Hyperopia and myopia in children are often congenital. In this case, treatment begins at an early age and lasts until complete recovery. The task of parents is to constantly monitor the well-being of the baby and provide him with the necessary assistance.

What is farsightedness?
Hypermetropia (farsightedness) is an ophthalmic disease in which the resulting image is focused in a plane behind the retina, and not, as expected, on a specific area. People suffering from this disease have difficulty seeing objects located at a small distance from the eyes. Most farsightedness develops in older people. This is due to a change in the optical system of the eye.
There are also other factors in the development of this disease:
- Bad habits.
- Unhe althy lifestyle.
- Diseases of the body (such as diabetes).
Hypermetropia often develops in babies. It's naturalfarsightedness in children. Consider what influences its development.
Causes of farsightedness in children
The main cause of farsightedness is called:
- shortened eyeball;
- low refractive power of the optical media of the organs of vision.
If you increase it, then the rays will be focused in the same place as with 100% vision. Most often this disease develops in young children. The norm in this case is considered a weak degree of farsightedness in children under 1 year old. It passes with time. If the degree is higher, then this problem requires immediate correction and drug treatment.

Symptoms of farsightedness
Hyperopia can occur without any symptoms if the disease is mild.
But already with a moderate or high degree, a number of specific symptoms can be identified:
- Visual acuity decreases. This symptom is the main one, observed with any degree of the disease in one way or another. All objects that are close to the person blur.
- Increased eye fatigue. Especially if the work involves small details. There may be pain in the eyeballs and muscles.
- Slow focus. When shifting the gaze from a near object into the distance, a slow reaction, blurred image can be observed. A person has to constantly squint, and this makes the eyes even more tired.
- Headaches with farsightedness in a child of 4 years. This symptom is more typicalfor a high degree of disease. With prolonged concentration on work, not only the eyes begin to hurt, but also the bridge of the nose, the temporal zone.
- Decrease in visual acuity when focusing on objects that are both near and far. This is a symptom of a high degree of the disease. Worried about pain in the eyes, there is instant fatigue, constant pain.
- Frequent eye diseases. There is a tendency to inflammatory processes such as blepharitis and conjunctivitis.
- Squint. People suffering from a high degree of farsightedness develop strabismus.

Diagnosis of farsightedness
To get a complete picture when diagnosing a patient's vision for farsightedness, a series of examinations are carried out:
- check visual acuity according to the table;
- study the optical state of the eye using a computer, this procedure is called autorefractometry;
- keratometry - study the optical power of the cornea using computer technology;
- look at pupil dilation with drops (using cycloplegia);
- Ultrasound of the eye to determine the length from the cornea to the fundus;
- produce skiascopy - checking the optics of the eye in children on a wide pupil by autorefractometry. According to the table, they study the range of vision, showing the letters in the lines.
Autorefractometry is necessary to establish accurate diopter. Also, in parallel, through a computer program, an inspection is carried out for the presence ofor the absence of other diseases affecting vision. The result is issued on the check and pasted into the patient's card. The dilation of the pupils is necessary in order to find out the ability of the muscles to quickly respond to the approach or removal of objects. The ciliary muscle with farsightedness does not relax, it is always in a tense state. This can be clearly seen through the dilated pupil with the help of auxiliary devices available to the ophthalmologist.

Surgical treatment of farsightedness
The main point of the whole method is to make corneal tissues thinner by 1/8 by precise and careful exposure of excimer laser beams to corneal tissues. The latest computer developments help surgeons achieve the ideal new corneal profile. Thanks to this, it became possible to correct pathologies of almost any complexity.
Restriction on laser correction:
- For pregnant and lactating women. The hormonal background should fully recover after the operation.
- For children and adolescents under 18. Until the age of majority, the human eye is considered not fully formed.
Surgical treatment of severe degree
With a high degree of farsightedness in children, treatment lasts in stages, begins with preparation, with scleroplasty. This procedure creates a new scaffold for the sclera, which will be made up of donor tissue. When the development of the pathology is stopped, then the use of laser correction as a treatment is allowed. A particularly neglected degree of farsightedness can be cured only with the help ofoperations. The purpose of such an operation is to implant an implant in the eye that looks like a phakic (intraocular) lens. This treatment is only recommended if all other treatments have failed.

