During a sore throat, you should definitely visit a specialist. The doctor will examine your throat and prescribe the necessary and appropriate treatment for you. We all know that doctors need to be treated. However, it happens that it is not always possible to get an appointment very quickly, and the throat hurts, and you need to go to work and communicate with people. No one argues that the patient is obliged to think about others and try not to be a spreader of the infection.
Sick or work?

However, alas, the realities of life, and even more so in our country, are such that you have to go and work. Many people do not even suspect how terrible angina is, or rather, its consequences. Meanwhile, it is dangerous when, with angina, a person continues not to change his lifestyle. Undoubtedly, there are different types of angina: a mild degree of the disease, medium and very dangerous - purulent. Depending on its severity, the patient decidesvisit a doctor or the nearest pharmacy in order to alleviate the symptoms, or better, to be completely cured.
Purulent tonsillitis is very insidious and dangerous
With purulent tonsillitis, the patient has a general drop in tone, but the body temperature soars to very high rates. Aerosol "Ingalipt" with purulent sore throat should be used only after consulting with a medical professional. Self-medication can lead to truly tragic consequences.
Meet - "Ingalipt" in the form of a spray and aerosol

This article is not scientific. Here we just get acquainted with the drug. We will find out in which cases the use of an aerosol for the throat "Ingalipt" is recommended. Consider some similar drugs. Here are examples of reviews about this aerosol product. We read the instructions for using the Ingalipt spray. We will find out what other diseases this medicine helps with.
"Ingalipt" - a medical preparation for the treatment of certain diseases of the oral cavity. The substances contained in this product quickly and effectively cope with gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. These organisms are the main instigators of oral mucosal disease. With angina "Ingalipt" is effective as an antimicrobial and antifungal product. Mushrooms of the genus Candida, which are also the instigators of many problems during their indefatigable reproduction, become not so active from Ingalipt, and theira huge number die. Peppermint oil, thymol and eucalyptus oil are antiseptics and fresheners in aerosol. Herbal ingredients soothe pain and make breathing easier (mint and eucalyptus). The auxiliary components in the drug are ethyl alcohol and distilled water.
In what other cases is the remedy used?
Most often used "Ingalipt" for angina. It can be used for tonsillitis, laryngitis, oral stomatitis and pharyngitis. Aphthous mouth ulcers can also be treated with this drug.
Spray "Ingalipt": instructions for use

Pharmacy chains offer customers to use two types of this drug. "Ingalipt" in aluminum cans holds thirty milliliters of the drug. Spraying it is possible with the help of the gas included in the composition (the gas is under pressure). This type of packaging does not allow a very strict and local distribution of the substance to the affected area. That is, after pressing, the substance is ejected for a couple more seconds.
Consider the second type of "Ingalipt" with angina, when you need to strictly control the place of spraying and the amount of medication that enters the diseased area of the mucosa. It is provided as a spray in a glass bottle. The packaging is equipped with an accurate dispenser. The amount of the drug in it is twenty milliliters.
The color of the liquid is especially clearly visible in the glass - yellowish. After application, the aroma of mint with thyme remains in the mouth.

With angina in adults, "Ingalipt" is used up to four times a day. Before using the medicinal suspension, be sure to thoroughly rinse the throat and mouth with boiled water at room temperature (not hot). This action helps to remove mucus and some of the microorganisms. This allows the drug to more effectively penetrate into diseased areas and begin its action.
Before irrigating the inflamed area with "Ingalipt" for angina, you need to remove the cap from the aerosol package and put the spray nozzle on the container with the drug. After completion of the procedure, the medicine should never be swallowed. You need to keep it on the surface of the throat as long as possible. For deeper penetration of the substance, it is better to lie on your back and spend several minutes in this position. Most likely, you will have increased salivation, and lying down will not allow saliva to wash the drug from the surface of the throat. After three to five minutes, spit out the rest of the medicine. It is dangerous to use this irrigating agent for more than one week. If after seven days you continue to be disturbed by the naked, a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided.
Using the drug in children
With angina in children, "Ingalipt" can only be used when the child reaches the age of three years. Twice a day, the diseased area is treated by spraying a spray or aerosol onto it. The duration of the use of "Ingalipt" for angina for small patients is no more than five days.
- Children under three years oldit is strictly forbidden to use the product in view of the fact that it can cause dangerous allergic reactions, up to respiratory arrest.
- It is forbidden to use aerosol spray directly on the nasal mucosa.
Side effects and contraindications
Before using the product, you must read the entire annotation for this aerosol. The most common side effects are burning and itching during the irrigation procedure. This is not something dangerous, after a few seconds such unpleasant sensations will disappear.

