What antibiotics to take with tooth flux?

What antibiotics to take with tooth flux?
What antibiotics to take with tooth flux?

Many people at least once in their lives have encountered the so-called flux. Nothing foreshadowed trouble, but in the morning a baggy swelling of the cheek appears. The most common cause of this trouble is a carious tooth that has not been treated in time. But what to do if a flux suddenly appears? What antibiotics to take? We will talk about which drugs are suitable for the treatment of flux and how best to use them in this article.

antibiotics for tooth flux
antibiotics for tooth flux

About illness

Under the concept of "flux" dentists mean purulent periostitis, which is also called inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth. The occurrence of this disease is a consequence of a carious lesion, it indicates that the patient is inattentive to his he alth and constantly postpones visits to the dentist.


Gum with flux is always swollen, very reddened and painful. The swelling is bright red and baggy.

How does flux appear? If in the mouthcavity has a purulent tooth, then the exudate can get into the connective tissue - the pulp, which is rich in nerves and blood vessels. Also, the exudate enters the tissue of the periosteum.

Pain with periostitis can radiate to the eye or ear, as the pus that accumulates under the periosteum can irritate the receptors.

A swollen cheek often makes the face asymmetrical, which is why the flux is so recognizable even to those who are far from medicine. Although there may not be severe pain with periostitis, this is not a reason to postpone going to the doctor, because if you do not start treatment, then pus will continue to accumulate in the gums, and the consequences may be irreparable.

Without the use of antibiotics for tooth flux, the patient can get complications that are dangerous to he alth and even life - phlegmon or a purulent abscess.

The treatment process is always long and complex. The focus of inflammation is subject to mandatory sanitation: an abscess is opened, a tooth is removed, drainage is established, drugs are injected locally into the tooth cavity. Medicines and rinses are also used.

Properly selected antibiotics for tooth flux are mandatory drugs that help to avoid relapses and the spread of infection throughout the body.

what antibiotics for flux
what antibiotics for flux

Reasons for appearance

Flux usually appears quite suddenly, without any obvious warning symptoms, so many are wondering how it happened. Although there may not be external manifestations, periostitis is always based on a long infectious process. The flux itself appears as soon asthe infection somehow gets into the gum pocket of the tooth.

Main causes of periostitis:

  • tooth root has a carious lesion;
  • infection in the gum pocket of the tooth during treatment (this may be due to a violation of asepsis);
  • tooth canals were poorly filled;
  • temporary filling was not removed and was in the mouth for too long;
  • in case of mechanical damage to the tooth (for example, a crack due to trauma);
  • tonsillitis, furunculosis, tonsillitis and other diseases that are the focus of infection in the oral cavity.
what antibiotics for tooth flux
what antibiotics for tooth flux

Are antibiotics mandatory for flux?

A patient with periostitis should immediately visit a dentist first. The doctor will identify the diseased tooth and decide whether it is necessary to save it. What antibiotics for tooth flux will the doctor prescribe? It depends on the causative agent of the infection.

Antibiotics are universal antibacterial drugs, they penetrate into all tissues of the body. The main thing that a doctor needs to do is to choose the right antibiotic, taking into account the sensitivity of bacteria to it. A bacteriological examination can be performed, but most often the flux is caused by a streptococcal or staphylococcal infection.

Antibiotics are prescribed by doctors both as an independent treatment and after the tooth is removed. With timely access to the dentist, periostitis can be completely avoided by using the same drugs. After the abscess isopened, antibacterial agents must be used, otherwise the periostitis may drag on or develop again soon.

Will antibiotics be effective for tooth flux in an adult? It depends on several factors. Not only the drug itself is important, but also its dose, weight and age of the patient, intolerance to certain substances. Also important is the patient's own immunity and how advanced the disease is. At the doctor's appointment, the patient must report whether he has been treated with drugs of this group in the last three months, and, if so, which ones.

what antibiotics to drink with flux
what antibiotics to drink with flux

What is the most commonly prescribed?

