Intestinal dysbacteriosis is a fairly common pathology characterized by indigestion. He causes a lot of trouble. The symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in women are many-sided: these are disturbed stools, periodic abdominal pain, poor-quality digestion of food, and many other signs. The disease is associated with a violation of the normal composition of the microflora, in which the body is "inhabited" by pathogenic bacteria. What caused such a state of affairs? And what methods to deal with it?

Causes of pathology
A lot of microorganisms "live" on the surface of the intestine. Basically, these are irreplaceable and very useful bacteria for humans. They help the digestive process, the absorption of calcium, iron, provide the synthesis of amino acids, vitamins, and inhibit the development of putrefactive, pathogenic microbes. Such microflora helps to strengthen the immune system, protects against the development of allergies, provides anti-infective and anti-cancer protection.
But if there is an imbalance in the ratio of beneficial and harmful microorganisms, then the disease develops in the body dysbacteriosis. Many reasons can cause such a pathology.
Often the symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in women, as well as in men, are provoked by the following sources:
- Diseases of the digestive tract. Often these are chronic inflammatory pathologies that occur in the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, non-infectious enteritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, various hepatitis, dyskinesia, hepatosis.
- Intestinal and liver parasites. Can provoke unpleasant symptoms: opisthorchia, lamblia, roundworms, pinworms.
- Intestinal infections. Specific pathogens (shigella, salmonella, harmful E. coli) seriously disrupt the normal microflora.
- Frequent SARS.
- Stress.
- Chemo and radiation therapy.
- Immunodeficiency states (oncology, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, AIDS, and others).
- Long-term treatment with hormones, NSAIDs.
The main factors in the development of dysbacteriosis in women
The pathology may be based on other reasons. They are typical for the fair sex.

Doctors say that most often the symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in women are provoked by the following factors:
- Various diets. Many women often resort to a variety of dietary patterns. And very often their choice stops at strict diets, in which the set of products is strictly limited. This has an extremely negative effect on the intestinal microflora. As a result, dysbacteriosis can develop, and sometimes severe digestive ailments.path.
- Excessive cleansing of the body. We are talking about a variety of ways to cleanse the intestines: repeated enemas, the use of sorbents or laxatives, hydrocolonotherapy. This process really helps eliminate intestinal toxins. But, unfortunately, normal microflora is lost along with them. If a significant part of beneficial bacteria is washed out of the body, dysbacteriosis begins to develop in the intestines.
- Taking antibiotics. Many women consider such drugs a panacea for any ailments. These young ladies at the first symptoms of malaise use antibacterial drugs. And in order to finally “finish off” the infection, they take this medicine for a long time. But, unfortunately, the "killed" is the intestinal microflora.
Characteristic symptoms
It is believed that the initial stages of the pathology may not manifest any clinical signs. Unpleasant phenomena occur when the pathology is already progressing.

Doctors strongly recommend paying attention to the following symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in women:
- Broken chair. There is diarrhea, provoked by increased formation of bile acids and increased intestinal motility. These processes inhibit the absorption of water in the body. A little later, the stools acquire a putrid unpleasant odor. They may contain mucus or blood. In some cases (more common in older people), constipation develops instead of diarrhea.
- Bloating. Due to the violatedabsorption and excretion of gases, their accumulation in the large intestine occurs. The woman feels unpleasant discomfort in the peritoneal cavity, which may be accompanied by rumbling.
- Cramping pains. Pressure increases in the intestines. As a result, the patient experiences periodic discomfort. Its intensity decreases significantly after the passage of stool or gases. The pain can be localized in the navel area, if the small intestine suffers, or on the right, in the lower abdomen, if the pathology has engulfed the large intestine.
- Dyspeptic disorders. They characterize indigestion. These are symptoms such as reduced appetite, belching, excruciating nausea, vomiting.
- Allergic manifestations. Violation of the microflora leads to failures in many systems. As a result of a weakened anti-allergic effect, the patient may develop a rash, itching, after taking products that did not cause such reactions before.
- Signs of intoxication. Since metabolic products accumulate in the body, the patient may have a fever (up to 38 degrees), general fatigue, headache, and sleep disturbance.
- Symptomatics indicating vitamin deficiency. Of course, with dysbacteriosis, the body does not receive the necessary nutrition. Such a situation may be indicated by: dry, pale skin, the appearance of stomatitis, the formation of a jam near the mouth, changes in nails, hair.
Possible Complications
It is important to give importance to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in a timely manner and consult a doctor for an appointmentappropriate treatment. Otherwise, chronic dysbacteriosis may develop.

