Gexoral spray is a popular drug used to treat a sore throat. In what cases is its use recommended? Is it possible to use in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation? These questions are asked by many when choosing a medication without a doctor's prescription.
Gexoral spray is a clear, colorless liquid with a menthol smell, under pressure in a can.

The active substance of the drug is hexetidine in the amount of 0.2 g per 100 ml. It interacts well with the oral mucosa, but is not absorbed into the blood. The activity of the active substance is maintained for 12 hours after irrigation of the sore throat.
Excipients: polysorbate 80, citric acid, sodium saccharinate, levomenthol, eucalyptus oil, sodium calcium edetate, ethanol, sodium hydroxide, nitrogen, purified water.
Pharmacological action
Spray "Gexoral" is an antiseptic agent, the action of whichbased on the suppression of oxidative reactions necessary for the life and development of microorganisms. The drug has an antibacterial and antifungal effect on a wide range of pathogens. Among them are gram-positive bacteria and fungi of the genus Candida.
Also spray "Geksoral" has a weak analgesic effect, which is sufficient for effective local action. Reviews about the drug indicate a quick, almost every minute relief after its use.
Issue form
"Gexoral" is produced in the following form:
- Lozenges. Used to coat the entire mouth, menthol and complementary oils make breathing easier.
- A throat spray with one or three interchangeable nozzles, the presence of which allows you to protect all family members from the spread of infection. This release form is targeted, fast, and easy to use.
- Rinse solution. Allows you to thoroughly "wash" the inflamed areas, which contributes to a speedy recovery. But this form is not very convenient to use.
Indications for use
Widely known and popular among the population and doctors for the treatment of throat "Geksoral" spray. Instructions for use recommends its use in the following diseases:
- angina;
- pharyngitis;
- stomatitis;
- gingivitis;
- periodontitis;
- bleeding gums;
- aphthous ulcers.
"Gexoral" forchildren are a real salvation, because for them rinsing is an unpleasant procedure. The drug is used in complex therapy for colds and flu. Commonly used for hygienic purposes to avoid bad breath.

Gexoral throat spray is prescribed to prepare the oral cavity and pharynx for surgery, after which it is also used for the fastest healing of tissues without the likelihood of complications.
Drug Interactions
Instructions for the use of the Hexoral spray does not indicate such data. However, it is clear that the simultaneous use of other throat sprays or lozenges based on similar active ingredients is not recommended. In this case, an overdose or the occurrence of irritations and allergic reactions is possible.
Complex intake with antiviral or antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor only increases the effectiveness of treatment.
Drug safety
Instructions for the use of the Hexoral spray recommends the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Even in such a tender period, it cannot be dangerous, thanks to the active substance, hexetidine, which is not absorbed into the blood and works only on the mucous membrane.

Gexoral spray during pregnancy is recommended at the first sign of a sore throat. It will prevent the disease, which is so undesirable during this period. With lactationthe use of the drug will prevent the possibility of infection of the baby from the mother. The safety of the drug is also evidenced by over-the-counter dispensing from pharmacies.
Use of Hexoral spray in childhood
Summary recommends using the drug for children from 6 years of age. With the permission of the pediatrician, sometimes you can use the drug and children older than 3 years. Such a warning is due to the individual characteristics of children and their particular sensitivity at a young age.

Instructions for using the Hexoral spray for children differ only in the number of injections:
- 3 to 6 years old: one spray twice a day.
- Over 6 years: two sprays three times a day.
- Over 14: Two to three sprays three to four times a day.
The use of the Hexoral spray is not recommended for erosive-squamous diseases, children under 3 years of age, with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Do not use the drug for the treatment of children who are not ready to hold their breath at the time of injection or actively resist penetration into the mouth of the spray nozzle.
The alcohol content in a single dose is insignificant and does not affect the neuropsychic state. The use of Hexoral does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle or other potentially dangerous equipment, does not reduce alertness, does not cause drowsiness.
Special Instructions:
- Do not use after the expiration date.
- Do not burn, do not open the can after use.
- Place in a plastic bag for disposal.
Side effects
Instructions for the use of the Hexoral spray indicates the following adverse reactions of the body to the drug:
- Allergic reactions in the form of rashes, hives, swelling, blistering, coughing, shortness of breath.
- Reactions of the nervous system, such as ageusia, dysgeusia.
- Dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, salivary gland enlargement, irritation, discoloration of teeth.
The likelihood of these side effects when used at recommended doses is extremely low, the manufacturer estimates them as very rare - less than one case in 10,000.
In case of an overdose of the drug, symptoms of alcohol intoxication may occur. To normalize the condition, it is necessary to wash the stomach or take an absorbent, drink plenty of fluids.
Storage conditions
In the instructions for use of the Hexoral spray, the following important parameters are indicated:
- The drug can be stored for 3 years, provided that it has not yet been used and the room temperature is below 25°C.
- Keep out of direct sunlight and any rough physical impact.
- After the first application, the spray can be stored for 6 months.
It is important not to take the drugby expiration date and use.
Analogues and prices
The price of Hexoral spray varies depending on the region and point of sale. The most advantageous offers can be found in online pharmacies, but you should carefully read the terms of delivery and the availability of a license from the seller.

