The liver is a very important organ of the hematopoietic system. Metastases are characteristic of most types of cancer. Most often, the pathological process is secondary, that is, it is formed against the background of the underlying disease, however, there are varieties of tumors that are detected later than the primary focus of the neoplasm.
What is metastasis?
Cells of malignant formation are endowed with unique functions - continuous division and the ability to migrate throughout the body. Such cells that separate from the primary focus and move to other internal organs are called metastases. Most often, they move along with the flow of blood and lymph in the body.
Metastatic liver damage can be single, that is, a single cancer cell lingers in the organ and begins to develop, or it can be multiple - the presence of three or more tumor foci in one organ.
ICD code
InternationalThe classification of diseases is a list with an individual number that is assigned to each disease. Metastatic liver disease according to ICD 10 has code C78.7 "Secondary malignant neoplasm of the liver". In addition, tumor foci can occur without identifying the primary focus of infection. Such a metastatic liver lesion without a primary focus according to ICD 10 has the code C76 "Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined locations" or C80 "Malignant neoplasm without specifying the location."
How metastases appear
Single or multiple tumor foci in internal organs have the following pathways:
- separation from the primary neoplasm and movement along with the blood or lymph flow throughout the body;
- germination of tumor cells from organs adjacent to the liver, for example, the gallbladder, stomach, intestines.
Statistics has information that about 35% of all cancers in stages 2-4 have liver metastases. With neoplasms in the stomach, mammary gland, intestines and lungs, the risk of additional lesions increases to 50%. In rare cases, cancer of the skin, larynx, and brain can metastasize to the liver.
In the early stages of development, metastatic liver disease may not have specific symptoms that may indicate new foci of tumors. At the same time, the following manifestations are noted:
- drastic weight loss, anorexia;
- constant weakness in the body;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin;
- liver may slightly increase in size;
- minor discomfort in the area of the affected organ.

When a significant lesion occurs, the following symptoms occur:
- pain in the liver area, which can be both aching and sharp;
- disturbances in the work of the intestine - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation;
- a significant increase in the size of the organ, this is especially noticeable on a very thin body: in such cases, the patient's stomach becomes convex and painful;
- with tumor lesions of the bile ducts, yellowing of human skin may be noted;
- ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
- if the enlarged liver begins to squeeze the front walls of the abdomen, then varicose veins may occur.

In a severe degree of metastasis, damage to the central nervous system can be noted. It is characterized by the appearance of migraines, dizziness. Bone and joint pain may also appear.
Melanoma metastases
Skin cancer lesions are a classic example of liver metastases without a primary lesion. In the body, they look like black dots - accumulations of melanin. The affected liver undergoes changes that negatively affect the functioning of the whole organism:
- the consistency of the organ becomes heterogeneous, bumpy;
- visible areas withlarge seals;
- organ increases in size, appears yellow skin tone, ascites;
- pain appears in the liver (in the right hypochondrium);
- appetite decreases, resulting in significant weight loss;
- there may be nosebleeds for no apparent reason.
In addition, liver metastases from melanoma can affect other organs, such as enlargement of the spleen.
Detecting solitary or bilobar metastatic liver lesions is quite simple. In most cases, they have the appearance of a beginning cancerous tumor, which consists of cells with an altered structure. Metastases can appear starting from stage 2 of the development of a cancerous tumor. The undoubted advantage of this condition is that even with multiple lesions, the functions of the organ are preserved in full.
Diagnosis occurs using the following methods:
- A blood test provides information about changes in the number of leukocytes, anemia, liver transaminases. In addition, a separate study of physiological fluid for specific proteins - tumor markers is being carried out.
- Ultrasound diagnostics is used to determine the location of metastases in the affected liver.
- Magnetic resonance imaging gives a clearer image, which is important for determining a single or multiple lesion.
- Puncture liver biopsy is performed using an instrument with a hollow needle to take a fragment of the organ. Afterwhy histological examination is necessary to detect cancer cells. The procedure is carried out under the control of an ultrasound machine.
- Diagnostic laparoscopy is necessary in difficult cases. It is an operation using a laparoscope - a rigid endoscope, which is equipped with a lighting device, an electrocoagulator, an aspirator-irrigator. The procedure helps to take the necessary parts of the liver for examination at a time, as well as visually assess the condition of the affected organ.

All research methods are necessary to assess the overall situation before starting treatment.
Therapeutic treatment
For the treatment of metastatic liver lesions, various drug methods are used. These most often include:
- chemotherapy;
- radiotherapy;
- hormone therapy.