It will be more dangerous to use the medicine for allergy sufferers. People prone to allergic reactions of the body should be wary of the use of this drug. It contains essential oils that can cause a serious allergy attack. Skin itching and nausea may only give you a few very unpleasant days, but Quincke's edema is very dangerous. Always keep antihistamines on hand to help manage allergic symptoms.
In some patients, the use of an aerosol causes headaches and diarrhea - everything is purely individual here. In such cases, activated charcoal and other sorbents will help. They will draw out the substances that caused your unpleasant condition from the body. Naturally, with such reactions to the remedy, it is better to find something else to treat angina.
Spray "Ingalipt" should be stored in a dark place, not exposed to heat.
For those who drive
Spray has alcohol in its composition. Its vapors can be fixed in the exhaled air. When driving a vehicle, this must be remembered. Do not use this spray before driving.
"Ingalipt" with angina: reviews
Those who used Ingalipt most often praise this drug. The ratio of price and quality (efficiency) is laudatory. Yes, an unpleasant spray, but there's nothing to be done - it's much more unpleasant to get sick. The medicine should bring relief and cure, and not be pleasant for the body. Ingalipt does an excellent job of removing germs and soothing a sore throat.
However, some people could not unequivocally answer whether Ingalipt helps with angina. The fact is that the treatment was carried out with the use of frequent gargling with decoctions of medicinal herbs and saline solutions. All this was supplemented with antibiotics and vitamin therapy, coupled with bed rest. Perhaps (most likely) the remedy alone would not have coped with a sore throat.
For a certain group of patients using this aerosol, it is the taste and aroma that are pleasant. And the evidence of an effective fight against reddening of the throat, plus a low price, are decisive factors for purchasing a spray.
Mothers know how quickly the disease is transmitted from child to mother and vice versa. And this spray is praised because it can treat children's sore throat from the age of three. If it happens to get sick to mom and baby, "Ingalipt" is used for both - it's convenient. In addition, after three or even two days, the redness in the throat is alreadyis on the decline, and the case is moving towards recovery, which is good news.
Some mothers claim that this spray was prescribed to them by a pediatrician to treat a child. The child was not yet three years old at the time. However, to their delight, the spray helped. Attention! If you use this drug in the treatment of children under the age of three, be sure to enlist the support of your local pediatrician. It is not worth risking the he alth and life of the baby. Call an ambulance and then decide with a specialist: how correct it will be to treat the child on your own using this spray.

Not all patients felt the effect of treatment when using this remedy. Someone did not like him because he did not burn his throat. Apparently, a more vigorous effect on cauterization of the inflamed area was expected. Such patients, of course, have found their favorite spray (not Ingalipt) and use only it. These people "do not believe" in Ingalipt. They are no longer going to buy and use it, respectively.
The most famous analogues of "Ingalipt"
The composition of these drugs are not quite similar. The analogy is drawn taking into account the method of application and the final result.
"Kameton" is effective against pharyngitis, rhinitis, but stomatitis is not his field of activity. Does a great job of relieving pain.
"Geksoral" - a more expensive drug, contains mint oil, anise and clove. An excellent antiseptic with a higheffectiveness in the fight against fungi, colds and microbes.

"Miramistin" or "Ingalipt"?
Often a sick person is looking for the best and most effective remedy for himself, preferably not very expensive. Which is better: "Ingalipt" or "Miramistin" for angina?
"Miramistin" is much higher in cost, and its efficiency is also high - that's good. "Ingalipt" is a more budgetary remedy, most likely, this fact is not the last reason for the frequent purchase and use of this particular medicine.
Most often, the powerful action of "Miramistin" is needed already as a radical removal of the complications that appeared after viral diseases.