Many women living in Moscow are interested in the Ramensky Maternity Hospital. What kind of organization is this? What services does she offer? What can you say about this establishment? Numerous reviews will help to make an impression. From them you can judge how good the maternity hospital is. After all, choosing a place for childbirth is a difficult decision that every woman must make after she becomes pregnant. So what does this medical institution offer its visitors? And where is it?
Short description
Ramensky maternity hospital offers obstetrics and gynecology services. This is a medical institution that specializes exclusively in childbirth and pregnancy management. Any girl can give birth here.

Accordingly, there are no significant differences from the usual maternity hospital at Ramensky. This is a stand-alone medical facility of relatively small size. The maternity hospital is not located at the hospital, which upsets some.
The maternity hospital has been operating for many years. Throughout its existence, it has received various reviews. There are both positive and negative. Renders the Ramensky maternity hospital of various types of services. Both paid and free. All this imposesyour imprint on customer reviews.
Where exactly is the organization being studied? It has already been said that mostly residents of the capital are thinking about childbirth in this institution. So, it is located not far from Moscow. And it really is.
The maternity hospital is located in Ramenskoye. This is a village in the Moscow region. As a rule, residents of Moscow do not consider this medical facility for delivery. But among the inhabitants of the region, it is in good demand.
The exact address of the medical institution: Russia, Moscow region, Ramenskoye village, Vysokovoltnaya street, house 4. It is here that you can find the indicated maternity hospital. Nearby is a medical college. This is a kind of landmark by which it is often possible to find a maternity hospital without any problems.

How to contact the organization? Often, before going to a particular maternity hospital, the expectant mother prefers to visit a medical facility, look at the conditions of stay, and get acquainted with the doctors.
Ramensky maternity hospital offers several phones for communication. If necessary, the caller will be redirected to one or another department. You can call by phone:
- 8 (496) 463-87-94;
- 8 (496) 463-93-75;
- 8 (496) 463-39-05.
The last combination is the number to contact the front desk. That is what they use most often. Women note that usually there are no problems with telephone communication. You can call at any time. And the staff will help you getconsultation, as well as tell you about the things that you will have to take with you to childbirth.
About services
And what services does the new maternity hospital in Ramenskoye provide? This is also an important point. Especially for those who want to take advantage of the paid basis and conclude a contract with a medical institution. It is paid services that are often of interest to expectant mothers.

As already mentioned, there are no specific opportunities in the hospital. Thus, the services can be distinguished as follows:
- medical supervision of pregnant women;
- help with delivery;
- newborn resuscitation;
- resuscitation of women in labor;
- caesarean section services;
- individual delivery rooms;
- paid individual rooms;
- common wards (several beds);
- observation;
- partner birth;
- hospital for pregnant women;
- choosing a doctor and obstetrician for childbirth;
- pain relief.
Special attention is paid to paid services. However, as in all other maternity hospitals. Many girls advise, if partner childbirth is planned, to conclude a contract. This service is provided free of charge only if there is a free individual delivery room. Accordingly, the contract is an additional guarantee.
Conditions of stay
It is worth paying attention to what reviews the Ramensky Maternity Hospital receives for its environment. Many girls pay attention to the conditions of stay and comfort. In this area of opinionambiguous. Why?
The thing is that no complaints arise mainly from the "contract". They get wards of increased comfort, partner childbirth is carried out, an individual delivery room is allocated. The furniture is new, cosmetic repairs are made in all wards. As some say, there is nothing to complain about.

But free patients sometimes have complaints. Some do not like the food, some feel uncomfortable in the rooms offered. However, it's all a matter of personal preference. A few years ago, complaints about lack of maintenance and old equipment were common.
But now this shortcoming has been eliminated. The Ramensky maternity hospital (photos are presented in the article) has been renovated. Everywhere there is a cosmetic repair, the furniture is new, the equipment is also updated. In any case, it is not scary to be in the maternity hospital. Conditions are generally good, they do not repel women in labor.
What else can please the Ramensky maternity hospital? The doctors here are different. You can see a variety of reviews about them. The thing is that a lot will depend on the doctor chosen by the woman in labor.
It is noted that only experienced and educated people work here. Almost everyone tries to give every woman enough attention. But, as the girls who gave birth here both paid and free of charge say, on a paid basis there is a feeling of confidence that the doctor will definitely come when it is needed.
However, some say that RamenskyThe hospital doesn't have the best reputation. For example, in 2012, news swept across the country about a medical error that made a barren woman out of a young girl. She entered into an informal contract, then she accused the doctors of negligence. Such news is rare. But they repel many.

Fortunately, there has been no such negativity lately. And women point out that the maternity hospital takes delivery on a paid and free basis equally well. Not all doctors are attentive to patients, but the situation is similar in all other maternity hospitals. The human factor has not been canceled. Fortunately, most obstetricians have no complaints. Both "payers" and "free" users.
Other personnel
What next? Another important nuance is none other than the attendants. Or junior medical workers. They are usually responsible for the stay of women in labor at the maternity hospital and for the services/procedures provided. All this seriously affects the reviews.
In general, as in the situation with doctors, there are no special complaints. The girls notice that the Ramensky maternity hospital has, on the whole, sympathetic, kind and attentive staff. Individuals who are not distinguished by friendliness are also present here. But as a rule, there are few claims against junior medical staff.
Nurses and nannies will always help a new mother, tell her what to do and how to do it. Many point out that the junior staff will help to understand how to behave with the baby in general. And it doesn't matter if it's free ora girl gave birth for free. Therefore, turning here, you can count on an attentive attitude to every woman. Especially here, those who arrived in a half-empty maternity hospital like to give birth. As they say, in the "off season". Then all the attention of both doctors and staff will be focused on the woman in labor.
Now a little about the shortcomings that the Ramensky maternity hospital has. Ultrasounds are done here - this is a plus. But if we talk about prenatal care, then getting an ultrasound is difficult. This upsets some girls.

Among the disadvantages of the organization are:
- small number of places in the hospital;
- isolated unfriendly doctors and nurses (they are everywhere, no one is immune from this);
- with free birth - low probability of the presence of a husband next to the girl;
- no waiting room as such;
- sometimes there are problems with the water supply;
- with free service - queues for showers and toilets.
There are no more significant disadvantages. Is that a small number of individual chambers. But, as a rule, if a person enters into a contract with an organization, then he is provided with all the required services.
What can be summed up? In general, the Ramensky maternity hospital is a good medical facility where every pregnant woman can give birth. Both paid and free. It all depends on the wishes and preferences of the patient. This organization is not much different from all similar institutions. There are also good staff here.advantage) and not too friendly.

Many are interested in what you need to take with you to childbirth. The list is standard. Namely:
- postpartum pads;
- drinks (water in small bottles);
- robe;
- washable slippers;
- nightgown;
- wet wipes;
- diapers;
- diaper cream;
- clothing for discharge (for mom and baby);
- bonnet, socks, undershirts (optional);
- phone with charger;
- books or laptop (for leisure);
- bath accessories;
- cutlery and cup (optional);
- disposable briefs.
Should I apply here? If a woman lives in Ramenskoye, then yes. After all, the organization under study is located just there. And it makes no sense to go to some other maternity hospital, located far from the place of residence of the woman in labor.