Risk CVE grade 4 - what is it? Hypertonic disease. Cardiovascular Complications

Risk CVE grade 4 - what is it? Hypertonic disease. Cardiovascular Complications
Risk CVE grade 4 - what is it? Hypertonic disease. Cardiovascular Complications

This article will consider the risk of CVE grade 4. What it is will become clear.

Degrees of hypertension

CVD are considered as complications of the cardiovascular system. These include hypertension. A hypertensive crisis (blood pressure rises sharply) can develop in patients, regardless of the stage of hypertension. Often, a hypertensive crisis is accompanied by flies in the eyes, nausea, severe throbbing headaches, and severe dizziness. In the event of a hypertensive crisis, an ambulance should be called immediately. There are several degrees of severity of this disease. Consider them in more detail.

1 degree (light)

risk sso 4 degree what is it
risk sso 4 degree what is it

The first stage is characterized by constant surges in pressure, it first rises, and then returns to normal on its own. The first stage of hypertension most often occurs due to strongunrest, with nervous overstrain caused by the stress hormone. With grade 1 hypertension, blood pressure often rises to 140–159/90–99 mmHg.

There is a risk of CVE grade 4. What it is will be discussed below.

2 degree (moderate)

Hypertension of the 2nd degree is characterized by an increase in pressure to 160–179/100–109 mm Hg. Art. This stage of the disease is characterized by the fact that blood pressure is much less likely to return to normal on its own. Moreover, periods of normal pressure readings are extremely short-lived. This stage of hypertension usually begins with headaches. This may include compressive or stabbing pains in the heart that radiate to the left hand.

3 degree (severe)

hypertension symptoms and treatment
hypertension symptoms and treatment

In stage 3 hypertension, there is a pressure of 180 to 110 mm Hg. Art. and higher. It is characterized by consistently high blood pressure and with a decrease in performance, a person feels weak. As a rule, this stage is characterized by disorders of the heart, brain or kidneys. Memory impairment, chest pain, poor concentration, and other symptoms may also occur.

This is what hypertension is. Symptoms and treatment will be discussed at the end of the article.

Hypertension: Risks

Who can develop diseases of the cardiovascular system? The following factors increase the risk of developing hypertension: genetic predisposition, chronic fatigue, sedentary lifestyle. Treatment of the cardiovascular system is 3 times more likely to require sedentary people thanactive. What are the risks of developing hypertension?

  • Stress. In most cases, hypertension is caused by an increase in the level of the stress hormone adrenaline. This hormone in the process of affecting the body narrows the lumen of the blood vessels. The result is an increase in the load on the heart, as the heart muscle ejects more blood and increases pressure on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Smoking. Doctors often treat arterial hypertension in smokers. Stroke and myocardial infarction are 50-70% more common in hypertensive patients who cannot quit smoking.
  • Diabetes. Many people are interested in the risk levels of CVS. With insufficient secretion of the hormone insulin, there is a metabolic disorder in the body. This can eventually cause the deposition of a fatty substance, cholesterol, on the wall of the artery, leading to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and atherosclerosis.
  • Obesity. The risk of CCO grade 4 (what it is, we will consider below) occurs most often due to excess weight. Fat can be deposited inside blood vessels and on the surface of organs. These accumulations narrow the artery, resulting in a violation of blood flow in it. As a result, an increased load is placed on the cardiovascular system, the walls of blood vessels protrude, become thinner and can burst, which can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

