Perhaps someone will disagree, but teeth are the real “Achilles heel” in a person. And if a headache can still be relieved with pills or tea, then a toothache is a completely different matter. If your teeth hurt, then you no longer want to have fun, work, or eat, in addition, it is impossible even to fall asleep, and also to talk. Not only does your tooth hurt, your head hurts too. All in all, a truly dreadful scene. What does toothache mean? She makes it clear that you have not been to the dentist for a long time, and definitely not everything is in order with your teeth. But it is not always possible to immediately turn to the doctor. In such cases, you need to know how to relieve a toothache at home.

Cause of severe, sharp, piercing pain
There are actually a lot of reasons! From the usual hit of food in the tooth to problems with nerve tissues, inflammation of the bone tissue, damage to the jaw. It is impossible to identify the source of toothache on your own. Even a professional dentist cannot diagnose himself.oral cavity without outside help and the necessary equipment. Therefore, it is better not to risk your he alth and nerves, but immediately run to the doctor. Most often, the cause of such acute pain is caries, or rather its advanced stage, in which the pulp and nerve can become inflamed. If you delay treatment, get ready for swelling of the cheeks, fever, headache, swelling of the lips. You will see this not only in cartoons, but also in real life.

How to relieve a toothache at home with pills? If you still have a pack of painkillers at hand, for example, the drug Spazmalgon, feel free to take it. The means "Nurofen", "Analgin" and "No-shpa" are also suitable. This will help for a while, if not remove, then at least dull the pain. If there are no such funds and there is no pharmacy nearby, look for Valocordin drops. Soak a swab in them, and then gently apply it to the tooth that hurts or to the site of inflammation.

Help of traditional medicine
How to relieve acute toothache at home? Traditional medicine will help to calm or tame it. If you have propolis tincture at home, put a few drops on a cotton swab and apply it to the source of pain. Within half an hour, the pain may subside or go away. Before you relieve a toothache at home, rinse your mouth thoroughly. It is best to make a decoction ofchamomile, as it will slightly soothe the tooth. You can use a baking soda solution - this is also an excellent disinfectant. For another good way, take a tablespoon of sage and pour a ten-gram glass of lukewarm water. Boil over low heat for about ten minutes, insist and rinse the mouth several times for twenty minutes. This is not a cure - this is first aid, remember! You will have a few quiet hours to see a doctor. Even if your pain has disappeared, believe me, it will return. Do not neglect this and do not be afraid to go to a specialist. How to treat toothache at home? Treatment is impossible. Only a dentist can help you with this. Do not try to fix everything yourself, because silence is deceptive. In fact, if you do not turn to a specialist in time, you can only worsen the condition of the oral cavity. Now you know how to relieve a toothache at home. It will help you for a while. For the rest, trust the doctors.