70% of Russians of any age suffer from reduced visual acuity. However, everyone can reduce the intensity of negative manifestations. It is possible to relieve fatigue from the eyes at home. It won't be a big deal. The main thing here is to know the recipes.
Be aware that the cause of eye fatigue may be long-term driving. The fact is that the driver can look at one point for a very long time. If the weather is sunny, the organs of vision will quickly get tired.

Looking at the screen of a phone, tablet, or other electronics for a long time also increases eye strain.
The eyes of people suffering from hypertension and hypotension get tired much faster. The reason for the negative phenomena is problems with the vessels. Headache can cause visual fatigue. With increased intraocular pressure, accelerated fatigue also develops.
Those who suffer from vegetovascular dystonia should especially carefully monitor the condition of their eyes. The disease increases or decreasesblood pressure, and this directly affects the vessels of the organs of vision. Due to hormonal disruptions, vision also deteriorates.
If there is tension in the cervical region, the blood circulation in the eyes is also disturbed. As a result, the organs of vision begin to tire quickly, and dangerous diseases develop.
After surgery and taking medications, various negative changes may appear in the work of the eyes. And even a small overvoltage will provoke severe fatigue of the organs of vision. Medicines for the correction of heart rhythms, pressure, and arthritis therapy affect their condition.
In order not to experience discomfort associated with the organs of vision, it is necessary to provide yourself with proper nutrition. The diet should be balanced, rich in vitamins A and D. In addition, competent computer work is important. For example, the monitor should be at arm's length. It is important to pause at least every hour, during which it is necessary to do exercises for the eyes. Need to blink frequently.

It is important to observe reading hygiene - lighting should come from behind the back, its moderation is important. In order not to wonder how to relieve eye fatigue after work, you should not use a computer in transport while driving. The book should not be less than 30 cm away from the eyes.
Exercise for the organs of vision must be done on a regular basis. It is important to protect them from damage. You should visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year.
Don't stay indoors near heating equipment for a long time. Often the dryness of the room provokes problems with eye fatigue.
In order not to face problems in the organs of vision, it is important to eat right. The diet must be balanced. The content of vitamins A, C, B in the menu is important.
Dill and chamomile compresses
Chamomile, dill compresses help to remove fatigue from the eyes from the computer. To prepare them, you need to pour one teaspoon of grass with half a glass of boiling water. The decoction is infused for 10 minutes. After straining the infusion, it is divided in half. One part is used while it is hot, and the second - when it cools down. Then, moistening the gauze in the decoction, it is applied to the eyes. First use hot gauze, and then - cold. The procedure is carried out 10 minutes before going to bed. The duration of the full course is three times a week. Chamomile also relieves dark circles on the eyelids, conjunctivitis.

Mallow compresses
Lotions from mallow petals help relieve eye fatigue after the computer. It is necessary to take this plant and, moistened in cold milk, apply to the eyes for 15 minutes. Milk is also considered quite effective. Wet gauze in boiled liquid and apply to the eyes for 15 minutes, then wash with mineral water.
Rosehip Lotions
A healing mixture is brewed from two teaspoons of rose hips. It is necessary to pour them with one glass of boiling water, and after warming up the broth for 5 minutes, let it brew inwithin 30 minutes. After straining the broth, gauze is moistened in it and applied to the eyes for 15 minutes.
Tea bags
Answering the question of how to quickly remove fatigue from the eyes, traditional healers recommend using ordinary tea bags. They must be cold. The sachets are applied to the eyes in the evening or in the morning. In order for the remedy to be effective, it is best to lie down with bags in front of your eyes. For these purposes, the most ordinary black tea bags without additives are suitable.
Moisturizing drops
There are in conventional medicine and eye drops that relieve redness and eye fatigue. Such drops act as analogues of lacrimal fluids. They are used at any time of the day. Among them are "Vizin", "Oxial", "Artificial tear".

