Insulin Humulin is a medicine used to lower blood sugar. Refers to the drugs necessary for the life of people with diabetes. The medicine contains human insulin, recombinant. The drug is prescribed for insulin-dependent people who require constant injections to live. The drug is used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.
Composition and release form
The drug is produced in the form of a suspension intended for subcutaneous administration. Contains human insulin at a dose of 100 IU/ml. Additional components in the composition of the tool are:
- metacresol;
- glycerin;
- protamine sulfate;
- phenol;
- zinc oxide;
- sodium hydrogen phosphate;
- purified water for injection;
- 10% hydrochloric acid solution;
- 10% sodium hydroxide.
The drug is a white suspension. The solution may separate and form a white precipitate. With gentle shaking, the precipitate dissolves easily.
The drug is available in cartridges and syringe pens. The drug in cartridges is a special suspension that is used for subcutaneous administration. Available at a dosage of 100 IU / ml in 3 ml cartridges. The drug is packaged in a blister of five cartridges. The carton contains one blister and instructions for use.
The medication is stored at a temperature regime of 2 °C to 8 °C, in places protected from the sun and heat. It is forbidden to freeze. The opened cartridge is stored at room temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C, but not longer than 28 days.

The drug is also produced in syringe pens. The "Humulin" pen contains a suspension of 100 IU / ml in a volume of 3 ml. It is designed to inject medication under the skin. The drug is packaged in five syringe pens in a plastic tray. Packed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use. The product is stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C. The drug is protected from exposure to heat and sunlight. They don't freeze. Store open at room temperature, but not more than 28 days.
There is a release form of the drug in glass bottles of 10 ml, which are packed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use. The rules for storing this form of medication are the same as for previous medicines.
Humulin M3 is an insulin mixture that includes Humulin NPH and Humulin Regular. The drug is convenient in that it does not need to be prepared independently. "Humulin M3" is carefully pumped in the hands ten times before use. Repeatedlyrotate 180 degrees. Such manipulations help the suspension acquire a homogeneous substance. If white inclusions are visible in the vial, then insulin cannot be used, it has deteriorated.
Pharmacology of a drug
Insulin "Humulin" is a hypoglycemic agent. Refers to an intermediate-acting insulin. "Humulin NPH" is a human pancreatic protein hormone of the DNA recombinant type. Its main purpose is the normalization of glucose metabolism. Insulin also has anti-catabolic and anabolic effects, affects different tissues of the body. At the same time, the amount of glycogen, glycerol and fatty acids in the muscles increases. There is an increase in the consumption of amino acids. Ketogenesis, glycogenolysis, lipolysis, protein catabolism, gluconeogenesis decrease. Amino acids are being released.

"Humulin NPH" is a medium-acting drug. It begins its effect an hour after its introduction. The maximum effect occurs in the region of 2-8 hours after its introduction into the body. The duration of action of the drug is 18-20 hours. The action of insulin is affected by the dosage, injection site, physical activity of the patient.
The drug is not distributed evenly over the tissues of the organs. Does not penetrate the placental barrier and does not pass into breast milk. Breaks down under the influence of insulinase. Metabolized in the kidneys and liver. Excreted by the kidneys.
Indications for use
Indication for prescription"Humulina" serves as diabetes mellitus and the condition of the body, in which there is a lack of insulin produced by a person. In this case, insulin therapy is vital. The drug is also used during pregnancy in women with diabetes.

Insulin "Humulin" can not be prescribed if there is hypersensitivity to the substances that make up the drug. The drug is contraindicated in hypoglycemia.
If "Humulin" is used during pregnancy, then such patients should be closely monitored. The need for insulin decreases in the first trimester and increases in the second and third. During delivery and after childbirth, insulin dependence decreases dramatically. Women with diabetes should promptly inform the doctor about the onset or upcoming pregnancy. Insulin adjustments may be required during breastfeeding.
"Humulin NPH": instructions for use

The dose of medicine is set by the doctor for each patient individually. Depends on the glycemic level. The diabetes drug is administered subcutaneously. Intramuscular injections are allowed. Intravenous administration of "Humulin NPH" is strictly contraindicated.
Injected drug should be at room temperature. Injections under the skin are administered in the area of the shoulder, abdomen, buttocks and in the thigh area. Places for injection alternate. When administered subcutaneously, care should be taken to ensure that the injection is not made inblood vessel. After the injection of insulin, do not massage the injection site.
All patients should be trained in the proper use of the device for administering insulin medication. Everyone chooses the mode of administration of the drug for himself.
If the medicine is used in the form of cartridges, then before use, the Humulin cartridges need to be rolled a little between the palms, about ten times. The same amount must be turned 180 ° until the precipitate is completely dissolved in insulin. After these manipulations, the solution should acquire a uniform cloudy hue.

