To treat dysbacteriosis, many are pessimistic, not considering this condition dangerous. They are partly right - there is no need to panic. Intestinal dysbacteriosis, the treatment of which today is shouted by advertisements from TV screens, is not an independent disease, although it is observed to varying degrees in almost every adult. As a rule, this problem is more often the result of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, often very serious.
Sickness or not?
When dysbiosis disrupts the composition of the intestinal microflora: the number of beneficial microorganisms (lacto- and bifidobacteria) is reduced, and pathogenic, on the contrary, increases. Interestingly, at least 2 kg of various microbes, represented by 300 species, live in the intestines of an adult. The role of these bacteria cannot be overestimated: they help digest food, participate in the synthesis of useful microelements, vitamins, remove toxins and carcinogens from the body. In digestiveprocesses involved three groups of microbes:
- Useful (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli). They are necessary to maintain the normal numerical ratio of the representatives of the microflora in the stomach, prevent allergies, and strengthen the immune defense. Beneficial microbes do not allow pathogenic microflora to multiply.
- Neutral. They live only in a certain part of the gastrointestinal tract. They do not carry any particular benefit or harm.
- Pathogenic (staphylococcus, streptococcus, candida). With an increase in the colony of opportunistic microflora, serious violations occur in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
When intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults and children, the digestive system suffers. Food entering this organ first goes through the process of splitting by bacteria and only then is absorbed into the blood. Without the full participation of microbes, the body is not able to absorb the incoming trace elements and vitamins.

What causes dysbiosis
The need to treat dysbacteriosis in adults has to be said when specific symptoms occur. The number of each type of bacteria that live in the intestines is regulated by the rule of natural selection: representatives of the predominant species do not have enough food, so the weakest of them die. At the same time, there are situations in which it is not beneficial bacteria that gain advantage, but harmful microbes. The reasons for the oppression of he althy microflora can be hidden in a number of circumstances:
- Long receptionmedicines from the groups of antibacterial, laxative drugs. Immunosuppressants, steroids, psychotropic drugs, adsorbents, anticancer drugs, etc. can also affect the quantitative composition of the intestinal flora.
- Unbalanced diet. This concept means a deficiency of the necessary components and an overabundance of various kinds of chemical additives that suppress he althy flora. Dysbacteriosis in adults (it may take several months to treat this condition) can be provoked by disruptions in diet, as well as a sudden change in diet.
- Chronic diseases of the digestive system (cholecystitis, Crohn's disease, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, celiac disease and other pathologies).
- Intestinal damage by helminths, the waste products of which are toxic. Worms destroy he althy intestinal flora.
- Past bowel surgery.
- Stressful situations, psycho-emotional stress and other neurogenic factors that interfere with normal peristalsis.
Often, perfectly he althy people suffer from intestinal dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis). In this case, the reason should be looked for in seasonal food preferences, features of professional activity, hobbies, etc.
Features of the manifestation of symptoms and treatment of dysbacteriosis are largely determined by the causes of its occurrence. In modern medicine, pathology is classified on several grounds, highlighting dysbiosis:
- Professional - failures occur due to harmful laboractivities.
- Age-related - an imbalance of bacteria occurs due to the natural aging process of the body.
- Nutritive - caused by improper diet.
- Seasonal - the composition of microbes in the intestines varies depending on the season. Dysbacteriosis requiring treatment develops mainly in autumn and winter.
According to the severity of the course, mild, moderate and severe dysbiosis is distinguished. This violation can acquire a chronic form with continuous or recurrent clinical manifestations, acute (lasting no more than a month) or protracted (from 1 to 4 months).

