Wismec RX200: instructions and reviews

Wismec RX200: instructions and reviews
Wismec RX200: instructions and reviews

Wismec Reuleaux RX200 is a 200W max power box mod powered by three 18650 batteries. normal wattage mode.

Performance Reuleaux RX200 Wismec

rx200 wismec
rx200 wismec

The operating power of the box mod is from 1 to 200 W, the operating resistance range in the variatta mode is from 0.1 ohm to 3.5 ohm. In temperature control mode, the Wismec RX200 mod supports 0.05 ohm to 1 ohm. In the temperature control mode, you can adjust the temperature from 100 gr. From up to 300 and from 200 gr. F to 600.

Wismec Reuleaux RX200 box mod components

The body of the box mod is made of stainless steel with plastic inserts. Its dimensions are 50 mm wide, 40 mm thick at its widest point and 84 mm high. Weight Wismec RX200 without installed batteries is 184 grams. The device is delivered in a cardboard box. We can see on it a schematic image of the device, its name, the manufacturer's logo, there is also a name on the sides. Butthe main information is located on the reverse side, namely: a description of the device, its configuration, a scratch code with a code for checking the originality of the device on the manufacturer's website, as well as information about the selected color of the device, precautions and certificates.

Inside the device itself is located in a velvet tray. Also here is a card with which the manufacturer notifies us that it is necessary to use the same batteries, preferably with the same discharge and charge cycle. Inside is, among other things, instructions in various languages. The last item in the package is a micro USB cable to charge the device.


wismec rx200
wismec rx200

The Wismec RX200 box mod looks quite compact, despite the fact that it is designed for three 18650 batteries. It has a very comfortable diamond shape, as well as rounded edges, due to which it fits very nicely in the hand. Together with three installed batteries, it gives a pleasant heaviness. At the top is a connector pad. Atomizers with a diameter of up to 25 mm are well suited here. Even with 25 mm atomizers, there will be no overhang, and everything will look quite organic. The 510 connector has steel threads as well as a spring loaded pin.

Controls for this box mod

These include: FIRE button, plus-minus button. There is also a screen and a micro-USB port. The buttons on this device are made very well, they have a very pleasant stroke, and are also moderately clicky. No extra rattlespresent.

Through the micro-USB port, you can update the firmware by downloading it from the official website. You can also charge batteries through it. This device has a separate charge controller for each battery, but the manufacturer on its official website recommends using external chargers for greater safety of the elements. However, many users note that it is quite convenient to charge it via micro-USB, as the internal controllers cope with this task with a bang. The only disadvantage of built-in charging is the time it takes, as it is approximately 3-4 hours.

wismec reuleaux rx200
wismec reuleaux rx200

The device looks the same on the sides. There is a gas outlet for cooling the board. In the middle there is a small notch for nails, so that you can conveniently remove the battery cover.

Bottom is a vent and gas outlet for the battery compartment, as well as for the board compartment. Below is an engraving with the name of the device and certificates.

If you remove the battery cover, you can see what is inside. The lid is made of stainless steel (very tight and does not bend in the hands). It attaches to the body thanks to eight magnets (4 on the cover and 4 on the main body of the box mod). There are marks in the 18650 battery compartment so that the user does not mix up how to install batteries. There is also a ribbon for easier removal. Minuscontacts are spring-loaded for more comfortable installation of batteries. The manufacturer of this device recommends using these elements with the same number of discharge and charge cycles, since the Wismec Reuleaux RX200 mod has one feature: if one battery differs from the others in voltage by more than 0.3 volts, then the device asks to put it on charge for solutions to this problem.


Rear batteries must be installed minus up, top batteries positive up. On the screen of the Wismec RX200 box mod, at this time, the charge indicator, resistance accurate to hundredths, voltage accurate to hundredths, and information about the set power will also be visible.

wismec rx200 mod
wismec rx200 mod

To select another mode, press the FIRE button three times. In the temperature control mode, the battery charge indicator is displayed on the nickel, the resistance is accurate to the hundredths, power is now visible under it, the temperature is written in large numbers either in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Switching between these systems is carried out in a circle. Information about the current mode is located in the upper right corner.

