Liver cancer: symptoms, stages, treatment, life prognosis

Liver cancer: symptoms, stages, treatment, life prognosis
Liver cancer: symptoms, stages, treatment, life prognosis

The incidence of cancer in recent years has been growing at an alarming rate. Knowing how such diseases manifest themselves, you can suspect something is wrong in time and seek help from a doctor, because it is at the initial stage that it is easiest to cope with a malignant neoplasm. By focusing on the early symptoms of liver cancer, you can save your life and minimize its quality in the future. Let's consider how this terrible disease manifests itself, how you can notice it, with the manifestation of what deviations from the norm it is worth going to the doctor.

General information

There are two types of cancer in the liver:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

The first option is a tumor that forms from the cells of an organ, the second is metastases that have penetrated here from other tissues affected by malignant processes. Medical statistics show: if symptoms, manifestations of cancer became the reason for going to the doctorliver, most likely we are talking about a secondary pathology - its occurrence is ten times higher. It is in the liver that metastases are most often found if a malignant neoplasm has developed anywhere in the body. This is due to the physiological functions of the organ, the characteristics of its blood supply.

liver cancer symptoms in women
liver cancer symptoms in women

What to look out for?

The symptoms of liver cancer at an early stage are almost invisible, so patients rarely see a doctor on time. The clinical picture is very weak, and the disease progresses at a high rate. Even if the patient comes to the clinic for examination, it is very difficult to identify the cause of the complaints - the symptoms are nonspecific, so it is extremely problematic to determine what caused them. There are a lot of cases when it was possible to make a diagnosis only at the last stage of the disease - the picture was so blurred earlier, while the patient was observed by doctors for quite a long time.

Usually the patient's attention manifestations, symptoms of liver cancer attract a couple of months after the onset of the disease. The very first signs rarely cause concern, many mistake them for deviations caused by lifestyle or age. Of every three patients, two complain of abdominal pain and weight loss. Loss of appetite in cancer. More than 50% of all patients independently, without specific diagnosis, understand that the liver has become larger in size. This is due to the bursting sensation that haunts the area under the ribs on the right.

Know the enemy by sight

Described symptoms and signs of liver cancerin the early stages of the disease are characteristic of many other pathologies. Most often the disease is confused with:

  • gallstones;
  • exacerbations of chronic pathologies;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis.

Only when the neoplasm reaches a very large size, specific symptoms appear that allow an accurate diagnosis of oncology. At the same time, the liver is already enlarged in size so much that it compresses nearby structures - this is precisely what becomes the main reason to suspect cancer.

liver cancer signs and symptoms
liver cancer signs and symptoms

Manifestations: what to look for?

First symptoms, signs of liver cancer include:

  • sluggishness;
  • weakness;
  • decrease in performance;
  • fatigue;
  • increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • nosebleeds;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • prone to edema;
  • jaundice.

Many patients report fever, impaired stool. Anemia often accompanies cancer. Up to half of all patients who came to the hospital with the first symptoms of liver cancer complained of a pulling pain syndrome that occurs under the ribs on the right. Sometimes the pain radiates to the lower back. Such a syndrome does not bother continuously, but appears from time to time, more often - while walking, during physical exertion, activity. With the progress of the disease, the pain becomes permanent, the strength is rated as moderate.

If the first symptoms of liver cancer were ignored and pathologyprogresses, the functionality of the organ is impaired. Bile is not processed by liver cells; instead, the substance is excreted into the intestinal tract. This causes a change in the color of the skin and mucous membranes to yellowish, in some cases - bright yellow. The skin begins to itch and dry, the dryness of the mucous membranes, and the violation of the stool are disturbing. In some patients, subfebrile temperature is constantly maintained, in others the fever reaches 39 degrees. At first, the attacks are short-term, over time they become more frequent and longer, in the last stage the fever does not subside in principle.

