Important medical and social problem is diseases. Nobody is immune from them. Illness worsens the quality of life. Sometimes they even lead to death. But not only diseases excite specialists. The group of medical and social problems also includes injuries. Due to severe injuries, people become disabled, lose their ability to work, lose interest in life. The causes of injury are varied. Knowing them, you can prevent the occurrence of damage.
The concept of injury and injury, classification
Before we begin to understand any causes, it is important to understand the difference between such concepts as "injury" and "injury". The first term refers to the negative impact on the body, leading to disruption of physiological processes and tissue integrity.
Injury refers to a set of injuries. They occur in certain categories of persons when they are in the same type of environment. Taking into account the conditions of injury, they areinjury classification. The following types of it are distinguished:
- Production. It is associated with the performance of people of their professional duties. Since there are different areas of activity, specialists additionally distinguish industrial, construction, transport, agricultural and other types of injuries.
- Non-production. In this type of injury, the causes are not related to work and the performance of professional duties. It is divided into several subspecies. For example, there is a road traffic injury. It is observed in cases where people get into an accident. Still non-productive injuries can be sports, domestic, street.
Intentional injuries are allocated to a separate group. It is characterized by 2 groups of situations. In one of them, injuries are observed due to the fact that a person or a group of people harm another person or society. The same happens with crimes, terrorism. The second group of situations is inherent in causing harm by a person to himself. This is possible when committing suicide.

Causes of injuries and occupational diseases at work
Industrial injuries are a very urgent problem for all countries. The International Labor Organization and the International Social Security Association note that around 125 million work-related accidents are recorded annually in the world. More than 1 million people die due to injuries.
In Russia, industrial injuries people get veryoften. This is confirmed by statistics. In accordance with the recorded number of accidents, our country is one of the first in the world in terms of industrial injuries and occupational diseases. The causes of damage to employees of enterprises and organizations are different. The most frequently observed is the lack of protective equipment. Unfortunately, Russian employers tend to save on everything. They are cutting costs in many ways, including the purchase of protective equipment.
The second common cause of industrial injuries refers to the unsatisfactory organization of work. An example is when managers send workers to perform tasks without the necessary knowledge and training.
Employers' negligence, their desire to get more profit at minimal cost, is not always the cause of industrial injuries. Getting injured by employees is associated with a personal (psychophysiological) state. It includes overstrain of visual, auditory or tactile analyzers, overwork, fatigue that occurs due to physical overload and stressful situations.

Methods for analyzing the causes of industrial injuries
Since industrial injuries are very common, specialists have created methods for analyzing its causes. They are necessary for the development of preventive measures to combat industrial injuries. There are the following maincause analysis methods:
- monographic;
- statistical;
- economic.
The very first in the list of methods for analyzing the causes of injuries provides accurate and most comprehensive information. When it is applied in each specific accident, working conditions and technological processes are examined. At the same time, the monographic method is the most expensive, because it requires the involvement of a large number of specialists.
The statistical method is used to determine general preventive measures. To do this, specialists consider injuries as a function of various variables. Identifying the most important variables and determining the nature of their influence is the main goal of the statistical method.
When using the economic method, losses are estimated due to the impact of the causes of industrial injuries associated with violations of technological processes, safety regulations, etc. Additionally, the socio-economic efficiency of measures taken to prevent the recurrence of accidents at work is determined. production.
Why people get into traffic accidents
For many hundreds of years, mankind has suffered from a huge number of diseases. There were such ailments that did not spare either young or adults, took the lives of millions of people. Today, medicine has at its disposal such medicines and vaccines that have saved the population of our planet from terrible and dangerous diseases. However, the eliminated ailments were replaced by a new “epidemic” - road traffictraffic injuries.
Global road traffic injury statistics are disappointing. Every year, 50 million people are injured on the roads. Of these, approximately 1.2 million people die. These numbers may increase in the future. Experts predict that over the next 20 years, victims of road traffic injuries will increase by 65%.
In order to reduce road traffic accidents in the future, it is important to understand why people get into road accidents. Here is a list of causes of injury:
- Crossing the road in an unspecified place. This is one of the most common reasons. Studies in Uganda, Mexico and Brazil have shown that people tend to take the shortest route, albeit more dangerous. They cross the road in the wrong place.
- Disobedience to regulation signals. Some pedestrians cross the road at a red light. Children especially make this mistake. They believe that they will have time to cross the road or the driver will notice them and let them pass. Unfortunately, expectations do not always match reality.
- Children near the roadway without adult supervision. You can often observe such a situation when children play by the road - they throw a ball to each other, they play catch-up. At such moments, boys and girls are carried away by their children's activities and forget about the dangers that the roadway is fraught with.
- Violation of traffic rules by drivers. The people behind the wheel are also responsible for traffic accidents. Some drivers allow themselves to exceedspeed, do not give way to pedestrians on a zebra, drive a vehicle while intoxicated.