Next is the temperature control mode on titanium, which displays the same information as that on nickel, except for the inscription in the upper right corner. Now it's TI.

The last mode is temperature control mode on stainless steel.

Interaction with this boxmod: functions

wismec rx200 firmware
wismec rx200 firmware

If inIn temperature control mode, simultaneously hold down the FIRE button and the plus button, you can either lock or unlock the resistance parameter. If the first action is performed, then a lock is located to the right of the resistance value. If you simultaneously hold down the "minus" and "plus" keys, you can lock the device. In this state of the device, we cannot change the board parameters, but the FIRE button continues to work. If you simultaneously hold down the latter and the minus button, then we can turn on Ste alth Mode, which is made to save battery. Some users consider this feature to be absolutely useless, because thanks to three batteries, the autonomy of this device is at an incredible level.

When the device is turned off

To turn off, press the FIRE button five times. The first thing you can do with the device turned off is to check the firmware version. To do this, press the FIRE button twenty times. Now devices that are shipped to stores come with firmware version 1.03. Also, if you hold down the "plus" key and the "minus" key at the same time with the Wismec RX200 box mod turned off, you can change the screen orientation.

Tests of this device

wismec reuleaux rx200 mod
wismec reuleaux rx200 mod

Users find the board performs well in both temperature control mode and normal wattage mode. The device immediately starts to soar after pressing the FIRE button. As soon as this device appeared on the market, the first foreign reviewers spread rumors that temperature controlon this device works out of the ordinary poorly. Therefore, it is worth updating the firmware immediately to 1.07. At the time of purchasing the device, the firmware version in Wismec RX200 is 1.03. For good work, you need to remember to fix the resistance at 380 with the Ste alth Mode turned off. To update the firmware, you need to download the program and press one button. Absolutely any user can handle this.

Conclusion: reviews and impressions

In general, the Wismec RX200 box mod makes a good and pleasant impression. It has established itself as a handy device with a compact body that fits well in the hand, despite the fact that it fits three 18650 batteries. All these factors allow the device to have maximum autonomy. According to users, with three charged batteries, you can smoke a box mod all day, and by the evening there is still half of the charge indicator. The box mod proved to be very worthy: it heats up the winding evenly, without unnecessary jumps and responds to the button as quickly as possible, regardless of the resistance and the set power. The appearance of the device is distinguished by elegance with the most promoted functionality, that is, it is equipped with all the currently relevant functions.

wismec rx200 box mod
wismec rx200 box mod

According to the owners of box mods, they are very pleased with the ability to charge batteries inside the device using the built-in charger with a widely used micro-USB connector (convenient location, the passru function is supported). They say it's a raritymods with multiple 18650 batteries connected in series. Many consider this a plus, given the high cost of charging, capable of charging three batteries at the same time. While the device is charging, the battery level indicator flashes, and it goes out only after the device no longer needs additional power supply. A full charge takes about 9 hours and depends on the capacity of the batteries used.

According to reviews, the charging operation is correct and controls the voltage on each battery separately. Charging is turned off when the voltage on one of the cans is 4.20 W, that is, the batteries are safe, you can use the device safely.


The mod turns off when the voltage on any of the batteries drops to 3.1 W, the inscription "Battery Low" will be displayed on the display.

When the battery voltage is unbalanced (the difference is more than 0.3 V), when the USB cable is connected, the inscription "Imbalanced" will appear. There is also protection against too high voltage of the power supply: if the voltage is higher than 5.8 V, the screen will display the inscription "Check USB" (check the cable).

Of course, for maximum productivity of box mods, it is better to use batteries that are the same in all respects and in condition.