Secondary cancer

As medical statistics show, up to 90% of all cases of malignant organ damage are precisely a secondary pathology, that is, metastases that have come to the liver from other parts of the body. It is in the liver that they are observed most often - because of its functionality, the organ is highly susceptible to them. Signs and symptoms of liver cancer are more often observed if malignant processes are colorectal or have affected the esophagus, mammary gland, pancreas. Manifestations are determined by what kind of disease was the primary, as well as the stage and characteristics of the metastasis process.

liver cancer early symptoms
liver cancer early symptoms

Diagnosis: how to check?

If there is a suspicion of signs, symptoms of liver cancer, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to clarify the condition. Primary diagnosis is a very difficult task, since at first the disease does not manifest itself as some special features peculiar only to it. Usually you don't have to waitreferrals from a therapist, but you need to make an appointment with an oncologist yourself if you suspect a malignant tumor. Most doctors of other speci alties do not have a high level of oncological alertness, even if they are really highly qualified specialists. The chances are especially small that cancer will be suspected in non-specific symptoms if a young patient comes to the appointment. However, the problem is that not only professionals, but also ordinary people can rarely assume that cancer is the cause of disturbing he alth problems.

As shown by numerous case histories, if weight loss becomes a symptom of liver cancer, the patient goes to a general practitioner, with stomach pains - to a gastroenterologist. Sometimes patients visit other highly specialized doctors, but they go to the oncologist last. At the appointment, the doctor interviews the patient, clarifies the features of life, previous pathologies, prescribes instrumental examinations, tests. The highest probability at this stage to identify a malignant disease, if all possible studies of biological fluids have been made.

When analyzing blood for biochemistry, you can see an overestimated concentration of liver enzymes, bilirubin. In urine, a high percentage of urobilin is determined. A symptom of liver cancer is an increase in the number of alpha-fetoprotein. You can identify it if you do an analysis for tumor markers, that is, protein structures produced by atypical cells.

Continuing examination

Revealing the cause of the patient's complaints, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organscavities. At the same time, doctors receive fairly detailed information about the state of the liver, which means they can detect foci of transformation, see how many there are, and understand whether the pathology is benign or malignant. Specialists examine the structure of the lesion, determine its dimensions and analyze nearby lymph nodes for metastases.

If the symptoms of liver cancer are confirmed, a preliminary diagnosis is made, the patient is referred for examination to a surgeon who makes a puncture of the transformed zone. The procedure is performed using an ultrasound machine. A targeted sampling of biological tissues of the liver helps to obtain material for histological examination. At the same time, in laboratory conditions, it is revealed what kind of process, what form will have to be fought. The most complete collection of information helps to choose the appropriate course of chemotherapy.

liver cancer symptoms
liver cancer symptoms

It is known that more often the symptoms of liver cancer appear in persons suffering from chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis. To prevent the development and timely detection of the disease with such diagnoses, a complete examination should be carried out several times a year. Be sure to check if there are deviations in well-being.

Stage definition

Usually, the manifestations described above are the stronger, the further the disease developed, but there are many abnormal cases when even at the 4th stage of liver cancer the symptoms were blurred, which made it difficult to formulate an accurate diagnosis. To understand what's wrong, the patient is prescribed CT and MRI. First methodproved to be effective when it is necessary to detect metastases in the bone tissue. MRI provides information about the state of the abdominal organs. Tomography is a modern approach that provides complete information about the dimensions of the neoplasm. Having received images of the affected area, doctors can assess the success rate of the surgical intervention, how technically feasible it is, whether the vena cava, the portal vein are affected. Check whether the processes of malignancy have affected the biliary tract. MRI is the most accurate method of confirming the fact that the process is malignant.

If he alth deviations are observed, suggesting that these are symptoms of liver cancer (in men, in women), while the patient belongs to a risk group for such a disease, one should insist on an examination to confirm or refute the assumption. Even slight changes should be the reason for a responsible examination. This is due to the non-specific manifestations of the malignant process, weak chances for a successful outcome if the cancer is detected at a late stage.