It is possible to use these methods on their own, as well as before or postoperative treatment with their help.
In order for the prescribed treatment to have results, it is necessary to diagnose a part of the tumor to determine the sensitivity of cells to different drugs. Based on the results of the studies, chemotherapy and hormonal treatment are prescribed. The most sensitive to chemicals are primary tumors of the ovaries, prostate, intestines, breasts, stomach.
Unfortunately, with multiple or bilobar metastatic liver disease, it is not possible to completely cure cancer. In this case, therapy is offered to the patient forreduce the intensity of pain, reduce the rate of division of cancer cells.
Surgeries to remove part of the affected organ can only be performed if no more than four foci of metastasis were found during the diagnosis. Such therapy helps to increase the life of the patient by an average of 5 years. The best results are observed in patients in whom the primary focus was found in the intestine.

Auxiliary Treatment
In addition to the classical methods of therapy, additional methods are also used that are aimed at alleviating the condition of a sick person:
- Taking hepatoprotectors helps reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy. These are drugs such as Karsil, Essentiale.
- Folk remedies have a calming effect on the nervous system, improve a person's immunity and give him vital energy.
- Vitamin complexes are needed to maintain other body functions.
Unfortunately, cancer that has metastasized causes pain, so strong painkillers are often used as well.
Psychological help
Metastatic liver disease in prostate cancer or the presence of neoplasms in other internal organs does not give good prognosis for recovery. However, the right mental attitude can significantly prolong life. Oncologists have noticed that the survival rate of patients who did not give up is significantly higher than thosewho silently accepted their fate.
For a sick person, the support of others is important.

It can be obtained both from relatives and on specialized forums that unite people with cancer. In addition, with friends in misfortune, you can discuss certain treatment methods, as well as find out reviews about certain doctors.
Often, cancer patients are encouraged to keep their own blog, in which, like in an online diary, you can share thoughts, photos and experiences. This way of expressing emotions has a positive effect on the mental state.
How to eat
Metastatic liver disease in cancer of any localization requires patients to follow a diet to improve the functioning of the organ, as well as to avoid extreme weight loss. The following foods should be excluded from the diet:
- fried meat;
- fat dairy;
- spirits;
- butter and other fats;
- alcoholic drinks;
- soda.
In addition, the diet for metastatic liver disease must necessarily consist of the following food:
- legumes and cereals;
- fresh fruits and vegetables;
- olive oil in small quantities for stewing dishes and as a dressing for salads;
- lean fish;
- whole grain bread.
This diet helps cleanse blood vessels and improve blood composition.

Factors affecting life expectancy
Life with cancer that has metastasized to the liver can be extended - this is what medical reviews say. How to treat metastatic liver disease is known, just like the factors that can affect life expectancy are familiar:
- stage of cancer development;
- location of the primary tumor;
- new growth size;
- the state of the patient's immune system;
- early cancer detection;
- effectiveness and correctness of the chosen methods of therapy;
- presence or absence of concomitant diseases;
- psycho-emotional state.
In addition, age and gender also affect the likelihood of recovery or long life expectancy with cancer.
Life expectancy directly depends on the type of cancer and its localization. The prognosis for metastatic liver disease, unfortunately, in most cases is unfavorable, since the foci are most often not detected immediately.
If left untreated, the average human survival rate is 4 to 6 months. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormonal treatment, started in time, can prolong the patient's life up to 12 months. About 40% of patients who have had the affected part of the liver surgically removed live for 5 years or more. A liver transplant can extend the life of 75% of patients.
In addition, it is noted that until the first year after diagnosis "metastases inliver" survive about 10% of men and 17% of women, and up to 3 years - only 4% of men and 10% of women.
Unfortunately, no one is immune from the occurrence of a neoplasm in any organ. However, it is noted that most often the risk group includes people who have had such diseases:
- chronic gastritis;
- gastric ulcer;
- gastric polyps;
- adenomatous colon polyps;
- Crohn's disease;
- ulcerative colitis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- pancreatic fibrosis;
- chronic pancreatitis;
- bone marrow transplant;
- glandular dysplasia of the endometrium of the uterus;
- cervical erosion;
- removal of the ovaries, which affect the hormonal background of the body;
- bladder polyps;
- kidney fibroma;
- benign breast hyperplasia;
- prostate adenoma.
It is important to lead a he althy lifestyle, regularly engage in light sports, eat right and not have bad habits, among which smoking is especially harmful, as it has a negative effect not only on the lungs, but also on the stomach and intestines. This will help to avoid the above diseases, which can lead to the formation of malignant tumors in the internal organs of a person. It is also recommended to undergo an annual medical examination, which will reveal hidden diseases and start their treatment in a timely manner.