Cartridge should not be vigorously shaken as this will cause foaming and prevent correct dosage.
There is a small ball of glass inside the cartridge. It promotes better mixing of insulin. Do not use insulin if flakes appear as a result of mixing the solution.
Cartridges are designed in such a way that different types of insulin cannot be mixed in them. They are not meant to be reused and refilled.
How to use the drug from a 10 ml bottle, not enclosed in cartridges and syringe pens? With this form of insulin, the contents of the vial are drawn into an insulin syringe. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually. Immediately after using the syringe, the needle is destroyed.
The needle is removed immediately after the injection, this ensures sterility and prevents leakage of the drug, prevents air from entering and clogging the needle. Needles are not reused by other people. Vials are used up tountil they are empty. A reusable insulin pen can be used for injection.
"Humulin NPH" can be administered together with "Humulin Regular". To perform the injection, first, short-acting insulin (“Humulin Regular”) is drawn into the syringe, and then a medium-acting drug. This mixture is prepared immediately before administration. If exact administration of insulin of each group is required, then a separate syringe is selected for Humulin NPH and Humulin Regular.
Side effect
When using Himulin (the pen greatly facilitates the administration of the drug and is suitable for those people who are pathologically afraid of needles), side effects may occur. Especially often patients are concerned about hypoglycemia. It can lead not only to poor he alth, but also to loss of consciousness and even death.
When using the drug, local allergic reactions may occur. They occur in the form of redness of the skin, swelling and itching at the injection site. Negative reactions pass within a few days. Such reactions of the body are not always associated with the introduction of insulin. These may be the consequences of an incorrect injection.
Systemic allergic manifestations are a reaction directly to insulin. They, unlike local reactions, are quite serious. These are generalized itching, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, excessive sweating. This reaction of the body is life threatening and requires immediate treatment.

With prolongedthe use of insulin may cause lipodystrophy at the injection site.
An overdose of insulin Human can provoke hypoglycemia, which is accompanied by symptoms such as lethargy, tachycardia, sweating, headache, gag reflex. An excess of insulin causes trembling in the body, excessive pallor of the skin and confusion of thought.
With prolonged treatment with human insulin, the symptoms of hypoglycemia may change.
Mild hypoglycemia is relieved by ingestion of a small amount of sugar or glucose. In some cases, adjustment of the insulin dose, physical activity and diet is required. With the help of subcutaneous and intramuscular injections of glucagon, the dosage is adjusted for moderate and severe hypoglycemia, followed by carbohydrate intake.
When severe hypoglycemia occurs coma, limb cramps, neurological disorders. In this condition, glucagon is used or a glucose solution is administered intravenously. Immediately after the patient regains consciousness, he needs to take food containing a large amount of carbohydrates. This will help to avoid another hypoglycemic crisis.
Interaction with medications
Insulin dosage may be increased with medications that can increase the amount of sugar in the blood. First of all, these are:
- oral contraceptives;
- glucocorticosteroids;
- beta-agonists, among which terbutaline is the most popular,ritodrine and salbutamol;
- danazol;
- thiazide diuretics;
- thyroid hormones;
- diazoxide;
- chlorprothixene;
- lithium carbonate;
- diazoxide;
- nicotinic acid;
- isoniazid;
- phenothiazine derivatives.
Dose reduction of insulin may be required when using medications that lower blood glucose. These medicines include:
- beta-blockers;
- ethanol-containing drugs;
- anabolic type steroids;
- tetracyclines;
- fenfluramine;
- guanethidine;
- hypoglycemic drugs for oral administration;
- salicylates, these include acetylsalicylic acid;
- sulfonamide antibiotics;
- antidepressants that are monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
- ACE inhibitors such as captopril and enalapril;
- octreotide;
- angiotensin II receptor antagonists.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia may be masked by the use of clonidine, beta-blockers and reserpine.
Insulin of animal origin should not be mixed with human insulin, as the effect of such a mixture on the body has not been studied. How the effects on the body of a mixture of human insulins from different manufacturers have not been studied.
Special Instructions
The transfer of a patient from one insulin preparation to another should be done only under medical supervision. It is likely that patients will requiredose adjustment. The need for a dosage adjustment may arise both after the first introduction of a new insulin preparation, and after several weeks of use.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia with human insulin are different from those with animal insulin.
As soon as blood sugar stabilizes, all or some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia disappear. Patients should be warned about this feature in advance.
The symptoms of hypoglycemia in a patient change from time to time, may become less pronounced if the patient has been suffering from diabetes for a long time, suffers from diabetic neuropathy and is being treated with beta-blockers.
Don't forget that using doses that exceed those recommended by your doctor and not taking insulin treatment can cause hyperglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis.
Insulin dependence decreases when the thyroid gland and adrenal glands of the pituitary gland are disturbed. The same is observed in renal and hepatic insufficiency. The need for insulin increases with the transfer of certain diseases, as well as with nervous strain, with increased physical activity and with a change in the diet. All of the above situations require adjustment of the insulin dose.
When hypoglycemia occurs, not only the concentration of attention decreases, but also the speed of psychomotor reactions. Because of this, you should not drive a car in this state and work withcomplex mechanisms that require special concentration.
Drug cost
Insulin in diabetes is an indispensable medicine. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, but only with a doctor's prescription. The cost of Humulin insulin suspension 100 U/ml in a 10 ml vial fluctuates around 600 rubles, the price of Humulin 100 U/ml with a volume of 3 ml with 5 cartridges fluctuates around 1 thousand rubles. The price of "Humulin regular" 100 IU / ml with a volume of 3 ml with 5 cartridges is 1150 rubles. "Humulin M3" can be purchased for 490 rubles. The package contains five syringe pens.