Prices for analogues are also different, they depend on the active substance and on the manufacturer. Spray "Gexoral" is produced by France, the pharmaceutical company "Famar Orleans", therefore the price of the drug is appropriate. The average cost of the drug is 300 rubles.
First of all, we list analogues based on hexetidine, these are:
- "Stomatidine". The manufacturer is the company "Bosnalijek", the price of the drug fluctuates within the same limits. But the drug is contraindicated in children under 5 years of age, in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation. If swallowed, causes nausea and vomiting. Shelf life 2 years.
- "Maxicold Lor". Producer - "Pharmstandard-Russia", the price is much lower. The only parameters in which the drug is inferior to foreign ones is the lack of studies of the effect on the fetus during pregnancy or the child during breastfeeding.
- "Stomolik" - a solution based on hexetidine, produced by the Ukrainian manufacturer "Tekhnolog ChAO". The price is comparable to the price of Maxicold. The disadvantages are the release form and the ban on use in children under 6 years old.
- "Givalex" -the spray is supplemented with choline salicylate and chlorobutanol hemihydrate, which have an additional antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is produced by the French company Norgine Pharma, the price is comparable to the price of Hexoral. Not recommended in children under 6 years of age, but a minimal spot application is possible when teething in babies.
- "Hexetidine" - approved for use from 8 years. During pregnancy, it is not prescribed in the first trimester. The price is much lower.
- "Hexaspray" is a drug from a French manufacturer, the price is slightly lower than imported analogues. Recommended from 6 years of age, it should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.
- "Stopangin". The manufacturer is the Czech company "IVAX Pharmaceuticals s.r.o." Not recommended until age 8 and in the first trimester of pregnancy. Price below.
- Hepilor is a Ukrainian drug at an affordable price. The composition is supplemented with chlorobutanol and choline salicylate. Recommended from 6 years old. There are no studies in pregnant and lactating women. Price below.

The following are analogues that have a different composition, but are similar in indication and method of application:
- "Proambassador" - a spray based on propolis and ethanol. Contraindicated in childhood, pregnancy and lactation. Production - Russia CJSC "Altaivitaminy".
- Miramistin is a drug produced by the Russian manufacturer Infamed LLC. Spray Basedbenzyldimethyl[3(myristoylamino)propyl]ammonium chloride monohydrate. Recommended from the age of 3, but pediatricians also prescribe at a younger age, as it does not cause irritation, allergic reactions and is not absorbed into the bloodstream.
- "Ingalipt" - a spray from OJSC "Pharmstandard-October" based on sulfanilamide, sulfathiazole, thymol, eucalyptus and mint oils. The drug causes a burning sensation, allergic reactions are possible. Not recommended for children under 6 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation.
- "Tantum-verde" - an Italian drug based on benzydamine hydrochloride, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Recommended for children from 3 years old. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.
- "Imudon" - lozenges based on a mixture of bacterial lysates. It has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. Recommended from 3 years old. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation due to the lack of studies of the effect during this period.
- "Rotokan" - a water-alcohol solution based on chamomile and calendula. Contraindicated under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation. After admission, driving or other complex mechanisms is prohibited.
- "Fitosept" - a solution for gargling based on sodium usinate and menthol. Contraindicated in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation.
- "Novosept" - a spray based on cetylpyridinium chloride and tetracaine hydrochloride. Contraindicated under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation. Drug substancesare absorbed, therefore interact with medications taken at the same time with it, you must carefully read the instructions.
What to choose: Hexoral spray or analogues? It is worth listening to the recommendations of the doctor, personal preferences and financial possibilities.
Drug evaluation
Negative reviews about the Hexoral spray do not occur, since the drug is effective in all cases. And after the first application, there is a noticeable relief.

Moms are especially pleased with the use of Hexoral spray for children, the instructions for use allow use from 3 years old, but only with the permission of the attending physician.
The possibility of using during pregnancy and lactation is a huge advantage of the drug over cheaper analogues. In this state, it is extremely important for a woman to remain he althy in order to avoid complications in the child.
The fact that the drug is not absorbed and does not affect the body is also an important factor when choosing a medication.
Instructions for the use of the Hexoral spray describes in detail all the uses and forms of release of this effective and proven medication. Positive feedback only indicates a favorable outcome of treatment. At the same time, it is important to follow the recommendations specified in the annotation.