Absolute spinal stenosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Absolute spinal stenosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Absolute spinal stenosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Spinal stenosis is a fairly common problem, especially in older patients. Pathology is accompanied by a narrowing of the lumen of the spinal canal and, accordingly, compression of the nerve roots, blood vessels, and spinal cord. One of the most dangerous forms of the disease is absolute spinal stenosis.

Of course, many people are interested in more information. Why is the narrowing happening? What are the reasons for the development of pathology? What symptoms should you look out for? What are the consequences of stenosis? Are there effective treatments? Let's find the answers to these questions.

What are the functions of the spinal cord?

Stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal, through which, in fact, the spinal cord passes. That is why such a pathology is so dangerous, because any deformation of the spine is fraught with direct damage to the central nervous system.

spinal cord injury
spinal cord injury

Before considering the causes and symptoms of the disease, you need to find out what functions the spinal cord performs. This structure originates directly from the brain, passes through a canal inside the spine, and is composed of gray and white matter. The spinal cord is divided into 31 segments, each of which has a pair of anterior and posterior nerve roots.

This part of the nervous system regulates the work of the muscles of the trunk and limbs, provides the body with simple motor reactions. Segments of the sacral part partly control the processes of urination and defecation, sexual reflexes. At the same time, the thoracic spinal cord is responsible for the functioning of the heart and organs of the respiratory system.

In addition, the spinal cord acts as a conductor - nerve impulses from nerve fibers enter the posterior roots and follow to the brain (and vice versa).

Main causes of pathology

Why does absolute spinal stenosis develop? The reasons may be different. It is worth considering the most common, the list of which includes:

  • Spinal injury due to accident, fall, professional sports;
  • excessive physical activity, heavy lifting;
  • appearance of outgrowths or thickening of bone tissue in the spinal canal;
  • cyst formation;
  • appearance and growth of lipomas;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • epiduritis;
  • dissection of arterial walls;
  • chronic forms of osteochondrosis;
  • some infectiousdiseases;
  • previously undergone spinal surgery;
  • spondyloarthritis;
  • appearance and growth of tumors.

By the way, post-traumatic spinal deformities are the most common. Most often, stenosis affects the lumbar spine, less often - the cervical and thoracic.

If we are talking about congenital forms of spinal stenosis, then the causes are violations of intrauterine development, in particular, improper laying and growth of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs and cartilaginous structures.

Types of deformation. Classification

Types of spinal stenosis
Types of spinal stenosis

Depending on the causes and origin of the pathology, congenital and acquired forms are distinguished.

The degree of narrowing is also taken into account:

  • Absolute spinal stenosis is a pathology in which the diameter of the spinal canal is significantly narrowed and does not even reach 10 mm.
  • Relative stenosis - a disease in which the spinal canal is narrowed, but its diameter is more than 10-12 mm.

Main symptoms: what to look out for?

How does absolute spinal stenosis manifest itself? Symptoms directly depend on the localization of the pathological process. If we are talking about damage to the lumbar region (such cases are considered the most common), then patients complain of sharp, sharp pains that radiate to one leg or both limbs at once. Periodic occurrence of spasms of calf muscles is observed. Lameness practically deprives a person of the ability to move. Byas the canal narrows, sensitivity disorders can be observed - numbness of the limbs, a tingling sensation are possible.

Absolute spinal stenosis symptoms
Absolute spinal stenosis symptoms

Of course, the symptoms are more pronounced if there is a spinal cord injury - in such cases, the ability to move the limbs is lost, as well as sensitivity. In addition, narrowing of the canal in the lumbar can lead to erectile dysfunction, various defecation and urination disorders.

But the narrowing of the space of the spinal cord in the thoracic spine is accompanied by other signs. Patients complain of weakness in the arms. Periodic burning pain occurs in the temples and neck. The list of symptoms includes bouts of dizziness, impaired vision and hearing, problems with coordination of movements.

Stages of disease development

Spinal stenosis symptoms
Spinal stenosis symptoms

Absolute stenosis most often develops gradually. Narrowing of the spinal canal occurs in several stages:

  • The first stage. The narrowing is minimal, so the symptoms are hardly noticeable. Walking is not disturbed, however, looking closely at a person’s gait, one can notice a slight lameness. Pain is either absent or appears after excessive physical activity.
  • Second stage. There are already more severe gait disturbances, patients complain of pain, but can still move independently.
  • Third stage. Soreness becomes more pronounced, as does lameness. It is difficult for a person to walk on his own,no help.
  • Fourth stage (actually, absolute stenosis). Patients suffer from sharp, sharp pains and lose the ability to move.