Millet is considered a very effective folk remedy. In cases where the eyes began to watery, there are signs of irritation, it is necessary to rinse one spoonful of millet. After it, you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 7 minutes. Drain the broth, you must let it cool. Eyes are washed 30 minutes before going to bed. Swabs soaked in decoction are kept in front of the eyes for 5 minutes.
Cornflower infusion
In search of an answer to the question of how to relieve fatigue, tension in the eyes, you need to pay attention to the infusion of cornflower. One tablespoon of the plant is poured with half a liter of boiling water, and then left warm in place for 60 minutes. After pouring the product into a glass bottle, it is stored for no more than 2 days. Twice a daygauze is moistened in the infusion, and then the eyelids are wiped.
Raw potatoes
If the organs of vision are inflamed, for example, from lack of sleep, raw potatoes will help to cope with the symptoms of this phenomenon. You need to take 2 medium-sized vegetables and, peeling them, grate. The resulting mass is transferred to gauze. This compress is placed on the eyelids and kept for 20 minutes.

When asking how to relieve eye fatigue, you need to consider that a pause in work significantly reduces the load on the organs of vision. And, taking small breaks, you need to close your eyes for at least 2-3 minutes, then look at the environment. The simplest exercise is recommended: put your palms on your closed eyelids. The palms are then removed, and then 10 repetitions are performed.
Blinking will also help relieve symptoms. This method can be used in any environment. Only frequent blinking is necessary, and the organs of vision will gradually relax. Before you relieve eye fatigue, you need to stock up on a nourishing cream designed for the delicate area around the eyes. And after any compress, you need to lubricate the eyelids with it. If eye fatigue appears on an ongoing basis, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.
Dry eye syndrome
It is necessary to differentiate dry eye syndrome. After all, in this case, the medicines will be somewhat different. As a rule, those who work at a computer or stay indoors for a long time suffer from dryness.too dry air. Also, dryness can be the result of taking hormonal drugs.
Many people simply stopped noticing such a syndrome, as they got used to it. They can be constantly pursued by a feeling of sand, itching, redness. And at the same time it seems that the eyes are tired. For this reason, it is also necessary to find out the exact diagnosis before removing eye fatigue. It will help him to put the Schirmer test conducted by an ophthalmologist. The study takes only 5 minutes. During it, the properties of the patient's tears are checked. If dry eye syndrome is indeed detected, then the doctor will explain how to relieve eye fatigue. Methods will already be completely different.

Sometimes even the most experienced ophthalmologists make mistakes in choosing glasses or lenses for a patient. And as a result, new means only lead to an increase in the load on the optic nerve. In this case, the eyes may suffer from fatigue.
Also, people sometimes refuse glasses on their own. They argue that lenses or glasses will lead to the fact that the organs of vision will be “lazy”, vision will fall faster.
But in fact, in the absence of the shown lenses or glasses, the eyes, on the contrary, will be overstrained. As a result, the patient may begin to suffer from migraine, inflammation. Indeed, with constant stress, the immune properties of the eyes are depressed. A person often squints, and this leads to early formation of wrinkles.
Mark on glass
A very easy way to deal with dry eyes is to stick a label on the window pane. When working at a computer, it is sometimes worth interrupting to perform the simplest exercise. You must first look at the mark with one eye for a couple of seconds, and then look at a distant object. After completing several approaches, the exercise is performed with the other eye. This relaxes the muscles in the organs of vision.
It is important to consider that drops should be used only in special cases. The fact is that addiction develops to them, and as a result, the nutrition of the organs of vision is disturbed. The blood vessels constrict, and less nutrients enter the eyes. This leads to clouding of the cornea, the formation of adhesions.
Be aware that the eyes require special care. The modern way of life provokes many diseases of these sense organs. A person constantly sits at a computer, reads texts written in small print, often drives, he lives in areas with polluted air. There are many aggressive factors around him.

Nature provided the senses with protection: a person has eyebrows, eyelashes, tears contribute to the fact that the cornea does not dry out. However, modern people weaken the protective properties of the body. The eyes simply cannot withstand the stress, they get tired, hurt and redden.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that the internal organs are closely related. So, if there are problems with the liver, spine, the condition of the organs of vision will also be unsatisfactory. The development of myopia, farsightedness is affected by a change in the level of pressure. It is often associated with constant fatigue.eye.
When suffering from negative phenomena associated with the organs of vision, one must take into account the fact that the eyes become inflamed due to tobacco smoke, too bright colors, lighting, cosmetics, weather conditions.