Currently, according to doctors, the premorbid state is the main enemy of human he alth. According to statistics, approximately 70% of the world's population is in this state. What does it represent? It is necessary to understand this issue in more detail, since not everyone is familiar with this medical term.
Characteristics and description of the problem
Premorbid state is a state of the body when it is on the verge of he alth and disease. For a deeper understanding, you can compare it with the yellow light of a traffic light. In this case, we are talking about the absence of pronounced symptoms of the disease, physiological and psychological disorders, while the person feels unhe althy, he is characterized by fatigue, anxiety, anxiety, a feeling of depression and helplessness.

Thus, the premorbid state is a complex of congenital and acquired physiological and psychological factors that are involvedin the onset, development and course of the disease. If we compare this concept with a pre-disease, then in the first case it will be much broader.
The study of this issue is of great importance in psychiatry, since to some extent it acts as a determining factor in the manifestation of symptoms, course, severity and prognosis of the disease. Also, the premorbid state of he alth determines how a person will behave in case of illness and his activity in the process of recovery.
Doctors believe that this condition is one of the reasons for the formation of a large number of variations in the clinical manifestations of the pathology, which differ from its typical form.
Reasons for appearance
Premorbid state is a state that is formed from the following components:
- Character traits.
- Body structure.
- Heredity.
- Personality Qualities.
- The presence of somatic pathologies, as well as the consequences of diseases in history.
- Diseases of a neurological and mental nature.
- Misconduct.
- Social position in society.
- Nationality, ethnic group.
- Presence of traumatic situations.
- Family situation.
- Having bad habits.
- Professional hazard, the presence of unfavorable environmental conditions.
- Quality and lifestyle.

Many factors in medicine remain unrecognized, for example, stress in childhood.
If you do not pay attention to the state of your he alth for a long time, which indicates the beginning of the appearance of pathologies, various diseases develop. With timely therapy, he alth can usually be restored. In medicine, it is customary to identify five threats to human he alth that are worth paying attention to:
- A premorbid state may precede the development of some non-communicable diseases in a chronic form. Most often, it indicates the risk of developing diabetes, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. This condition negatively affects the quality of human life, sometimes it can threaten life and he alth with increased danger of professional activity.
- At the level of the psyche, this condition contributes to the development of diseases of the nervous system and psyche, and can cause suicide. Often it leads to disruption of sleep and wakefulness, reduces performance.
- In severe cases, the premorbid condition reduces life expectancy, sometimes leading to death at a young age.

Possible development of pathologies
Diseases that develop when an unhe althy condition is ignored:
- Pathologies of the digestive system. With malnutrition, non-compliance with the diet, unpleasant symptoms and indigestion appear over time. Recently, the number of young people who suffer from gastritis, enteritis in a chronic form has increased.
- Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. According to statistics, the number of people with obesity and hypertension has recently increased. A lipid metabolism disorder leads to the development of atherosclerosis, stroke, diabetes, etc.
- Pathologies of the kidneys and gallbladder. Failure to follow a he althy lifestyle often leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. The formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder is observed.

Premorbid and emergency conditions are different concepts. In the first case, human he alth does not require immediate therapeutic intervention. Such a condition is not usually regarded as fatal or fatal, since it implies not only negative aspects, but also defense mechanisms of both a physiological and psychological nature. In the second case, immediate assistance is required to the injured (patient).
To prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is recommended to treat the premorbid state with responsibility and seriousness. If you have any questions, please contact the Premorbid and Emergency Medical Center.