Why is burdock juice so useful?

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Why is burdock juice so useful?
Why is burdock juice so useful?

Video: Why is burdock juice so useful?

Video: Why is burdock juice so useful?
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The days are getting colder and there are fewer wild plants, but burdock (or Arctium lappa) can still be found in large numbers. Burdock root is the best blood cleanser. In his works, the scientist Paul Pitchford writes that burdock juice is an excellent tool for removing fats from the blood and normalizing blood sugar, thereby contributing to its purification.

Before making burdock juice, you need to collect the roots and leaves

Burdock juice
Burdock juice

Before the ground freezes, burdock roots can be found everywhere. Look for plants that have only been growing for 1 year and have large, wavy green leaves. They grow next to dead burdocks that are already 2 years old (they are given out by fallen brown leaves, as well as thorns that stick to clothes). Burdock root juice should be made from plants that are still green: you will need a long shovel because the plant has deep tap roots and is difficult to get.

In Japan, this plant is called "gobo" and it is consumed as an ordinary vegetable. Therefore, it is very common among Asian grocers and in stores with he althy herbs. Burdock juice is a delicious refreshing drink. Purchased or uprooted roots of the plant can be consumed either cooked or raw: they can be added to soups or fried with carrots and sesame seeds, or they can be grated along with lettuce leaves.

Burdock juice and other areas

The roots of the plant are widely used in medicine. They can be finely chopped and

Burdock root juice
Burdock root juice

add to tea that is simmered. To make a tincture, dip the root in alcohol and steep for several weeks. Usually drink 30 drops of tincture twice a day.

Burdock root is considered a powerful medicine in many cultures around the world. It draws out excess moisture and is able to lower the temperature, it also perfectly removes toxins from the body. In North America, burdock juice and tinctures are used as blood purifiers and in the following situations:

  • When the body suffers from environmental toxins such as cigarette smoke and dirty air.
  • If there are parasites in the blood.
  • If heavy metals are found in the blood: lead, uranium, arsenic and others.
  • When the body is affected by chronic bacterial or viral infections (chronic fatigue, Lyme disease, etc.).

This plant is highly valued among herbalists around the world. Burdock juice and other preparations based on it help the liver cope with the processing and purification of the blood entering it. Also, the plant helps to get rid of redness and spots, if any, on the skin.

Burdock leaf juice
Burdock leaf juice

To prepare a fresh, cleansing burdock juice, you need the following ingredients:

  • about 8 cm of burdock root;
  • 1.5-2cm ginger root;
  • 3 small apples;
  • 1 kale or chard leaf (may be omitted, but if you want to get juice with greens, a leaf will do);
  • with skin if organic.

Now it remains to mix everything thoroughly in a blender, and you can drink the drink. Burdock leaf juice is prepared like this:

  • Dried leaves are passed through a meat grinder.
  • Squeeze 2-3 times.

Store it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and no longer than six months.
