Dimethindene maleate: instructions and reviews

Dimethindene maleate: instructions and reviews
Dimethindene maleate: instructions and reviews

Recently, there are more and more new remedies for allergies. This disease affects people of all ages, even children. Therefore, for many it is very important to find a safe and effective remedy. Some try to buy more modern drugs, although they are quite expensive. But drugs containing first-generation antihistamine components, such as dimethindene maleate, remain no less popular. It is a synthetic substance, tasteless and odorless, poorly soluble in water. Preparations based on it have antiallergic, antipruritic and sedative effects.

dimethindene maleate analogues
dimethindene maleate analogues

Properties of this substance

Dimethindene maleate blocks the work of histamine receptors. Due to the fact that histamine stops being produced in the body, allergic reactions stop. Dimethindene maleate is very well absorbed by tissues and acts quickly. Preparations based on it have the following properties:

  • relieve itching;
  • reduce the severity of allergic reactions;
  • decreasecapillary permeability;
  • soothe.

But these medicines only relieve the symptoms. The causes of the disease dimethindene maleate does not eliminate.

Characteristic of this substance

Dimethindene maleate has been used in medical practice all over the world for a long time. But not all people with allergies know about it. They are looking for more effective modern drugs. But often only dimethindene maleate can help such patients. Medicines based on this substance are absorbed quickly and completely. Their maximum concentration in the blood is observed after 2 hours. But the disappearance of symptoms begins after 30 minutes. The effect of these drugs lasts up to 12 hours, so taking them is often not required, once a day is enough. Dimethindene maleate is used for oral administration in the form of a solution, tablets or capsules and externally, in the form of a gel. Now there are only three known drugs based on it:

  • "Fenistil" in the form of drops for oral administration, capsules and gel for external use;
  • "Vibrocil" is nasal drops and spray;
  • "Dimetindene" is available in capsules, solution and gel.
  • phenylephrine dimethindene maleate
    phenylephrine dimethindene maleate

Indications for use

Inside preparations based on dimethindene maleate are used as prescribed by a doctor for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. They are most often used in such cases:

  • to prevent allergic reactions in allergic patients with possible exposure to provocativefactors;
  • for chickenpox, rubella and measles to relieve itching and swelling;
  • for hay fever;
  • in the treatment of urticaria, vasomotor and chronic rhinitis;
  • at the first manifestation of a food or drug allergy;
  • to relieve itching;
  • after insect bites to prevent an allergic reaction;
  • in the complex treatment of patients with serum sickness, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

Dimethindene maleate (gel - one of the forms of production of preparations containing this active substance) is used for urticaria, dermatitis, eczema, burns, itching, and also after insect bites. In especially severe cases, you can combine external use of the drug with oral drops.

dimethindene maleate
dimethindene maleate

Drug "Fenistil"

Dimetindene maleate is the main active ingredient of this drug. Basically, "Fenistil" is known to patients in the form of a gel. It is used for itching, insect bites, dermatitis. But no less effective is "Fenistil" in the form of capsules or drops for oral administration. Moreover, the action of the drops lasts up to 6 hours, so they are taken three times a day. The capsules contain a higher concentration of dimethindene maleate, so they retain their effect for up to 12 hours. In difficult cases, the doctor may decide on the need to use drops and gel together.

fenistil dimentidene maleate
fenistil dimentidene maleate

Drug "Vibrocil"

This medicine is prescribed for rhinitis, hay fever,otitis. It effectively relieves swelling of the mucosa and facilitates nasal breathing. Therefore, it can also be used to relieve swelling before or after surgery, as well as during a cold. Such properties are explained by the composition of the drug: it contains phenylephrine, dimethindene maleate and auxiliary components. "Vibrocil" is available in the form of nasal drops, spray and nasal gel. It is often prescribed to children with a cold to prevent otitis media.

dimethindene maleate preparations
dimethindene maleate preparations

When not to use these drugs

All drugs based on dimethindene maleate are relatively safe. It is strictly contraindicated to use them only during pregnancy, lactation, premature and debilitated infants, all children under 2 months, as well as individual intolerance. The rest of the patients, such drugs are often prescribed. True, with caution and under the supervision of a doctor, this should be done to children under one year old and patients with such diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • impaired patency of the urethra;
  • prostatic hyperplasia.

These gel preparations are used more widely. Only 10% of dimethindene maleate is absorbed into the blood from this form of the drug. Therefore, in small areas of the skin, the gel can be used according to indications even during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters and while breastfeeding. It should not be applied only to the nipple area.

In suchcases, it is necessary to use drugs that do not contain dimethindene maleate. Its analogues, which have the property of blocking histamine receptors, are also effective for allergies, but some patients are better tolerated. The most famous of them are: "Tsetrilev", "Alerik", "Ksizal", "Lorizan", "Psilo-balm" and others.

dimethindene maleate gel
dimethindene maleate gel

Side effects from use

In addition to the antihistamine action, drugs based on dimethindene maleate have a sedative effect. Therefore, the most common side effects after their use are weakness, drowsiness and loss of strength. Some patients may experience other discomforts as well:

  • dizziness, headaches;
  • muscle spasms;
  • nausea, dry mouth;
  • shortness of breath.

If the recommended dose is exceeded, there may also be convulsions, hallucinations, fever, a strong drop in pressure. Infants may be agitated and have difficulty breathing.

After using preparations in the form of a gel, rashes and swelling, dryness and itching may occur at the site of application of the preparation.

Dimethindene maleate: instructions for use

The dosage of such drugs should be strictly observed, especially in young children. From the age of one to 12 years, it is calculated individually, depending on the weight of the child. It is easiest to give children drops: from 2 months to a year three times a day from 3 to 10 drops, up to 3 years - up to 15 drops, from 3 to 12 years - 15-25 drops each. They can be given directly from a spoon (they have no taste or smell) or added to a bottle.

Adults and children over 12 years of age are indicated to take 3 to 6 mg per day. This dose is divided into 2-3 doses. For example, in the morning - 2 mg, and at bedtime - 4 mg or 2 mg three times a day. If the drug is taken in solution, it is drunk 20-40 drops 3 times a day. Inside preparations based on dimethindene maleate can be drunk for no more than 25 days.

Gel for external use is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-4 times a day.

dimethindene maleate instructions
dimethindene maleate instructions

Special instructions for using these drugs

The sedative effect of dimethindene maleate contributes to the fact that drowsiness may occur after taking it. Therefore, when using drops or tablets in the morning, you can slightly reduce the dosage. But it is still undesirable to drive a vehicle or perform other work requiring increased care. In addition, there are several other features of the use of such drugs:

  • cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages;
  • they increase the effect of sleeping pills;
  • after using the gel, avoid exposure of the skin to sunlight;
  • if you take dimethindene maleate along with antidepressants, it is possible to increase intraocular pressure;
  • For children under one year old, the gel should not be applied to large surfaces, and drops are used with great care.


Preparations based on dimethindene maleate in the form of a gel quickly dry and relieve itching whenallergic rashes, insect bites. Reviews of tablets and capsules are positive, especially with seasonal manifestations of allergies. Adverse reactions appear no more often than stated in the instructions. Among the minuses, the high cost of the medicine is noted.
