What are the consequences of quitting smoking?

What are the consequences of quitting smoking?
What are the consequences of quitting smoking?

The burden of tobacco addiction can be measured in terms of premature deaths due to accelerated atherosclerotic disease and cancer, as well as the economic costs of lost productivity and increased care.

Smoking leads to death
Smoking leads to death

Cigarette smoke is a poisonous mixture containing a huge amount of chemical elements that adversely affect human he alth. Carbon monoxide, ammonia, pyridine, toluene, nicotine and more - a real cocktail that can cause malaise, various diseases, infections, affects reproductive function, and also leads to cancer. And all this in exchange for a dubious pleasure?

According to statistics, about five million people die every year from cigarettes, six hundred thousand from passive smoking. Moreover, eighty percent of lung cancer cases are associated with nicotine. Therefore, all those who are addicted to cigarettes need to take the one and only, most important step in their lives - to stop smoking. Thus, saving not only your life, but also limiting those around you from the harmful effects of nicotine.

What happens when you smoke?

Mostpleasant - smoke a cigarette after eating. This can be confirmed by absolutely every smoker. Many also smoke while drinking alcohol. There is a myth that smoking cigarettes helps to calm down in any stressful situation. Someone smokes to be liberated or to become their own in an unfamiliar company. Many of the smokers smoked when they were young, thanks to the herd mentality, the desire to be like everyone else, so as not to look like a black sheep or seem cool. But this imaginary charm and momentary pleasure soon disappear, leaving only an addiction in its place.

Lighting a cigarette, a person draws smoke into his lungs. Once in the body, nicotine and other components of combustion products act as follows:

  • heartbeat quickens;
  • blood thickens;
  • lowering oxygen levels in the blood;
  • pressure rising;
  • weaken senses of taste and smell;
  • grey skin tone and wrinkles appear;
  • feeling a slight euphoria and relaxation;
  • appetite decreases;
  • appears nausea;
  • a headache appears;
  • body temperature drops;
  • bad breath.
  • Bad smell of cigarette smoke
    Bad smell of cigarette smoke

High doses of nicotine can cause an overdose, which can be irreversible:

  • weakness;
  • confusion;
  • rapid decrease in blood pressure and respiratory rate;
  • convulsions;
  • vomit;
  • breathing stops
  • death.

60mg of nicotine can be lethal to an adult.

How to quit smoking?

There is no single way to quit smoking that works for everyone. Reading special literature is suitable for someone, someone begins to seize the desire to smoke sweets or seeds. Everyone's recovery from addiction is different. Some tips to help you quit smoking:

  • Select a date and tune in.
  • Find out what makes you want to smoke. When does it appear.
  • Try smoking in unnatural positions, different places.
  • Find something to keep you busy.
  • Use nicotine gum, patches.
  • Write down all the cons of this addiction and read them periodically, especially when a strong desire arises.
  • The effect of cigarettes on a person
    The effect of cigarettes on a person

What for?

There is not a single person in the world who will say that smoking is a he althy habit. There is nothing good about it, it's an addiction. Smoking is a drug, although not as strong as, for example, heroin.

What are the consequences of quitting smoking?

  • life extension;
  • better he alth;
  • reducing the risk of disease (lung cancer, throat cancer, emphysema, hypertension, ulcers, gum disease, heart disease);
  • improvement of physical and psychological conditions;
  • appearance improvement;
  • improve the perception of smell and taste;
  • saving money.
  • smoker's teeth
    smoker's teeth

Ways to quit smoking

  • Step by step, reducing the number of cigarettes smoked.
  • Sharply. Eliminate cigarettes completely.
  • Reading specialized literature.
  • Medical devices: pills, patches.
  • Coding.
  • Change of environment.

According to statistics, it is best to quit smoking abruptly, once and for all, to eliminate the temptation to smoke another "last" cigarette. This method is more effective than quitting gradually. The consequences of abruptly quitting smoking are no different from any other method. The only thing is that this method can be most effective if you isolate yourself from people who smoke. To do this in the modern world will, of course, be difficult. It will also be easier to endure the consequences of abruptly quitting smoking if you plunge headlong into some new activity. For example, find a hobby, go on a trip, play sports.

Consequences of quitting smoking by day and hour, step by step

When a person who smokes cigarettes quits an addiction, he will undoubtedly begin to feel his he alth and overall well-being improve exponentially. You can feel the effects of quitting by the hour:

  • After 20 minutes, the smoke stops polluting the air, the pressure, pulse and temperature of a person return to normal.
  • After 8 hours, the level of oxygen in the blood will increase.
  • After 24 hours, the risk of having a heart attack decreases.
  • After 48 hours, the nervous systemwill adjust to the absence of nicotine and taste and smell will begin to return to normal.
  • After 72 hours the bronchi begin to relax.
  • After 14 days, the effects of quitting smoking are expressed in improved blood circulation, resulting in increased exercise tolerance.
Lungs of a non-smoker and a smoker
Lungs of a non-smoker and a smoker

After a month, coughing decreases, nasal congestion and shortness of breath gradually disappear, strength returns and fatigue disappears, energy appears. After being nicotine-free for a year, the risk of heart disease is reduced by 50%.

After 5 years from the last cigarette smoked, the risk of stroke is reduced to that of a non-smoker. After 10 years, the risk of getting cancer of the lungs, as well as other organs (larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidneys, pancreas) also decreases.

Day after day

To quit smoking cigarettes, the addict must be ready emotionally and psychologically. Instead, many list many reasons why they continue to use tobacco, despite the fact that half of them will die before their non-smoking peers. The real truth boils down to one fact - addiction to nicotine. Most people know this word, but many do not fully understand the true effects on the body of quitting.