It is known that the symptoms and signs of liver cancer in men are more common than in the fair sex. If we compare the statistics on liver neoplasms, then in men there are nine malignant ones for one benign, and in women this ratio is six to four.

early symptoms of liver cancer in men
early symptoms of liver cancer in men

Risk group

The above are the possible symptoms of liver cancer in women, men at an early stage. Particular attention should be paid tothem people belonging to the category of increased danger due to illness. So, it is already clear that pathology is more common among the male half than among women. In addition, medical studies have shown that the disease is more common among patients with:

  • hemochromatosis;
  • chronic liver pathologies;
  • parasite infestation;
  • gallstones;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis.

Up to 80% of all patients with chronic hepatoma carry hepatitis B. The risk of malignancy for men with a history of hepatitis is estimated to be 200 times higher than for women. Between 60% and 90% of cirrhotic patients develop malignancy.

To know what symptoms of liver cancer appear first of all, people who abuse alcohol, smokers, and patients with syphilis should know. A certain risk is created by metabolic disorders in the body, diabetes mellitus, and prolonged use of anabolic steroids. It is known that cancer is observed when aflatoxins enter the body with food. Finally, in the risk group are persons exposed to the external influence of carcinogenic factors. These are industrial substances, pesticides, herbicides, vinyl chloride, arsenic.

Features of flow

Symptoms, signs of liver cancer in women, men may include ascites. This is more characteristic of the late stage of the disease. Almost from the very beginning of the pathology, increased gas formation is disturbing. The work of the digestive track is disrupted, which causes weight loss.

signs of liver cancer early symptoms
signs of liver cancer early symptoms

In the initial stage, the symptoms of liver cancer in women, men usually include fever, dyspepsia. Patients complain of general malaise. Pain occurs occasionally, is described as dull, the affected area is aching. Up to 85% of patients lose weight for no apparent reason. Over time, there is a lack of liver function. Possible malfunctions of the endocrine system.

The most pronounced symptoms of liver cancer in women, men, if the pathology has developed against the background of cirrhosis. Pain increases rapidly, ascites is observed, nosebleeds become more frequent. Pronounced jaundice progresses at a high rate. Against the background of cirrhosis, a malignant neoplasm gives metastases especially quickly. Often they affect the liver (more and more new foci), the lymphatic system, bones and other organs are additionally covered.

Check: everything and thoroughly

As mentioned above, screening is essential if symptoms of liver cancer are suspected. Photos of oncologists' workplaces are often quite informative: it is immediately clear that patients are undergoing CT and MRI scans. But here are some studies that require specific conditions and are carried out relatively rarely - they are prescribed in especially difficult cases. For example, they may recommend hepatography, radioisotope scanning, and X-rays, which are done in special conditions. The abdominal region is pre-inflated with gases, which helps to identify how tuberous the liver is, to determine the features of the localization of the affected areas.

Outdoorexamination is often performed using a laparoscope. This helps to obtain the most informative tissue samples for histological analysis.

What to do?

The main question of a person who has confirmed symptoms, signs of liver cancer: "How long do they live?". There is no unequivocal answer to it - it all depends on the stage at which the disease is detected, the individual characteristics of the patient, the strength of his immunity, the ability to use modern medicines and devices. Much is determined by the qualifications and experience of the doctor. In some cases, resection can be treated. The approach is optimal if the areas are small, isolated. Doctors open the abdominal cavity, assess the condition of the organ and decide on the possibility of an operation. If the disease is detected at a late stage, this approach will not show results, the only method available to doctors is the treatment of symptoms.

Metastases in the liver are treated surgically if the growths are found only in this organ. With this form of the disease, chemotherapy in the form of intravenous infusions does not show effectiveness. A distinctive feature of malignant processes in the liver is a rapid course. Usually, after surgery, patients live no more than five years, and if resection is impossible, the terms are estimated at only a few months.

If the disease is observed against the background of malignant neoplasms in other tissues and organs, the fourth stage of pathology is recorded in the patient's card. In such a situation, the only reasonable approach is to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Reducing risks

To minimize the likelihood of developing malignant lesions in the liver, doctors advise:

  • quit smoking;
  • drink alcohol in reasonable doses;
  • get vaccinated against hepatitis B;
  • do not use anabolic steroids, iron supplements unless medically indicated.