The treatment of dysbacteriosis of the small and large intestines is different. In the first case, the problem occurs with excessive contamination of the small intestine, which leads to a change in the microbial composition and, as a result, a disorder in the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Pain is most often localized in the umbilical region. A more common pathology is colon dysbiosis, which is often accompanied by disturbances of the flora in the stomach and duodenum. Pathology can take a severe form and a prolonged course, negatively affecting the well-being and lifestyle of a person.
Symptomatics in adults
Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis depends not only on the severity of the clinical picture and the stage of pathology, but also on the microbiological variant of the disorder. At the same time, there are a number of signs indicating a change in the composition of the microflora. First of all, these are violationschair. Diarrhea is the most common symptom of intestinal dysbiosis in adults. Patients who suffer from regular constipation also need treatment. Especially often this problem, caused by a decrease in peristalsis, worries the elderly.
In addition, with dysbiosis, problems in the formation of feces are often observed. Due to the ongoing processes of decay and fermentation, which occur in every fourth patient, not only the composition of excrement changes, but their shape, color, smell. Feces can become liquid, frothy, acquire a light shade. Other symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis are possible, the treatment of which requires an integrated approach:
- burning in the anus, worse after defecation;
- changing the smell of feces (putrid, rotten, sour);
- increased flatulence (in this case, the stench of gases matters);
- bloating;
- nausea, vomiting;
- loss of appetite;
- impossibility of proper bowel movement;
- burping with a rotten taste in the mouth.
It is worth noting that the symptoms of dysbiosis may manifest differently in each patient. Approximately half of those with this disorder have only loose stools or regular constipation.
Signs of illness in childhood
Pathology occurs not only in adults, but also in babies, including newborns and infants in the first year of life. At the same time, one cannot but mention some differences between the course of the disease in adults and childhood symptoms. To treatmentdysbacteriosis in children of the first months of life is resorted to with the stability of the following clinical manifestations:
- frequent rumblings in the stomach;
- bloating and flatulence;
- constant crying due to abdominal pain and discomfort;
- regurgitation "fountain";
- intestinal colic, the attacks of which intensify later in the day;
- multiple bowel movements with copious foam and white lumps (undigested breast milk or formula) every 1.5-2 hours.
In babies older than a year, symptoms can be supplemented by alternating constipation and diarrhea. The longer the dysbacteriosis proceeds, the weaker the child's immunity becomes.

Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis in children often begins with the elimination of lactose - it is lactose intolerance that often causes various disorders in the digestive system. Against the background of dysbiosis, the baby may not gain weight well or even lose it.
How pathology develops
- At the first stage, intestinal dysbacteriosis is characterized by a slight decrease in the number of protective bacteria, which does not affect the general well-being of the patient. In general, bifido- and lactoflora remain unchanged, there are no characteristic symptoms. The first stage refers to the latent period of development of dysbiosis.
- For the next stage of the development of the disease, a significant reduction in the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria is characteristic, they become insufficient for a full-fledgedbreakdown of incoming substances. At the same time, the pathogenic microflora is activated and begins to multiply rapidly. In the second stage, there is a need for medical treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis, which is evidenced by more pronounced symptoms.
- Without therapeutic correction, against the background of the inflammatory process, the intestinal walls are affected, which aggravates the chronic disorder. At the third stage of the pathology, only the right diet and medicines in combination can help the patient.
- The fourth stage of intestinal dysbiosis is characterized by active suppression of beneficial bacteria, which leads to the development of beriberi, peptic ulcers and other pathological conditions that can pose a danger not only to he alth, but also to the life of the patient.

In addition to the previously mentioned symptoms, other signs of the disease are often observed, but it would be more correct to attribute them not to clinical manifestations of dysbiosis, but to probable complications or exacerbations of concomitant diseases. So, for example, with dysbacteriosis, symptoms of hypovitaminosis and beriberi may occur. The deficiency of useful trace elements is caused by poor digestibility of digested food in the intestines.
With serious intestinal pathologies, the same symptoms can be observed as with dysbacteriosis. In order to make a correct diagnosis and not confuse dysbiosis with colitis, enterocolitis, gastritis, bulbitis, the patient will have to undergo a series of differential studies. In the complex of laboratory and instrumentaldiagnostics suitable for examining a patient with suspected dysbacteriosis include:
- Analysis of feces for a coprogram. Mandatory technique for intestinal dysbacteriosis. In addition to this study, the patient may be prescribed a bacteriological culture of feces.
- Clinical blood test. Its results may indicate the presence of inflammation and probable bleeding in the intestine. With dysbacteriosis of the third or fourth stage, the level of hemoglobin in the blood is significantly reduced.

