Massage for spinal hernia. Massage for lumbar hernia

Massage for spinal hernia. Massage for lumbar hernia
Massage for spinal hernia. Massage for lumbar hernia

Intervertebral hernia is a very serious disease in which the disc located between the vertebrae goes beyond the boundaries allotted to it. According to statistics, this disease is diagnosed in people over the age of forty, but recently it has become a little “younger”. This disease is usually treated with surgery. However, this is already an extreme measure, and for starters, you can try to do a massage with a hernia of the spine. It is a good alternative to surgery.

massage for spinal hernia
massage for spinal hernia

How dangerous is a spinal hernia

As a rule, the disease comes with age due to the aging of the body. Often this is a consequence of falls, bruises, fractures. Scientists have proven that even sleeping on an uncomfortable hard mattress is the key to a future hernia between 4 and 5 vertebrae. Loads on the spine, wearingheavy weights - these are the factors in which his column suffers and rewards a person with this disease.

Such injuries lead to pinched nerve endings, inflammation and swelling. Intolerable pain during movement and even in complete rest pierces the body of the patient. And if measures are not taken in time, then subsequently a person is threatened with unpleasant loss of sensitivity in the limbs, disturbances in the pelvic organs, weakness of muscles and general reflexes. As a result, the quality of life is significantly reduced, moreover, there is a threat of paralysis of body parts.

massage for disc herniation
massage for disc herniation

Disease prevention

Prevention of the disease is divided into categories when a hernia is already there, and if it needs to be prevented.

The first involves prevention, aimed at increasing the intervals between pain attacks. For exacerbations, you need:

  • seek medical help from specialists;
  • unload the spine from excessive physical exertion;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • do massage for herniated disc;
  • strengthen the muscle corset after treatment.

In the second category of the disease, when there is no hernia, one should:

  • treat scoliosis, flat feet, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, if any;
  • calculate the optimal he althy diet;
  • join regular physical activity.

Is massage effective?

With all the positive possibilities of this treatment method, it should be noted that massageback with a hernia of the spine can not be done in the initial days of exacerbation of the disease. But the effectiveness of such therapy increases when the vertebrae are displaced, which is often found in the disease.

An important condition for a good result of this procedure is that massage for spinal hernia should be done by an experienced qualified specialist. This will avoid unforeseen cases and ensure the efficiency of procedures.

vertebral hernia massage
vertebral hernia massage

What should I avoid during procedures?

Soft and careful movements of the hands of a specialist are the key to a successful massage with a hernia of the spine. Power elements leading to painful sensations are excluded. If this happens, then you should stop the procedure and consult a doctor. The fact is that sharp power moves can lead to a rupture of the intervertebral disc. This will increase muscle spasm, provoke swelling of the stem nerves. Consequences may lead to the need for urgent surgery.

How to massage properly

When seeking help from a specialist, you should remember that the course of treatment is accompanied by a combination of medication, a set of exercises and proper nutrition.

Therapeutic massage for lumbar hernia differs from the usual relaxing massage in that ointments and medications are used during it to help achieve the desired healing effect. Glide aids are also used.

The universal way of treatment that can pacify and stop pain brings positive changes. Therefore, the vertebral hernia, the massage of which is carried out regularly and in a course of two weeks, ceases to disturb.

Benefits and healing are the processes that occur during massage:

- Strengthening the conductivity of nerve fibers. Nutrients are important not only for spinal discs, but also for nerve fibers. They suffer if the microcirculation is out of order. Movement disorders are the result of an intervertebral hernia. But if massage is done, then the nerves are better supplied with blood. It even relieves soft tissue pressure on them.

- Improvement of microcirculation. During the massage, by rubbing the palms against the surface of the skin, thermal energy is released. The body warms up, and the vessels begin to give off heat, expanding and obeying the thermoregulation mechanism. In turn, the tissues are saturated with oxygen and nourished. In the absence of their blood supply, a subsequent hernia may form.

- Removal of edema. The mechanical effect that occurs during the massage allows you to accelerate the outflow of lymph and eliminate venous congestion. In turn, the edema disappears and the compression of the nerve roots decreases. The intensity of the pain syndrome goes away and the mobility of the limbs appears.

massage for lumbar hernia
massage for lumbar hernia

- Muscle relaxation. The main cause of pain and inflammation in spinal hernia is muscle spasm. Therefore, when the massage therapist kneads the muscles, they relax. Muscle spasm disappears, which successfully eliminates radicular syndrome.

Types of massage

The applied techniques have many nuances and subtleties. Yes andThere are many varieties of massage for a disease:

  • Thai;
  • honey;
  • hydromassage;
  • canned;
  • dot;
  • general back massage;
  • segmental.

Honey massage

Indications for the procedure using a bee product are those cases where powerful stimulation of nerve endings is required. Therefore, massage with a hernia of the spine is an effective auxiliary reflexology. The receptors of the skin are irritated and nourished, skin peeling occurs. In addition to the cleansing effect, honey massage for spinal hernia has another property - it fights hernial formations, as if pulling them and all old toxins from the body.

The procedure is very useful for debilitated and aged patients. But children are wary of it because of the painful effect that occurs due to the sticking of the specialist's palms to the skin. If the child has problems with the spine, then a mixture of honey and fir oil should be made for massage. It happens that a hernia in children is congenital, while the baby may also have an umbilical hernia. It is not necessary to combine manipulations on the spine and massage of the umbilical hernia in newborns at the same time, if these problems exist. You should consult a pediatrician who will give the necessary recommendations.

The specialist rubs the inflamed area of the back with stroking movements, warming it up. Then a thin layer of honey is applied to the skin, and the master, patting over the entire surface, makes a massage. The skin sticks to the palms, appearsa little pain, but it can and should be tolerated. After the procedure, a warming gel is applied to the sore spot, the patient is wrapped in a warm blanket.

umbilical hernia massage in newborns
umbilical hernia massage in newborns


Honey massage for spinal hernia can be done if there is no individual intolerance to the bee product and increased pain sensitivity.

As for the general manipulation of this direction, the procedures cannot be carried out in the first days with an exacerbation of the disease, except for those that relieve inflammation and discomfort. During the session, severe pain in the area of the hernia is considered a bad sign. If the patient experiences this, then the massage therapist should switch to another area of the back or stop the procedure altogether. The main principle is not to be zealous, but to act gently and carefully so as not to harm.

back massage for spinal hernia
back massage for spinal hernia

Recommendations for back massage

Treatment takes quite a long time, so the patient must be aware of this and be patient, follow all the doctor's recommendations. In addition to massage, there are many more manipulations that help healing:

  • he alth resort type treatment;
  • LFK, exercises at home;
  • anti-inflammatory and painkillers, chondroprotectors;
  • physiotherapy;
  • yoga.
honey massage for spinal hernia
honey massage for spinal hernia

It should be noted that manual and other massages act asan auxiliary agent that affects the pain zone. The manipulations of the master reduce the deterioration of the patient's condition and the risk of pain to a minimum. But the best treatment is a comprehensive approach to the disease.