Smoking shortens life
Smoking shortens life

During quitting cigarettes due to the sudden cessation of nicotine intake, the body will experience thoseor other symptoms. The intensity of side effects will vary depending on how long the person was dependent on nicotine, how many cigarettes he smoked per day. Naturally, with a smoking experience of 20 years, the consequences of quitting will be much stronger than for a smoker with a shorter period of use. But in any case, all the symptoms will not be present all the time, but only the first weeks, while the body will be cleansed and restored.

The following describes the sensations and effects of the day after quitting.

  1. The first craving occurs within the first few hours. The urge may be so strong that you may want to quit as soon as you start. But don't give in to temptation. It is better not to think about cigarettes, dive into a task that requires attention as well as physical strength.
  2. First night without cigarettes. No need to deviate from your decision, no matter how strong the craving to smoke is. It's better to do some push-ups and go to bed.
  3. The next morning. The desire to smoke a cigarette has not gone anywhere, it is understandable, very little time has passed. It may increase irritation and make you feel tired.
  4. In the next 2-3 days there will be headaches and feeling like cigarettes are the only way out. Do not forget that smoking is not an option.
  5. 1 week is a full week and cravings are slowly fading away.
  6. 2 Weeks. You can celebrate. The main thing is not to break loose.

Negative side

Of course, one desire to fight smoking is not enough, you need to havegood willpower and approach this process with responsibility. While the nicotine itself will leave your body fairly quickly, a long-standing habit is hard to break right away. It will take several months to overcome psychological dependence. The positive effects of quitting cigarettes will only begin immediately after the smoker has smoked the last cigarette. But along with the pros, there are also cons.

Some possible consequences of quitting smoking:

  • Cravings for smoking. This is a sign that the body is recovering, cleared of all toxic chemicals and resin.
  • Constant feeling of hunger. An increase in appetite is a sign of enhanced brain function. The hunger won't last forever. As soon as the body learns to work normally without nicotine, the disturbed metabolism will return to normal.
  • Weight gain. Usually people feel hungry at regular intervals, but smokers can go without food all day. Nicotine in this case suppresses the feeling of hunger. When quitting smoking, a person eats more sweet and s alty foods, which causes weight gain. You should redistribute meals. Eat small meals at regular intervals.
  • The appearance of a cough. Occurs due to cleansing of the lungs.
  • Headaches.
  • Difficulty concentrating and concentrating.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sore throat.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Constipation.
Lungs' cancer. cough
Lungs' cancer. cough

After quitting smoking, many experience effects such as depression. Allbecause for some people smoking is a defense mechanism, a form of self-therapy. A teenager who starts smoking may not be aware of a tendency to depression or anxiety until they decide to quit. But all these symptoms will be the strongest only at the very beginning, and will pass within a few weeks.

Smoking in men

the joy of life
the joy of life

Nicotine negatively affects male and female fertility, develops the risk of infertility. The quality of a man's sperm deteriorates, the number of spermatozoa decreases. Toxic substances that are present in tobacco smoke, such as cadmium, nicotine, benzapyrene, can damage the genetic material in sperm.

Men who smoke have a significantly higher risk of developing impotence (erectile dysfunction) than non-smokers. The longer a man smokes, the more likely it is.

Studies have shown that children of fathers who smoke have an increased risk of developing cancer at an early age.

Smoking is associated with an increased risk of invasive penile cancer. This risk is about four times that of non-smokers. The consequences of smoking cessation in men are reflected mainly in emotional terms.

Smoking in women

Women who smoke face greater he alth risks than men who smoke. They may be more likely to develop lung cancer or a heart attack. Studies show that women find it harder to quit smoking than men and are more likely to start smoking again. The consequences of quitting smoking in women can be much strongerexpressed.

The ability of a smoking woman to conceive a child is 72%. Moreover, smoking during pregnancy has a detrimental effect on the unborn child. Nicotine can cause miscarriage, various pregnancy complications (bleeding, premature birth), birth defects in the baby, low birth weight, stillbirth, early death, increased risk of morbidity. Therefore, giving up cigarettes before planning is the best opportunity to ensure the he alth of your baby.


Smoking is injurious to he alth, there is no doubt about it. It does not matter how old a person is and how long he smoked. All the negative effects of quitting smoking will eventually fade away and only the positive aspects of a new life without nicotine will remain. Bad breath, hair, hands and clothes will disappear, general well-being will improve, a surge of strength and energy will appear, new opportunities for self-development and career growth will open up.

happiness is not in smoking
happiness is not in smoking

Non-Smoking Tips

  • Try to avoid being around heavy smokers, at least until you have confidence in your willpower.
  • Step away from smokers at the table, at work or at parties.
  • Do something else instead of joining the smokers on breaks.
  • Remind yourself of the negative effects of smoking
  • Focus on eating, drinking, talking, anything but cigarettes.
  • Reduce your alcohol intake so you don't lose control and succumb to the urge to smoke.
  • Try popcorn, sugar-free gum, or a soft drink, juice, or water instead of smoking.

In closing

Smoking is the dumbest thing you can do in your life. Hardly anyone actually has the desire for yellow fingers, brown teeth and black lungs.

Fresh air
Fresh air

Most smokers try to quit smoking several times before they actually succeed. While it may work for the first time, for most, quitting is a learning process in which a person gradually learns more about their addiction and also experiences emotions that can be confusing. To successfully quit smoking, it is important not to smoke at all, even one cigarette, even one small puff. Quitting smoking is not just about giving up nicotine, it's about changing your lifestyle and habits. Unpleasant consequences after quitting smoking indicate only the recovery and cleansing of the body.

Smoking kills. It's never too late to quit! Life without nicotine is great!