    disability due to hypertension
    disability due to hypertension
  • Taking pills. This includes the use of drugs that reduce appetite, oral contraceptives of high hormones, anti-inflammatory drugs and some othermedicines. More often, hypertension develops in older women who smoke and are overweight, taking oral contraceptives. If symptoms of cardiovascular disease appear, you should consult with a cardiologist or gynecologist about the need to stop taking hormones.
  • Excessive s alt intake. Water balance in the body is regulated by sodium. When you consume a lot of s alty foods or s alt, excess sodium and excess fluid are retained in the body, increasing pressure and creating swelling. In large doses, s alt can lead to high blood pressure. Then a diagnosis of "hypertension" is made.
  • High cholesterol. Elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood cause deposits on the walls of blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques. Over time, the lumen of the artery becomes narrower, and the number of plaques increases, resulting in the development of atherosclerosis. Under the influence of this disease, the vessels of the large and small circles of blood circulation are affected.
  • Climax. The hormones of the gonads have a significant effect with age. This is called climacteric hypertension. During postmenopausal women, hormone replacement therapy can be prescribed if there was no hypertension when taking COCs. However, this does not eliminate the need to monitor blood pressure.
  • Age. As people get older, there is a risk of grade 4 CVD. What is it, we will tell further. Older people over 50 need blood pressure therapy much more often than younger people, which is associated with the deterioration of their cardiovascular system and frequenther exposure to atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases.
  • Disrupted work of the endocrine and nervous systems. Hormones play an important role in regulating blood pressure. The hormones of the pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, and adrenal glands have the greatest effect. It is worth doing a hormonal analysis in the case when a blood test showed a normal cholesterol level. Hypertension can be caused by hormones if relatives of CVD diseases were not. When approving the diagnosis of hypertension, the specialist will also indicate the next 10 years of risk of stroke or heart attack. There are four degrees of risk, depending on the stage of hypertension and the possibility of its development.

Low (1st) risk

Complications in patients with 1 risk group of hypertension occur in less than 15% of cases. This group includes patients without the above risk factors.

Medium (2nd) risk level

2nd level of risk indicates hypertension of the 2nd degree, and complications in these patients occur in 15-20% of cases. If one or two of the indicators described above are present, patients of the first stage are also included in the 2nd risk group.

High (3rd) risk

Do they apply for disability with hypertension? Let's figure it out.

first aid for hypertension
first aid for hypertension

This group includes patients with a severe stage of the disease. Even if risk factors such as diabetes, obesity and others are absent in patients with grade 3 hypertension, they fall into the 3rd risk group. This isindicates that a stroke or heart attack can occur with a probability of 20-30%. Hypertension of the 3rd degree can be in patients with the first or second stages of the development of the disease in the presence of a large number of the above risk factors. Often, the presence of hypertension at risk level 3 can mean that the patient is developing kidney or heart failure.

Very high (4th) risk level

The probability of a heart attack or stroke over the next 10 years is over 30% in patients with grade 4 hypertension. Level 4 risk for hypertension disease 3 degrees are patients with diabetes mellitus, smokers or with other factors from the list above. The greater the number of indicators, the more likely a stroke or heart attack. Disability for severe hypertension can be issued.

Clinical associated conditions

  • Loss of the fundus vessels (swelling of the optic nerve, hemorrhage).
  • Disorders of the heart (shortness of breath, chest pain).
  • Vascular diseases (protrusion of vessel walls, dissection of the aorta).
  • Diseases of the brain (memory impairment, dizziness, headaches, circulatory disorders).
  • Failures of the kidneys (swelling of the limbs, low urine production).

Hypertension is very dangerous. Symptoms and treatment are often linked.

Hypertension treatment

What are the basic principles of therapy? An appointment is prescribed on an ongoing basis for drugs that reduce blood pressure. Also, medicines with prolonged action, which are enough to drink once a day.

hypertension risks
hypertension risks

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases is successful in the following cases:

