Nematodes in humans are not uncommon, because they live almost everywhere and can enter our body through food, water or dirty hands. We may not even know it, as they fit seamlessly into our micro-ecosystem.

Nematodes (or roundworms) are small worms of the protostomes type, a group of molters. Modern science identifies about twenty-four thousand species of these animals, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. According to theoretical calculations, the presence of a million varieties of nematodes is assumed. Their species diversity is so great that it is almost equal to insects.
Separate free-living and parasitic nematodes. Roundworms are everywhere. In land and water, their number can be up to a million individuals per cubic meter. Those representatives of this species that chose to become parasites can live in any multicellular organism, even in other protozoa.
In the course of their life, nematodes cause various diseases in their hosts. If this is a plant, then it is dying off.root system, fruit spoilage and gall formation. The most common nematodes in humans and animals are roundworms, pinworms, trichinella and hookworms. Developing and multiplying, they win back their living space and "litter" the internal environment of the host organism, causing unpleasant symptoms.
Variety of nematodes
All roundworms have features that unite them.
- Special body shape - fusiform, with bilateral symmetry. The body is not divided into segments, but is covered with a shell on the outside.
- Worms have a division into males and females, not only at the level of the genitals, but also phenotypically: males are longer, and the back of their body twists.
- Representatives of this species have a very simple digestive system (it is a hollow tube from one end of the body to the other). There is no respiratory system, since oxygen enters through the entire surface of the body.
- All nematodes go through the same stages in the development process.
Nematodes in humans, animals and plants appear due to the fact that the eggs of these worms are able to maintain their viability in the most severe conditions, even where adults quickly die.
Cycle of existence

As mentioned above, all roundworms have approximately the same development cycle, with some minor differences.
A human nematode goes through three stages in its life. The cycle begins in the stomach from the moment of fertilization of the female. She has no suckerstherefore, it drifts freely through the intestines until it reaches the anus. There, nematodes can crawl out and remain on the skin of the buttocks and thighs.
About a month after fertilization, the female lays her eggs and dies. In order for the offspring to mature, special conditions are necessary - heat and high humidity. Skin folds in the crotch area are perfect for this. With a favorable set of circumstances, the eggs are ready for the birth of new worms in six hours.
A person feels discomfort and scratches the skin, so the eggs are under the nail plate, and with unwashed hands they fall back into the intestines. Before full development into an adult, two weeks should pass. All this time they remain in the intestines of the host. In total, the life of roundworms does not exceed three months, but a person can be infected for much longer, because re-infections constantly occur.
Methods of infection

Nematodes are dangerous to humans only if a large number of them have accumulated in the body. Then they can cause intestinal obstruction, damage to the liver or lungs.
The easiest way to become infected with parasites is to neglect the rules of personal hygiene. Dirty hands, water, unwashed vegetables and fruits can carry adult nematodes. Therefore, it is important to carefully handle food, wash hands with soap and water and do not drink water from open bodies of water. A special category is made up of people who often eat raw seafood. Nematodes in fish are also dangerous to humans because this is the easiest way of infection. The patient may be unaware of the disease for a long time. In addition, several types of roundworms can enter the body at the same time.
Unfortunately, even just working in the ground or swimming in the sea, a person is able to get a "pleasant" bonus in the form of a nematode. The larvae and eggs are so small that they penetrate well through intact skin, causing rashes and irritation.
The last path is transmissive, that is, associated with an insect bite. Since nematodes can live in absolutely any living creature, the risk of infection after contact with a mosquito or flea is quite high.

Parasitic nematodes in humans primarily cause disruption of the digestive system, as the worms, in order to gain a foothold in one place, injure the intestinal wall. Patients may experience pain that does not have an obvious localization, nausea and vomiting, stool disturbance, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, and even jaundice. The last two symptoms are due to the fact that the nematodes block the lumen of the bile ducts and interfere with the normal outflow of the secret.
In addition to intestinal disorders, symptoms of nematodes in humans are severe itching in the perianal region and perineum. This is most characteristic of a pinworm infection. And in the case of Trichinella, the muscles in which the worm reproduces are the first to be hit.
Nematodes not only cause discomfort, but can cause allergies. This isIt is manifested by a weakening of the body's defenses, rashes and itching, intoxication phenomena are growing due to poisoning with the waste products of worms. In some cases, people even went crazy because of the subjective sensations of having living organisms in their bodies.

In order to establish the presence of a nematode in a person, a photo is clearly not enough, although scientists claim that absolutely all people are infected with parasites. I would like to believe that this is not so.
Therefore, if there is a suspicion that you are not the only one who owns your body, you must definitely consult a doctor and take tests. First of all, this is a study of feces for eggs of worms. And you need to do it not one, but three times, for greater reliability.
In addition, the patient is required to take a blood test, which, if positive, will show eosinophilia. And if you wish, you can study the presence of specific antibodies and antigens that will indicate a specific pathogen.
If the parasite has invaded muscles or organs, then it makes sense to do a biopsy, ultrasound of the abdomen, and also conduct a trial course of treatment.
Treatment methods

Treatment of nematodes in humans can take place in two scenarios:
- medication;- oxygen therapy.
In no case do not self-medicate, all drugs must be selected by a doctor. He is based on his experience, research results and knowledge of the life cycle of parasites. In addition, the dosage and duration of administration is important. The instructions indicate the average indications, and the specialist will select the course of treatment for you individually. And it's important to remember that parasite medications are highly toxic.
The second treatment is to introduce pure 100% oxygen into the patient's digestive tract. For some types of nematodes, this is a deadly poison, so they die and are removed from the body naturally. Laxatives may be used to speed up the process.
Folk remedies
Since traditional treatment is quite toxic to the body, many people prefer to seek help from traditional medicine. But it is better to consult a doctor before using any means. Even if he does not approve of your decision, at least he will tell you how and when to use home remedies.
Most often, several types of herbs are used for enterobiasis:
- Onions and garlic are infused with alcohol, vodka or water, and the resulting infusion is taken with teaspoons.
- Ginger is recommended to be chewed both fresh and as a tincture.
- Thyme and thyme contain thymol, which poisons helminths. But it is not recommended to use it with alcohol, as this combination causes vomiting.
- Mugwort contains thujene, which is toxic to nematodes.
- Tancy flowers are used in cases of blockage of the bile ducts.
After treatment, be sure to re-examine to make sure it is effective and that folk remedies do notharmed your body.

Are nematodes dangerous for humans? Yes, of course, they can cause serious illness, and the fact of infection should not be ignored. Therefore, it is better to prevent infection than to fight parasites later, and besides, it is quite simple:
- observe personal hygiene, be sure to wash your hands after public transport, working in the garden or swimming in the pond;
- wash and heat your food, do not abuse sushi and rolls;
- use repellents when relaxing in nature;- if there are small children in the house, then linen, dishes and toys should be treated with boiling water.
Following these rules is easy, they are not burdensome for adults or children.