So, what antibiotics do they drink with tooth flux? After the doctor examines the patient and conducts the necessary tests to identify the causative agent of the infection, specific drugs are prescribed. Most often it is "Amoxicillin", "Ampioks", "Amoxilav", "Lincomycin", "Doxycycline", "Ciprofloxacin". Each drug has its own characteristics of use, this must be taken into account, and the doctor chooses the dosage, taking into account contraindications, other diseases and complications, the age and weight of the patient.


What antibiotic do dentists recommend for adult gumboil? "Lincomycin" doctors consider one of the best for the elimination of infectious processes in the oral cavity. This "heavy artillery" has many side effects. Adults usually take it at a dosage of 500 mg three or four times a day.day. You can not take the medicine with meals, usually the drug is prescribed either two hours after a meal, or half an hour before it. The course of treatment is at least seven days. It should be remembered that the course cannot be interrupted (this applies to all antibiotics - both with flux and in the presence of other pathologies, not necessarily of a dental nature). If kidney problems are observed, the doctor may reduce the dosage. The drug is not recommended for children under six years of age. With other drugs and vitamins, this drug should be used very carefully, as reactions can be serious.

lincomycin drug
lincomycin drug


This penicillin antibiotic has a broad spectrum of action, making it suitable for killing infections in the mouth and preventing their spread throughout the body. As a rule, dentists prescribe it for bacterial infection of bone and soft tissues. The dosage for adults is 500 mg three times a day, but not more than six grams per day. This drug can also be used to treat children. There are also contraindications: it is not used for liver failure, allergies and dysbacteriosis. In order to avoid violations of s alt metabolism, the drug should be washed down with plenty of water. The medicine has an analogue called "Flemoxin".

antibiotics for gum disease
antibiotics for gum disease


This drug is based on two active ingredients - clavulanic acid and amoxicillin. SameThe composition also has another antibiotic - "Augmentin". Due to the presence of clavulanic acid, the drug becomes stronger and has a wider spectrum of action. "Amoxiclav" often becomes a good medicine in the event that conventional penicillins and cephalosporins have been ineffective. It can provoke convulsions, therefore it is prohibited for use by patients with serious renal pathologies. No contraindications for children or the elderly.

antibiotic for dental flux in an adult
antibiotic for dental flux in an adult

These antibiotics for an adult with gum flux should be drunk three times a day, 125-500 mg each (the doctor prescribes the exact dosage). However, it is worth knowing that diarrhea is a common side effect of the medication.


Another drug based on two active ingredients: oxacillin and ampicillin. It does not accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, so it has a minimal amount of side effects. The drug is often prescribed for mixed infections or in cases where prevention of complications of purulent processes is necessary. Adults usually take 500-1000 mg three or four times a day. The maximum allowed dose is four grams per day. The exact dosage, as in many other cases, is usually prescribed by a doctor based on age, weight, and the severity of the infection.


This drug is a group of tetracyclines with a wide spectrum of action. It copes well with inflammation caused by anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. You should be aware that doctors usuallydo not recommend taking this drug in parallel with any others. If the patient is undergoing treatment with other medications, the dentist must be notified. You should tell us what drugs you are taking, because they may be incompatible with Doxycycline!

This antibiotic for flux is usually taken by adults with meals, but a large amount of water is a necessary factor. You should know that most often antibiotics are not allowed to be washed down with anything other than pure still water, but this rule does not apply to Doxycycline. You can use milk or kefir. The patient begins the course by taking 100 mg of the drug once or twice a day. On the second and subsequent days of the course, 100 mg per day is taken. Age up to twelve years, as well as liver failure and leukopenia are contraindications to taking the drug.

doxycycline capsules
doxycycline capsules


This medicine is available in pharmacies and under the names "Tsiprolet" and "Ciprofloxacin". It belongs to the fluoroquinolones. The antibiotic copes well with bacterial infections and is often prescribed for patients with poor immunity. Usually prescribed from 250 to 500 mg twice a day. The course of treatment is from five to seven days. It is recommended to drink the medicine half an hour before a meal or a couple of hours after. With periostitis, this drug is also prescribed in the form of injections, in which case two injections per day of 200 mg are given. If the patient suffers from any kidney disease, the doctor will most often reduce the dose.