  • When adjusting nutrition. If any stage of hypertension occurs, the patient must follow a diet. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweet, starchy and fatty foods, since, according to statistics, the cardiovascular system most often suffers in overweight people. To preserve the he alth of blood vessels, you also need to limit s alt intake. Spices and herbs can be added to dishes to make them less bland. Nutrition for hypertension (high blood pressure) should be carefully thought out.
  • Quitting cigarettes. In a he althy vessel, blood cells and erythrocytes move freely enough, since it is quite wide. In people who smoke, the lumen of a vein or artery narrows, which leads to agglutination of red blood cells, resulting in the formation of lumps that settle on the walls of the arteries or veins and interfere with blood circulation. Over time, the artery and blood vessels will become clogged, resulting in death. When blood circulation is disturbed in the coronary arteries that feed the heart, heart failure develops. Statistics show that when quitting smoking, treatment with arterial hypertension medications is much more effective.
  • Reduce anxiety. Cardiovascular complications also develop due to stress. It has already been mentioned above that the release of adrenaline, that is, the influence of hormones, is a fairly common cause that causes vasospasm. For the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary not to be nervous about trifles. In leadership positionsthe risk of hypertension is much higher because there is more stress, which is a scientifically proven fact.
  • Physical exercise. If the work is sedentary, then during treatment it is necessary to gradually increase physical activity. The heart muscle is helped to train by constant physical education. In unprepared people, shortness of breath appears and the heart rate becomes more frequent at the slightest exertion, resulting in increased blood pressure. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment of hypertension, you need to devote 10-15 minutes of physical exercise daily.
  • Potassium levels. The trace element potassium contributes to the normal functioning of the heart, or rather regulates the contraction of the heart muscle. Including he is involved in the formation of electrical impulses in maintaining the heart rhythm. The normal rhythm of a he althy adult is 60-75 beats / min. If there is not enough potassium in the body, arrhythmia occurs, disturbances in the heart rhythm of contractions. It is necessary to increase the consumption of dried fruits: apricot, peach dried apricots, dried cherries, prunes, raisins for heart he alth and increase the effectiveness of CVS treatment.
  • The use of vitamins C and E. C is a vitamin that strengthens the walls of arteries and other blood vessels, and E helps to increase their elasticity. To treat the vascular system and maintain vascular he alth, it is necessary to consume raw fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help to save and short heat treatment. Nutrition for hypertension (high blood pressure) plays an important role.

Hypertensive crisis: first aid

If a person hassymptoms of the development of a hypertensive crisis, it is necessary:

pressure 180 over 110
pressure 180 over 110
  • Calm down and interrupt physical activity. Lie down or sit down with your head up, measure your blood pressure.
  • If you have high blood pressure or if this is the first time you have a hypertensive crisis, call an ambulance immediately.
  • Measure blood pressure every 20-30 minutes, making notes in a diary.
  • If this hypertensive crisis is repeated and you already know the drugs that help, you need to try to lower your blood pressure yourself by taking the medication recommended by your doctor in case the blood pressure rises sharply.

What else is first aid for a hypertensive crisis?

  • You can use drugs from the home medicine cabinet that are fast acting: Clonidine 0.075mg, Nifedepine 10mg, Captopril 25mg.
  • It is better if the pressure decreases gradually and returns to normal in 2-6 hours, depending on the initial level. After an hour, if the pressure remains high, more than 180/100 mmHg, you need to drink the medicine again.
  • When angina (chest pain) occurs, take nitroglycerin under the tongue (tablet or spray). If necessary, the reception is repeated several times until the pain stops. Angina pectoris lasting more than half an hour after taking nitroglycerin may be a sign of myocardial infarction.

First aid for a hypertensive crisis should be provided immediately.

  • When a feeling of fear or nervous excitement appears before a crisis or against its backgroundit is necessary to take a sedative ("Valocordin", "Valerian tincture" or "Corvalol").
  • Outdated or ineffective means, such as "Dibazol", "No-shpy", "Papazol", "Drotaverin", "Baralgin", "Spasmalgon" and other improvised means should not be used. This will only worsen the condition and prolong the hypertensive crisis.
  • Elderly patients should not have their blood pressure lowered dramatically in a short period of time. Dizziness, drowsiness and weakness can be signs of insufficient blood supply to the brain, which can lead to a stroke.

    nutrition for high blood pressure
    nutrition for high blood pressure
  • Ambulance should be called immediately if this is the first occurrence of a hypertensive crisis; there were symptoms of retrosternal pain, dizziness, severe shortness of breath, interruptions in the work of the heart, weakness, impaired movement of the limbs; hypertensive crisis dragged on after taking medication.

When you managed to cope with the help of emergency doctors or on your own with a hypertensive crisis, you should definitely contact a cardiologist or therapist.

After all, hypertension is very dangerous. Risk 4 - in particular.