When working in hazardous conditions, it is important to carefully follow safety rules. This is especially important for those who work in contact with aggressive chemical compounds.

The risk of malignant neoplasms is increased due to the uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives containing estrogen, so such drugs should be used only after prior consultation with a doctor. Under the influence of estrogen, benign tumors can form, for which there is a high risk of malignancy.

Step by step: disease progression

In the patient's chart, the doctor must indicate which stage of the pathology is detected. It makes sense to imagine what their difference is. The first, as mentioned above, is the mildest form that can be cured. When cancer is detected at this stage, the likelihood of a successful outcome is greatest. Symptoms are mild, usually manifested only by fatigue, lethargy. The liver works normally, and people easily attribute possible negative feelings to chronic illnesses or stress, workload. At the same time, there is only a small diseased area in the liver, the vessels are he althy.

The second stage is accompanied by damage to the bloodvessels. It is possible to simultaneously form several foci, each of which is no more than five centimeters in size. Distant parts of the lymphatic system, organs are not involved in the malignant process. The disease manifests itself as nausea and vomiting, for the first time painful sensations appear. Gastric disorders and stool disturbances are possible for no apparent reason. The liver thickens, becomes larger, and the patient feels tired all the time.

Continuing the theme

The third stage in medicine is divided into two categories. The first option is the presence of several tumors, of which one focus grows in dimensions of more than 5 cm, while the others are somewhat smaller. The second option of the third stage is the germination of a malignant neoplasm in the veins that feed the liver. Processes affect nearby organs, but distant parts of the lymphatic system are still he althy.

The last, most difficult stage is the fourth. The liver is affected by metastases, gradually malignant processes spread throughout the body, atypical cells are carried through the circulatory system to distant parts of the body. The maximum life expectancy for such patients is five years, but in reality the period is usually much shorter. The disease is actively progressing, so death often occurs within a few months. Any modern approaches to cancer therapy at the fourth stage are ineffective. The current medical practice is such that measures are taken to slow down the growth of atypical cells. External systems in the patient support life, use radiation therapy,chemotherapy.

Treatment without surgery

One of the modern approaches is radiofrequency ablation (RFA). A metal rod is placed through the skin into the diseased areas of the liver, through which the tumor is burned. This damages nearby he althy cells. RFA is applicable when the focus of pathological changes in diameter is 3 cm or less.

Another approach is chemotherapy. Physicians have access to drugs that are strong enough to allow the patient to live longer and improve the quality of everyday life. Chemotherapy is indicated if surgery is not possible, metastasis has spread to various internal organs. Up to half of patients live two years or more with proper medication.

Transarterial chemoembolization (TACHE) is another non-surgical treatment for tumors. A catheter is installed in the artery of the lower limb of the patient, gradually moving to the area of the malignant neoplasm. If the focus is no more than three centimeters in size, it can be successfully removed by means of TACE. At the same time, damage is also done to he althy cells surrounding the tumor, therefore, during the rehabilitation period, the patient has a fever for a long time, there is fever, and pain.

Traditional medicine against cancer

Folk healers and healers are ready to offer many options for the treatment of liver cancer. Medicinal herbs are most widely used to support the body's own defenses. True, you should not hope for a miracle: before using such approaches, it is reasonable to consult a doctor in order tofolk recipes did not interfere with the main treatment. Of course, it is unacceptable to abandon the approaches of classical medicine in favor of alternative medicine - only those patients who reasonably combine all available means and methods have certain hopes.

liver cancer symptoms photo
liver cancer symptoms photo

Propolis is used quite actively against malignant neoplasms. It is believed that this substance slows down the growth of neoplasms, prevents the division of atypical cells, activates the immune system and maintains the strength of the patient's body. You can use veselka spore-based ointments - the product is mixed with preheated propolis, dressed with homemade medicine.

Another popular option is hemlock tincture, used in food by the teaspoon. There is an opinion that such a drug can cure even a hopeless patient.