- Colonoscopy. An instrumental study, thanks to which it is possible to assess the condition of the large intestine or its separate section.
- Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. The study allows you to detect additional, aggravating diseases of the internal organs.
- Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy. The procedure is performed using an endoscope to view the lining of the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum.
- Intestinal x-ray. Most often, this method is used in cases of suspected tumor, so gadolinium (contrast agent) is used during the procedure.
Methods of treatment and drugs
Intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults and children can only be overcome by restoring the quantitative composition of bacteria and correcting the immune status. A specialist should select effective medicines in each case. The drug course is based on drugs of the following pharmacological groups:
- Anspasmodics. Taking these medicines is aimed at eliminating painful and uncomfortable sensations in the intestines ("Drotaverine", "Papaverine").
- Antidiarrheal and laxative drugs (Loperamide, Lactulose, Forlax).
- Cholagogue. Use only according to indications ("Legalon", "Allohol", herbal choleretic fees).
- Enzyme preparations ("Pancreatin", "Festal", "Mezim", "Creon").
For the direct inhibition of pathogenic microorganisms, antibacterial agents are used. In adults, treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis with antibiotics is possible only if there is information about the prevailing pathogenic microorganisms and the spectrum of their sensitivity to active substances. Their use is justified when an excess of pathogenic microbes has become an obstacle to the absorption of nutrients and has led to disorders of the digestive system. Taking antibiotics is justified in case of development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
It is worth noting that dysbacteriosis often develops after antibiotic treatment. These drugs suppress not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microorganisms, so intestinal failure is a very common side effect. At the same time, it is antibiotics that are able to “cleanse” the large and small intestines, create conditions for building a new, stronger and he althier “army” of bifidus and lactobacilli.
In the most severe clinical cases, preference is given to drugs from the tetracycline, penicillin series and cephalosporins. standard courseantibiotic therapy does not exceed 7-10 days. After treatment of dysbacteriosis, adults and children are recommended to remove the waste products of dead microorganisms from the body using adsorbents (Enterosgel, Polyphepan).
In addition to broad-spectrum antibiotics, intestinal antiseptics from the group of fluoroquinolones and nitrofurans are used for dysbiosis. In relation to staphylococci, herbal antimicrobial agents demonstrate high activity. Often, for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in children, a weak solution of "Chlorophyllipt" with water or "Furazolidone" is used, which has a bactericidal effect in the intestinal lumen.
Probiotics and prebiotics, what's the difference
As soon as the number of pathogenic microbes drops to the required level, the patient will be prescribed probiotics (they contain live bacteria) and / or prebiotics (stimulators of the reproduction of beneficial intestinal flora). These drugs are often used in combination with immunomodulators to restore a he althy ratio of bacteria, strengthen immunity and restore the body. In order to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and useful trace elements, patients are recommended to drink multivitamin complexes.

