There are diseases in the world that are extremely rare. Kozhevnikovskaya epilepsy refers to one of these pathologies. It usually occurs in people between the ages of 15 and 20. But the disease can occur earlier. This epilepsy has the ICD-10 code G40.5. It is treatable provided it is started on time. If a person knows at least general information about diseases, it is easier for him to understand that something bad is happening to him. For any suspicion of a rare ailment, patients are advised to undergo an MRI of the brain in Moscow or another large city. Let us consider in more detail the features of this disease.

General information
Kozhevnikovskaya epilepsy is named after one of the domestic neuropathologists and doctor of medical sciences. It was Alexei Yakovlevich Kozhevnikov who first mentioned this pathology in his works and seriously engaged in its study. In addition, he identified this pathology as a separate form of the disease. If we talk about the features of the disease, then the most interestingis that its symptoms can be very diverse. However, there is one clear sign of Kozhevnikov's epilepsy - clonic-tonic muscle cramps.
They can be observed in various parts of the body. Additionally, with pathology, patients experience fairly frequent epileptic seizures. It is worth considering in more detail whether this disease is associated with tick-borne encephalitis.
More often Kozhevnikovskaya epilepsy develops in patients precisely against the background of the fact that they have suffered tick-borne encephalitis. The thing is that serious changes occur in the motor area of the human brain, against which foci are formed that are responsible for increased epileptiform activity. However, in medical practice, there were situations when this epilepsy was the result of a person suffering from serious lesions in the region of nerve fibers. This can be provoked by parasites or infectious diseases. This means that epilepsy can also develop if a person has had tuberculosis, polio, cerebral cysticercosis or neurosyphilis.
In the human body, conditions can be created that provoke the development of Kozhevnikov epilepsy. For example, patients who have been diagnosed with focal type cortical dysplasia suffer from a similar pathology. Metabolic disorders can also lead to serious complications. For example, if a person suffers from a serious stage of diabetes or his thyroid gland does not perform all its functions.

Additional factors
According to experts, epilepsy can be caused by disorders that occur in the structure of the brain. For example, if a person recently suffered a traumatic brain injury. In addition, brain tumors can lead to epileptic seizures of this type. Many are interested in whether this pathology can develop against the background of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Doctors answer in the negative, since such violations were not recorded.
Symptoms of Kozhevnikov epilepsy
If we talk about the main manifestations of pathology, then, as a rule, hyperkinesis is the first to appear. This means that some muscle groups begin to twitch unconsciously in the patient. For example, at the same time, he may experience cramps in his hands and nerve contractions on his face. Twitching can also occur in other areas of the human body.
If it is a severe form of pathology, then in this case a person may develop facial paralysis. It is also worth noting that muscle cramps will appear not only during wakefulness, but also when the patient is sleeping. Patients often pay attention to a constant feeling of anxiety, increased irritability and the appearance of completely unreasonable fear.
Against the background of seizures, severe stress develops, which only aggravates the situation. It is worth starting to worry if a person has bouts of serious depression or suddenly becomes extremely aggressive.

Severe form
Ifpathology proceeds with complications, then generalized seizures may develop. In this case, cramps will be observed already in all muscle groups. The patient may fall, tilt his head back. Foam comes out of the mouth.
If a patient has serious coordination disorders, he began to notice a deterioration in memory and a decrease in his intellectual abilities, you should definitely visit a doctor and perform an MRI of the brain. In Moscow, this service is performed by many private and public clinics. So, you can visit:
- Dr. Bandurina's clinic on Parkovaya, 5.
- European diagnostic center, located on the street. Nagatinskaya, house 1, building 25.
- MRI Center on Kurkinskoye shosse, 30.
- MRI Center, which is located on the street. Musa Jalil, house 4, building 6.
Prices for the procedure from 1700 to 4500 rubles.
Parents of children who have Kozhevnikov epilepsy notice that they suddenly begin to study worse. The patient may develop depression, phobias, and sometimes muscle atrophy appears. Cases have been recorded when babies complained of severe abdominal pain. In the most severe situations, patients may be diagnosed with schizophrenia.
It is better to refuse to visit a regular clinic. This is a rare disease, so not every doctor can help. Therefore, it is desirable to undergo a diagnosis in the clinic of nervous diseases named after. Kozhevnikov. It is located at the address: Rossolimo street, house 11, building 1. It has not only all the necessary equipment, but also the best incountry doctors who specialize in this type of pathology.
If there is no opportunity to go to Moscow, then you need to find out where the epileptologist takes in the city of residence. Unfortunately, not every clinic has such a specialist.

If we are talking about children, then it will be very difficult to determine the presence of this pathology. The fact is that often the signs of this disease are associated only with the fact that the child gradually begins to grow up and build his behavior in a slightly different way than in childhood. In this case, there are periodic depressions, manifestations of aggression, a decrease in learning ability, and much more. If we are talking about a convulsive syndrome, then you should definitely consult a doctor.
To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an EEG study. With the help of an electroencephalogram, you can clarify the form and frequency of seizures, as well as find out exactly in which area of the body the focus of the disease is located.

In addition, other diagnostic measures are being taken. For example, photostimulation or hyperventilation may be performed. It is important to take notes while the patient is sleeping and resting.
In case of Kozhevnikov epilepsy, antiepileptic drugs become the most effective. As a rule, doctors prefer to prescribe them even if it is only a suspicion of such a pathology. It is very important to choose the right drug in a timely manner and determine its exact dosage. Schemereception of funds and the amount of the drug is calculated solely by the doctor. It takes into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

If it was diagnosed that the pathology develops against the background of meningoencephalitis, then in this case, X-ray therapy and antibiotics are more effective.
In difficult situations, surgery may be prescribed. As a rule, doctors resort to such measures only if, due to serious seizures, the patient is unable to live in peace, cannot even serve himself. In a severe form of the disease, doctors have to abandon conservative treatment and turn to a surgeon.
If we talk about the types of surgery, then, as a rule, Horsley's operation or thalamotomy is performed. In the first case, specialists remove the epileptic focus directly from the cerebral cortex. This method has a serious drawback. If part of the cerebral cortex is removed, the patient will have new problems.
If you perform a thalamotomy, then in this case, part of the thalamus will be removed, more precisely, its nucleus. Thanks to this, it is possible to interrupt the flow of impulses that are sent to the motor area. After such an intervention, epileptic seizures stop or occur extremely rarely.

The biggest problem awaits those patients who have been diagnosed with status epilepticus. In this caseone attack can last up to half an hour. Seizures replace each other almost throughout the day. The patient may not recover at all. As a rule, this also happens with untimely treatment or when the patient, for unknown reasons, decided to refuse to take prescribed medications. It must be understood that status epilepticus can result in respiratory arrest. There are frequent situations when cerebral edema occurs.
Child Therapy
If we are talking about small children, then in this case the possibility of performing a surgical operation is completely excluded. This is because in such a situation there is too much risk of serious complications during the procedure. Also, a specialist can damage he althy areas of the brain, which will lead to sad complications. Therefore, patients under the age of 15 are prescribed drug therapy.