Pathologies of the nervous system - this is another factor in which the drug is used with caution. During the course of treatment with this antibiotic, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and try not to stay in the sun. The drug can affect attention, so it is better to limit potentially dangerous activities such as driving a car for a while. This drug is not prescribed for children under the age of sixteen.

digital from flux
digital from flux

Treatment rules

Antibiotics are very strong drugs that have many side effects, because together with the pathogenic flora they destroy beneficial bacteria, violating the body's own microflora. To get more positive effect from the treatment and minimize side effects, you must follow the instructions exactly. By breaking the rules (for example, by changing the dose or frequency of taking, skipping the drug, self-prolonging or canceling the course), you can make these drugs not only useless, but also harmful. When starting therapy, there are a few rules to remember.

1. Observe the accuracy and time of reception

Even intervals between doses of medication. This is done to ensure that the concentration of the substance in the blood remains at the desired level throughout the course of treatment. If the doctor prescribed an antibiotic three times a day, then the interval between doses will be eight hours. If twice a day - then twelve hours. It is important to follow this order and take the drug at the same time, and the form of the drug does not affect this. For example, in the casetwice a day antibiotic is taken at 8:00 and 20:00 every day. You can choose a time convenient for you and follow it, but do not forget about the twelve-hour gap.

2. Take the full course

In most cases, the course of antibiotics is five to seven days. In some cases, the doctor can increase it to ten or even fourteen days, but it is worth it or not - only a specialist can decide.

The course of admission must be complete. Often, patients, feeling better, decide that they can stop drinking harmful medicine, because then the immune system will cope on its own. In fact, doctors recommend taking antibiotics for at least another two or three days after the onset of improvements.

Another important point is the actual improvement of well-being. If it does not occur within seventy-two hours after the start of therapy, you must inform the doctor about it. He will adjust the course, increase the dosage, or even prescribe a different drug. Your bacteria may be resistant to this antibiotic.

3. Do not adjust the dose yourself

Some antibiotics have a large number of side effects, but people who reduce the dose of the drug, believing that in this way they will do less harm to their he alth, are wrong. The whole point of this medicine is to destroy the bacteria that cause the infection. If the concentration of the drug is insufficient, the bacteria may even develop immunity to this drug, after which the patient will have to be treated with much stronger antibiotics.

Dose increasealso unacceptable - this can lead to overdose and the appearance of many side effects.

4. Follow the reception features

When prescribing, the doctor most often gives recommendations on taking antibiotics for gum flux, but you can find this information in the instructions. It must indicate how the medication depends on food intake. Some antibiotics are taken with food, some before or after. Doctors advise drinking the medicine with plenty of non-carbonated water.

Unless otherwise stated in the instructions, do not use any drinks other than water. It is unacceptable to drink an antibiotic with juice, coffee or tea, kefir or other fermented milk products. However, if your drug is taken with food, this restriction is usually lifted. The fact is that medicines intended to be taken on an empty stomach can reduce their effect if you, drinking it with juice, force the stomach to digest useful substances.

antibiotics for gum disease
antibiotics for gum disease

5. Dieting

Whatever antibiotics you choose for flux, this is a serious test for the body. The digestive organs suffer the most, the intestinal microflora is destroyed. It is unacceptable to follow a diet for weight loss during treatment, but it is necessary to adjust your usual diet. Eliminate at least for the duration of the course the consumption of conservation, fatty and fried foods, alcohol, sour fruits. Include plenty of vegetables, sweet fruits and pure non-carbonated water in your diet. Eat steamed meat and cereal. This diet is beststick for a while after completing the course of treatment.

6. Minimizing Side Effects

One of the main side effects of antibiotics is the destruction of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. This causes such frequent problems as diarrhea, constipation and dysbacteriosis, pain in the intestines and stomach, heartburn, bloating.

To prevent these complications, support your intestines, “populate” beneficial bacteria in the body with the help of parallel intake of other drugs: Linex, Bifiform, Normoflorin, Laktofiltrum, Enterogermina, Simbiter etc. Eat fermented milk products between antibiotics.