Probiotics are preparations for the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis, which already contain live microorganisms. Artificial "settlement" by them will allow you to restore a full-fledged intestinal flora as soon as possible. And in order for the complex of live bacteria to pass the upper sections of the digestive tract without loss, capsulesfor oral administration, they are coated with a coating that is not sensitive to gastric acidity. Probiotics are conventionally divided into several groups:
- Monocomponent preparations. The composition of such products includes only one type of bacteria (for example, bifido-, lacto- or colibacilli). The most effective and well-known are Bifidumbacterin, Kolibacterin, Lactobacterin.
- Polycomponent products. Taking them in the treatment of dysbiosis, the patient makes up for the deficiency of several varieties of microbes at once. These drugs include Lineks, Bifikol.
- Combined probiotics. Unlike the previous ones, these contain symbiotic compounds and strains of bacteria that are resistant to a number of antibiotics. In addition, the composition of the combined probiotics "Rioflora immuno", "Bifikol" contains immunoglobulin complexes.
- Synbiotics. New generation preparations that intelligently combine pre- and probiotics (Bifidobak, Laminolact, M altodophilus).
- Antagonists. Medicines of this group are conditionally classified as probiotic, since they contain microorganisms that can prevent the development of opportunistic flora ("Bactisubtil", "Enterol", "Bactisporin").
Unlike "live" probiotics, prebiotics are non-digestible food particles that help restore intestinal function by stimulating the activity or growth of beneficial microbes. Prebiotics, like probiotics, are coated with a special enzyme film that prevents them from being absorbed in the upper sections.digestive tract. Medicines enter the intestines unharmed, starting immediately to act in favor of the metabolic activity of the natural microflora and successfully suppressing the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.
By the way, there are several varieties of prebiotics that are used in the treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults. With the symptoms of intestinal disorders, these drugs cope quickly enough due to the content of indigestible disaccharides (lactulose, lactitol) and lactic acids. These include medications such as:
- "Normaze";
- "Duphalac";
- Prelax;
- Lactusan;
- Goodluck;
- Exportal;
- Hilak Forte.
One way or another, treatment with dysbacteriosis drugs in adults and children should be aimed at eliminating its main cause - the main disease that caused pathological changes in the microbial flora. Otherwise, any efforts will be useless and will give only a short-term effect. Approaching thoroughly the issue of dysbiosis therapy, it is necessary to start the fight against it with a diet correction.
The therapeutic diet should be balanced, contain the maximum amount of useful trace elements and a minimum of confectionery, semi-finished products. It is especially important to include foods containing natural prebiotics in the daily menu - sour-milk drinks, cottage cheese, corn flakes, whole grains, onions, garlic, peas, artichoke, bananas.
With dysbacteriosis, as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, completelycontraindicated:
- pickles, canned food, smoked and marinated dishes;
- fatty meats and fish, rich broths;
- fried foods;
- pasta;
- baking from shortcrust and butter dough;
- potato;
- mushrooms;
- alcohol.
It is equally important to eliminate foods and drinks from the diet that increase gas formation in the intestines. These are rice and semolina porridge, whole milk, white bread. Fresh apples, grapes, carbonated drinks, and sparkling wines also cause fermentation.
Home Therapy
Methods of alternative treatment of dysbacteriosis are often recommended to be used to eliminate the symptoms that manifest intestinal upset. For example, if the digestion of food is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, chamomile infusion is used. You need to cook it like this:
- Take 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs and pour 250 ml of boiling water.
- Then cover with a lid and set aside for 10-15 minutes.
- The finished infusion is filtered and drunk 50-70 ml before meals.
To cope with nausea that occurs after eating fatty foods, use peppermint infusion. For its preparation, fresh leaves or dry grass are suitable. The infusion is drunk as needed to eliminate nausea, 100 ml each.
Highlander snake helps with diarrhea. Often the root of this plant is used together with alder cones. Both components are taken in equal amounts (1 tablespoon per 250 ml of boiling water), brewed and infused for half an hour. Received infusionyou need to strain through cheesecloth and drink half a glass three times a day.
Dill seeds are used as a prophylactic against bloating in dysbacteriosis. Take 4 tablespoons of raw materials per glass of boiling water. The medicinal composition is insisted for a couple of hours, after which they are drunk like regular tea during the day.

An excellent remedy for constipation, intestinal dysfunction and dysbacteriosis - homemade kefir. For two weeks, you need to drink a glass of this fermented milk drink every day.
If you have unpleasant signs of dysbacteriosis, do not ignore them, but visit a gastroenterologist in the near future. Remember, harmless symptoms can indicate serious he alth problems.