Sports injuries
Sports injuries are observed in those people who go in for different sports. It occupies a share equal to 2-5% in the structure of general injuries. Sports injuries in rare cases lead to death. Basically, it is characterized by damage. The causes of injury provoke the occurrence of mild, moderate and severe injuries.
Light injuries include abrasions, minor bruises, sprains of the 1st degree, which do not cause significant disturbances in the body and loss of general and sports performance. Moderate injuries are injuries that lead to pronounced changes in the body. Because of them, sports disability occurs for a period of 10 days to 1 month. Due to severe injuries, pronounced he alth disorders are caused. They provoke the onset of sports disability for a period exceeding 1 month.
Every injury has a specific cause. All of them are divided by specialists into several groups.
Group | List of example reasons |
Organizational reasons | Incorrect preparation of classes by coaches, unfavorable sanitary and hygienic and meteorological conditions in places where training and competitions are held (poor lighting, rain, fog). |
Poor technical, physical and psychological preparation of athletes | Not enough exercise, too much emotional stress. |
Athlete-specific reasons | Inconsistency between the level of training of an athlete for the task (this is observed in cases where a person after a long break decides to immediately start performing complex exercises). |
Violation by athletes of the rules in force during training and competition | Rudeness towards opponents, use of prohibited techniques during training, competitions. |
Characterization of domestic injuries
Domestic injuries are common. People, being at home, in an apartment or in the yard, feel safe, relax as much as possible and at the same time forget about the need to follow basic safety rules when working with household appliances, cutting objects. Because of this, injuries, burns, bruises occur. But at the same time, it is also important to note that the main causes of injuries in everyday life are also associated with conflicts. Fights with relatives, friends most often occur due to alcohol intoxication.

The situations listed above occur due to human reasons. Negligence, negligence, haste, inept handling of any objects and devices, and conflicts with drunk people contribute to the receipt of damage. ATIn some cases, the causes of domestic injuries are determined by age:
- In children, damage in everyday life occurs due to lack of skills, abilities and knowledge, curiosity, hooliganism, hyperactivity. Most often, babies aged 1 to 4 years old, who still cannot think sensibly and assess traumatic situations, suffer. A negative role is additionally played by the lack of supervision by adults, insufficient educational work. Often, the causes of injuries are the parents themselves, who ineptly handle the child (dropping him from the stroller, from his hands).
- In old age, the causes of injuries are he alth problems (cardiac weakness, cerebrovascular accident) and overestimation of their physical capabilities.

