Recently, more and more often you can hear about such a hobby as smoking hookah. This pastime, which is very common in the Arab countries, has gained its popularity mainly due to the fact that many believe that the hookah is less dangerous than a cigarette. However, experts in this field believe that hookah smoking is harmful. Is it really? And what is the negative effect of smoking on the human body?
Hookah: harmful or not?
It's no secret that cigarette smoking is harmful to human he alth and is the cause of many diseases. But on the other hand, many doubt whether the hookah is harmful. But they have not so little in common.
Everyone knows about nicotine addiction resulting from cigarette smoking, but only a few realize that hookah addiction also occurs.

If hookah smoking exceeds 3 times a week, then there is a riskthe occurrence of nicotine addiction (60%). If you do this no more than 3 times, then most likely you will not become addicted (90% out of 100). However, do not forget that each person is individual. Having smoked just a couple of times, you can forever be a "hostage" of this bad habit. Moreover, hookahs often use prohibited components that cause drug addiction.
As for the effect of hookah on the human body, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. And special attention should be paid to passive smoking. It is harmful to he alth, no matter what you choose: a cigarette or a hookah. In both cases, you will expose yourself to nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and other products of tobacco combustion. And the combination of hookah with alcohol can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
What is hookah tobacco made of?
If you can't determine if a hookah is harmful, pay attention to the fact that you smoke. Although hookah lovers are not averse to enjoying the sweet smell of fruits, not everyone knows that tobacco is often used for such smoking. It is not always subject to cleaning, therefore, it often has a not very high quality. It also includes various dyes, flavors, glycerin, molasses, spices, flavors and other substances. And although hookah tobacco consists of only 142 components (there are 4700 of them in cigarette smoke), our body is affected by all its components. After all, a smoking session lasts much longer than a puff on a cigarette. It should not be forgotten thatwe receive a dose of carbon monoxide that is 15 times greater than the amount of this harmful substance that we inhale when we smoke cigarettes. Therefore, if you use a hookah more than three times a week, you risk becoming addicted to nicotine. By the way, one hookah is comparable in terms of harmfulness to a hundred cigarettes.
Effects of smoking
Smoking hookah in company can be unsafe if you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene and do not use individual mouthpieces.

After all, saliva is an easy way to transmit pathogenic bacteria and even STDs.
Is hookah harmful? Myths
1. Cigarettes have a more negative impact on human he alth than hookah, as they contain more nicotine and tar.
Myth. Indeed, unlike cigarettes, it is not always possible to see a list of substances that make up its composition on the packaging of tobacco. When testing hookah tobacco, it often turns out that it is much more dangerous than cigarette tobacco.
2. Hookah is not as dangerous as cigarettes because the smoke is cleared with water, milk or wine.
True, but only partially. The liquid clears the smoke. It is capable of retaining about 90% of phenols and about 50% of particulate matter, but does not clean the smoke of all harmful substances.
3) Smoking hookah is not addictive.

Myth. The content of nicotine in hookah tobacco suggests that addiction may occur. It all depends on how often you smoke and how much nicotinefound in tobacco. It is possible that after using a hookah, you will also want to smoke a cigarette.
Still doubting whether hookah is harmful? Undoubtedly. And if you're worried about yourself and your he alth, don't start smoking.