Diagnostic measures

Spinal stenosis diagnosis
Spinal stenosis diagnosis

If alarming symptoms appear, you need to see a doctor. The fact is that pain in the limbs, lameness and other disorders may not be associated with stenosis. That is why patients are carefully examined. If spinal stenosis is suspected, the patient must be sent for an x-ray of the spine. If the pictures show potential signs of narrowing, then computer and magnetic resonance imaging, myelography, and spondylography are additionally performed. Such diagnostic measures allow determining the degree of stenosis, assessing the condition of the vessels and the spinal cord.

Drug therapy

After a complete diagnosis and tomography results, the doctor will draw up a therapy regimen. If we are talking about medicines, then they are usually effective only with relative forms of narrowing. Most patients with absolute stenosis require surgery. Drugs are also used to relieve symptoms:

  • First of all, patients are advised to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, Ibuprofen, Nurofen). These medications help slow inflammation and relieve discomfort.
  • If the pain is too severe, then more effective painkillers, including analgesics, can be used.
  • Special anti-inflammatory patches help to cope with discomfort.
  • Vitamins will also be useful both in the form of tablets and in the form of injections.
  • Muscle relaxants help to cope with cramps and persistent muscle spasms, which often cause terrible discomfort to the patient.
  • In case of very intense pain, blockade with glucocorticoids can be performed.


Drug treatment is aimed at reducing the main symptoms of narrowing of the spinal canal. Alas, if we are talking about absolute stenosis, then patients usually require surgery.

Patients, of course, are recommended a course of therapeutic massage to help improve blood circulation and relieve muscle spasm, as well as regular exercise therapy. But all these activities are usually used in the process of rehabilitation after spinal surgery.


Spinal stenosis prevention
Spinal stenosis prevention

If the problem cannot be solved with the help of drugs, massage and physical education, then patients are recommended surgery. The type of procedure is chosen by the doctor depending on the condition of the person, the degree and reasons for the development of stenosis:

  • Segment stabilization is a procedure that helps to restore the natural position of the vertebrae, thereby removing pressure from the vessels, spinal cord and other structures.
  • Sometimes a resection is necessary. During the operation, the doctor removes part of the spinal arch. Such a procedurecertainly relieves pressure, but also often makes the structure of the spine unstable, as a result of which this part of the musculoskeletal system is more prone to injury. That is why resection is most often combined with a stabilization procedure.
  • Interspinous fixation is an operation during which the doctor installs special implants that stabilize the spine.
  • Endoscopic foraminotomy is considered the least traumatic. This is a minimally invasive operation, during which the doctor, using special endoscopic equipment, eliminates the compression of the nerve roots.
  • Microdisectomy is another minimally invasive procedure that is usually performed to correct the effects of stenosis in the cervical spine.

Possible Complications

Spinal stenosis is an extremely dangerous disease. Any reduction in the spinal canal is fraught with serious consequences. For example, the narrowing of space can lead to compression or injury of the spinal cord and, accordingly, to malfunctions of the central nervous system. Many patients suffer from pain, sensory disturbances in the lower extremities. Absolute stenosis of the spinal canal can lead to complete immobilization of the lower body and, accordingly, disability.

If, as a result of the narrowing of the canal, the vertebral artery is compressed, in turn, this leads to oxygen starvation of the tissues of the nervous system, and sometimes to ischemic stroke.

Is it possible to treat folk remedies?

You should never trytreat spinal stenosis (including absolute) independently. In this situation, it is very important to seek medical help in time.

As for traditional medicine, healers recommend wiping the skin in the affected area with vodka or tincture of eucalyptus. Chilled compresses with lemon juice and garlic are considered effective, which must be alternated with mustard plasters. Such procedures (exposure to cold and then warming up) help to activate blood circulation in the affected area, improve tissue trophism. But remember that such activities help reduce pain, relieve swelling and eliminate some other symptoms, but they cannot eliminate stenosis itself. Homemade products can only be used with the permission of the attending physician.

Prevention measures

Rehabilitation after spinal surgery
Rehabilitation after spinal surgery

You already know what spinal stenosis is and why it develops. If we are talking about congenital forms of the disease, then it is almost impossible to prevent their development. But from acquired stenosis, you can insure yourself at least in part. It is very important to monitor body weight, as extra pounds put additional stress on the joints and spine. It is worth leading an active lifestyle, because regular physical activity and exercises strengthen the muscular corset, partially relieving pressure from the spine. On the other hand, carrying heavy weights, overexerting yourself, playing traumatic sports is not a good idea.

Do not forget that absolute spinal stenosis is notdevelops in one day, unless we are talking about injuries. This is a chronic disease that progresses over many months and even years. That is why when the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the higher the chances of a complete and relatively quick, painless recovery. But the refusal of medical care is fraught with disability. Is it worth the risk?
