Thrush in women. From what and how to be treated?

Thrush in women. From what and how to be treated?
Thrush in women. From what and how to be treated?

Quite a lot of women and girls are faced with such an unpleasant, but obviously not fatal disease, like thrush. Its other name is candidiasis, because the disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. They provoke the formation of white plaque and the release of a curdled consistency. There are also other symptoms that indicate thrush in women. How it is treated and what kind of prevention to carry out in order to prevent its development, we will learn from the article.

thrush in women from what
thrush in women from what

What is thrush in women

From what this disease developed in a particular patient, it is very difficult to say. One can only guess one reason or another. Let's look at the disease itself first. A fungal disease, which is thrush, develops on the mucous membranes due to the rapid reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida. They are actually constantly present in the human body (andmen including): in the gastrointestinal tract, on the skin, in the genitourinary system, on the oral mucosa. Violation of the balance of microflora leads to such a diagnosis. In practice, the most common is the lesion of the genitourinary tract. Sometimes this fungus also affects the internal genital organs. This form is widespread and, as a rule, is chronic, periodically aggravating.

thrush in women treatment reviews
thrush in women treatment reviews

Causes of occurrence

So, thrush in women - what causes it? Several factors may have contributed to the development of this disease. Basically it is:

  • Weakened immunity, both general and local.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Taking antibiotics.
  • Sexually transmitted infections.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • HIV
  • Endocrine diseases (diabetes, obesity, etc.).
  • Physiological conditions (pregnancy).
  • Using hormonal contraceptives.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Frequent douching or poor personal hygiene.

Symptomatology and course of the disease

Thrush in women from what occurs, we found out. Now it's time to turn to the symptoms. This disease is not at all dangerous, but it gives a woman a lot of unpleasant sensations that reduce the quality of life. About 75% of women, at least once in their lives, will feel all the "charms" of this disease. The main symptoms are whitish curdled discharge, quite severe itching in the placelesions, peculiar smell.

Thrush in women. Treatment, reviews

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This specific diagnosis needs to be approached wisely. As you understand, mushrooms live in the body all the time. Therefore, the disease itself is conditionally considered chronic. There is a whole series of drugs that will help remove the symptoms and "pacify" the fungi. But the first thing you should know is that if you have these symptoms, you should stop having sex until you are completely cured so as not to aggravate your condition. Treatment should be started immediately after visiting a doctor.

We are talking about a mandatory visit to a gynecologist or dermatologist also because he, quite likely, will consider it necessary to write you a referral for an examination. So, thrush in women: from what it appears, we have discussed in general terms above. Perhaps you should get tested for HIV, diabetes, infections. A gynecologist or dermatologist can find other infections in the swab taken. But, it is likely that the disease could be caused by a banal malnutrition, age, pregnancy or medication. The doctor gives standard recommendations to help speed up recovery with such a diagnosis as thrush in women. Treatment - suppositories (or vaginal tablets), ointments, creams, oral tablets. Particularly popular, inexpensive and effective is the drug "Clotrimazole". Fluconazole tablets are no less popular. For the treatment of thrush in the mouth, the drug "Nystatin" is often used (tablets dissolve). But in any case, it shouldpre-take tests and visit a doctor. A lot of drugs can get you out of this ailment in just a few days.