol. Instructions for use

The powder is diluted only immediately before taking, the finished solution cannot be stored. To prepare it, you need to pour a bag of "Furasol" with a glass (standard - 200 ml) of warm water. Not hot and not cold. The powder is well stirred, and then the throat is gargled with the finished solution.within three days. Per day, the oral cavity and throat are treated three times a day. After the procedure, it is not recommended to drink or eat for half an hour.

Treatment of wounds with the drug

If "Furasol" is prescribed in order to wash open or postoperative wounds with it, then it is bred in the same way as for rinsing. However, the temperature is somewhat lower, so as not to cause unnecessary inconvenience and discomfort. In addition, clean gauze dressings are soaked in the solution and then applied to the wounds for some time (60-90 minutes, constantly renewing). Since furazidin has antimicrobial properties, it helps protect soft tissues from infection.

furasol price
furasol price

How to treat a child's throat

Baby, whose age does not exceed seven years, it is quite difficult to independently rinse the mouth with high quality. Therefore, you can resort to some trick: the furazidin solution is drawn into a syringe, from which it is sprayed into the mouth. The throat is treated in the same way if it hurts or is inconvenient for the child to gargle it on his own. The main thing is that he does not swallow the drug. After the procedure, you need to wait half an hour, after which you can give a drink of clean boiled water.

Throat treatment reviews

Many who have tested the powder based on furazidin were satisfied with the result. Some say that even a complicated sore throat goes away much faster if you regularly gargle with Furasol. So, purulent formations in the pharynx dissolve faster under the influence of antimicrobialremedies, and inflammation and swelling subside after just a few treatments. That is why many who suffer from chronic throat diseases have such a drug as Furasol in their first-aid kit, instructions for use, the price and main component of which are described above.

Treatment of children with drug

Many parents, at the first symptoms of throat diseases, try to stop the spread of the infection on their own, with the help of folk remedies. Pediatricians strongly recommend not to do this if the pharynx is already inflamed and swollen. That is why children who are over four years old are prescribed Furasol for daily rinsing. The drug really helps not only to relieve symptoms, such as lozenges or herbal infusions, but also to destroy foci of microbes in a matter of hours.