Complaints of children with farsightedness
Most often, patients complain about:
- deterioration of vision, especially at close range;
- sharp eye pain;
- burning sensation in the eyes;
- frequent headache (especially in the evening);
- increased tearing.
It is necessary to understand and remember that there is no magic medicine that improves vision. The patient will see well with glasses, contact lenses, or even after a successful operation.
Nevertheless, drops are very important, they will restrain the further development of the disease and smooth out unpleasant symptoms.
They are designed to help treat illness in adults. Drops contribute to the enhancement of metabolic processes in the structure of the eye. This drug normalizes cell membranes, restores metabolism, a sufficient amount of useful substances begins to flow to the muscles and the lens. If you regularly use "Taufon", you can cope with muscle spasms and eye fatigue. In addition, it activates active tissue regeneration.
Cheaper analogue of "Taufon" is considered "Taurine". Before using each of the medicines, you need to get the opinion of a doctor. "Taurine" is neededuse within a month. You need to drip into each eye one drop twice a day.

Treatment of farsightedness with folk remedies
It is believed that the vision of a child with farsightedness can be maintained or completely restored at home. Folk remedies that are affordable and very effective will help in this difficult matter.
Here is an example of the most effective:
- Drops of lemongrass. To prepare them, it is necessary to pour the fruits of Chinese magnolia vine with seventy-degree alcohol in a ratio of one to three. Insist a week. Then take it orally on an empty stomach in the morning. Dosage - twenty drops. The duration of treatment is about a month.
- Motherwort tincture. It is necessary to bring 200 ml of water to a boil and pour a few teaspoons of herbs into it. Cover and set aside to infuse for about an hour. Then take it orally several times a day. The dosage is one tablespoon.
- Infusion of blueberries. Pour a small amount of blueberry leaves with one glass of boiling water. Infuse for an hour. Strain and drink this glass in a day, dividing the contents into two doses.
- Decoction of wheatgrass. It is necessary to take 100 g of dry wheatgrass rhizomes and pour water, about one liter. Put on fire and boil until the liquid boils away. Strain through cheesecloth, drink a large spoonful five times a day.
- Infusion of eyebright. You should pour a couple of tablespoons of grass with two glasses of boiling water. Leave to insist. Strain and drink a fewonce a day, dividing the brewed norm into equal doses.
- Lotions of cherries. In the summer season, you can prepare eye lotions from the pulp of cherries, which must be applied once a day before bedtime.
- Raw potatoes. But similar procedures with applying slices of raw potatoes to the eyeballs will help relieve fatigue after a busy day.
But no matter what method of treatment the patient uses, he always needs more rest, trying not to strain his eyes.

Prevention of farsightedness
Modern life is a series of work, in the office we sit at the computer, on the way to work or study we read the news on our phone, at home we watch TV or sit at the computer. Our eyes are in constant tension, over time, visual acuity decreases.
There are several recommendations for the prevention of farsightedness:
- Observe the correct mode of visual work.
- With prolonged and intensive visual work at a short, fixed distance, the frequency of blinking is significantly reduced. The surface of the cornea "dries up", the lacrimal membrane is updated noticeably less. Therefore, be aware of the distance between you and the monitor.
- Proper room lighting. Good and, most importantly, properly selected lighting is considered one of the main criteria for normal visual work. It is necessary to install lighting near the workspace in such a way that it is comfortable for your eyes. It should not be dim or too bright. It should be optimal for the work of the eyes, because they should not be overstrained.
- Do eye exercises regularly. There are many complexes and types of exercises to improve the functioning of the eye, as well as the prevention of farsightedness. Remember, prevention is better than cure, so eye he alth should be monitored at any age, not just when signs of disease have already appeared.
Parents need to carefully monitor the he alth of their children and pay attention to the slightest complaint. A timely appeal to an ophthalmologist will protect against the development of farsightedness in adulthood. Properly selected glasses for a child with farsightedness will slow down the development of the disease.