Details of street damage
In public places, on the street, people often become victims of street injuries. This is a fairly extensive group of injuries that can be caused by bad weather, the negligence of some persons, enterprises, accidents, conflict situations with completely unfamiliar mentally unbalanced or drunk people.
If we consider bad weather events, then most often people suffer because of ice. Falls provoke fractures, concussions, ruptures and sprains of the ligaments. Fractures are observed in almost 70% of cases. In this case, mainly the limbs are damaged. To bad weather events causinginjuries, carry another thunderstorm. During it, a lightning strike is possible.
The negligence of individuals and businesses, listed above as one of the main causes of injuries on the street, is associated with weather phenomena. Here is a good example. In winter, with heavy snowfall, one of the main problems is snow canopies on multi-storey buildings, hanging icicles. Roof cleaning is the responsibility of management companies, but, unfortunately, they do not always do this. Because of this, snow canopies and icicles pose a serious danger to passers-by.
About the last factor - fights with strangers - it is important to know that conflict situations most often occur in crowded places (at concerts, during holidays at ceremonial events). The causes of injuries are disputes, insults, attempts to impose one's point of view.
Intentional injury
There are a lot of examples of intentional injuries. One of them is terrorism. Its reasons are political, religious. Terrorist organizations deliberately choose places with large crowds of people (shopping centers, markets, station buildings, subways, aircraft) to commit acts.
Deliberate injuries can also be observed in places of detention. In almost half of the cases, persons serving sentences are injured in the course of conflicts with fellow inmates or due to personal negligence. Sometimes the causes of injuries to people in prison are associated with intentional harm to their own he alth.
Another example of intentional injury (butno longer in places of deprivation of liberty, but in ordinary life) - suicides, suicide attempts. Experts estimate that annually more than 800 thousand people commit suicide. A much larger number of people commit suicide attempts. The worst thing is that people of different ages decide to commit suicide. There are even children among them. There is no single explanation for why people commit suicide and attempt suicide. In many cases, all this is done impulsively with easy access to drugs, pesticides, firearms. Adults are pushed to suicide by difficult life circumstances, unrequited love, and children are bullied by peers, getting into groups that have a psychological, hypnotic effect.

Adult Injury Prevention
Preventive measures are determined by the type of injury. For example, in order to avoid industrial injuries, engineering and technical workers and workers need to perform those tasks that are available to them, do not pose a danger to them. The fact is that there are diseases in which it is impossible to engage in certain activities. From this the conclusion suggests itself - it is necessary to prevent the influence of the causes of industrial injuries associated with the state of he alth.
In addition, engineering and technical workers and workers need to carefully fulfill their professional duties, follow the rules for operating the equipment. The task of employers is to provide their employees with the meansprotection and acquaint with the possible causes of work injuries, train personnel, monitor the implementation of safety rules by employees.
For road traffic injuries, the main preventive measure is the observance of traffic rules by both pedestrians and drivers. The state is required to rationally plan and improve streets, use sand on roads during icy conditions so that people do not fall on the roadway, and proper street lighting.
To prevent other types of injuries, the measures indicated in the table below are provided.
Type of injury | Key preventive measures |
Sporty | A good warm-up of the muscles and a warm-up before classes, wearing comfortable shoes, using high-quality sports equipment, doing the exercises correctly, adequately calculating your strengths and body capabilities. |
Household | Improving living conditions, observing safety rules when using household appliances. |
Outdoor | Attentive movement through the streets in the autumn-winter period, fencing of buildings being repaired and under construction, anti-alcohol propaganda. |
Deliberate | Fighting crime and terrorist organizations, conducting educational and explanatory work with the population. |
Preventive measures for children
Deserves special attentionprevention of childhood injuries, because various injuries in 4.5% of cases become the causes of disability and in about 7% (and according to some authors - in 22%) of cases - the causes of death. The main areas of preventive work include:
- creating a safe environment at home (household appliances, poisonous substances, pills, sharp, cutting objects should not be available to children);
- shaping the skills of safe behavior in a variety of life situations (this requires educational work, teaching children);
- hardening and physical development of children, aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system and developing coordination of movements.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that injuries to people can occur in different situations. Some are affected by the causes of industrial injuries associated with the state of he alth, while others become victims of criminals. These and other situations are most often associated with their own negligence, inattention, misunderstanding of the danger. You always need to be vigilant, because from time to time in the media there are reports of ridiculous cases in which people die or become disabled for life.