This condition is extremely dangerous with its possible consequences:
- Deficiency of trace elements and vitamins. As a result of constantly disturbed digestion and absorption process in the intestine, iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis can develop.
- Chronic enterocolitis. Prolonged exposure to pathogenic flora leads to intestinal inflammation.
- Peritonitis. The aggressive influence of harmful bacteria causes intestinal destruction. As a result, the contents may enter the abdominal cavity.
- Sepsis. The infection is dictated by the entry of pathogenic flora into the blood.
- Pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis.
- Occurrence of other ailments. Immunity is reduced. As a result of this, a variety of diseases can appear.
- Weight loss. Indigestion leads to a lack of nutrients in the body.
Diagnosis of disease
To find an adequate treatment for intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults, you need to see a doctor.
Initially, diagnostics will be carried out. It consists of the following activities:
- Assessment of patient complaints.
- Visual examination including palpation of the abdomen. It allows you to determine in which area the problem is localized.
- Microbiological analysis of feces. For accurate diagnosis of the patient, 3 days before the study, they are transferred to a special diet. Such nutrition excludes food that can enhance fermentation in the intestines. This is lactic acid food, alcohol. At this time, the use of antibacterial drugs is unacceptable. To reliably make a diagnosis, doctors recommend conducting such an analysis 2-3 times, after 1-2 days.
Methods of treating the disease
Dysbacteriosis is very often associated with various pathologies: irritable bowel syndrome, changes in motility, psycho-emotional failures. Therefore, it is possible to fight the disease only with complex methods.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults depends on the ailment that provoked it, as well as on the clinical symptoms.
In most cases, the following measures are recommended for the patient:
- diet;
- get rid of excessive development of harmful microflora;
- settlement of the intestines with beneficial microorganisms;
- immunity boost to create natural flora.
And remember: no matter what effective remedy for dysbacteriosis you use (probiotics, dietary supplements, kefir), self-treatment rarely leads to a complete recovery.
Drug therapy
Treatment consists of the following drugs:
- Prebiotics. Supports the growth and reproduction of beneficial microbes. These are such drugs: "Duphalac", "Hilak-forte".
- Probiotics. Medicines contain live bacteria. Such means are: Lifepack Probiotics, Bifidumbacterin, Flonivin, Enterol, Baktisubtil, Bifikol, Linex, Biosorb-Bifidum, Bifidumbacterin forte.
- Symbiotics. These are medicinescombining prebiotic and probiotic. They simultaneously stimulate the development of normal flora and restore the insufficient number of necessary microbes. These include medicines: Bifidobak, M altodophilus.
- Antibiotics. Such tablets from dysbacteriosis are used in the last stages of the disease. Their goal is to destroy the pathogenic flora. Most often prescribed: Doxycycline, Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone, Ampiox, Metronidazole.
- Antifungal agents. They are recommended if yeast-like fungi are found in the stool. Often prescribed drug "Levorin".
- Enzymes. These tablets for dysbacteriosis help to normalize the digestive process. Drugs may be recommended: Mezim, Creon, Pancreatin.
- Sorbents. With severe symptoms of intoxication, this remedy for dysbacteriosis must be prescribed. Recommended medicines: Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Activated carbon, Smekta, Enterodez.
- Multivitamins. With dysbacteriosis, the drug "Duovit" is useful.

Diet food
Patients are advised to follow diet number 4. Depending on the patient's condition, various modifications of this table are prescribed. Nutrition contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the intestines, reduces the activity of putrefactive processes.
Recommended for patients:
- eat fiber-rich foods;
- give preference to live bacterial cultures (yogurts, kefirs);
- watch your diet;
- eliminate unhe althy food: fatty, spicy foods, marinades, smoked meats.
Folk treatment
There are many excellent methods that can deal with such a pathology as dysbacteriosis. Alternative treatment will be beneficial if it is fully agreed with the doctor.
Excellent folk remedies include:
- rice congee;
- tincture of oak bark;
- fresh garlic (recommended 1 hour before meals).

However, do not forget that only a doctor can recommend the best remedy for dysbacteriosis, based on the characteristics of the pathology that occurs in your body.