When frost comes, people often get in trouble. Someone immediately falls ill with a runny nose or cough, and someone has strange spots on the body. They usually talk about the presence of an allergy to the cold. This ailment is very different from other similar reactions, so it is called pseudo-allergic. The disease is not inherited, is not chronic and is not contagious. Some patients suffer from such allergies for only a few winters, provided timely treatment, of course.
This pathology is quite common. Approximately one third of the population feels discomfort due to low temperatures. They have only to go outside, as the face becomes covered with red spots, difficulty in breathing appears and other symptoms attack. Allergy to cold in adults and children will be discussed in our material.
Description of the pathology development mechanism
Cold urticaria is a more accurate name for a pseudo-allergy. This disease is included in the International Classification of Diseases. There it stands for a rash caused by exposure to low temperatures. In order not to be confused, we will call the phenomenon in question an allergy tocold.

Now a little about the mechanism of its development. This type of reaction is provoked by the action of mediators, that is, especially active substances, the main among which is histamine. When it enters the body, it is attacked by immune cells. If there are enough immunoglobulins, they release the neurotransmitter.
Here we come to the most interesting. How can low air temperature be called an allergen if it is not a protein and does not penetrate the body? But when exposed to cold, mediators are produced on their own, without the help of immunoglobulins. That is why the described reaction is called pseudo-allergic.
Why do allergies occur?
Experts' opinions on this matter are divided: some believe that cold allergy is only a symptom, while others argue that the pathology can be independent. In most cases, such a reaction develops with hypothermia:
- Wrong choice of clothes, not wearing scarves and hats in low temperatures, wearing short skirts and thin tights;
- interacting with cold water, like washing dishes or going to the pool;
- constant consumption of cold drinks;
- stay in a draft.
Allergy to cold in adults appears as a result of weakened immunity. It can be concluded that severe long-term illness provokes the onset of the reaction. In addition, there are other risk factors:
- regular long stay outdoors at lowair temperature and contact with cold objects;
- presence of signs of allergy in close relatives and friends;
- prolonged use of antibacterial drugs;
- excessive physical and psychological stress.
It is worth noting that most often allergies are found in women aged 25 to 30 years. Also at risk are children, adolescents and middle-aged men.
In medicine, there are several types of cold allergy. We will look at each of them in detail:
- Chronic and acute urticaria. This disease is characterized by severe itching of all parts of the body. In areas of irritation, swelling soon appears, and then blisters. If the pathology is quite pronounced, then the patient will feel chills, weakness in the body, pain in the joints. Such an allergy to cold manifests itself on the face, hands and other parts of the body. Usually lasts throughout the frosty period.
- Recurrent type. In this case, exacerbations are observed all year round, especially in autumn, winter and early spring. Redness on the skin occurs as a result of contact with cold water.
- Reflex urticaria. This is a local reaction to cold, in some situations it appears only if the whole body is cooled. It appears as a rash around the affected area, while the area of skin that has been in contact with cold does not undergo changes.
- Family urticaria. This type is considered rare, characterized by a papular rash and burning a few hours after interaction withlow temperatures. In addition, the patient feels fever, pain in the joints and muscles, chills. Such urticaria is difficult to diagnose, often confused with idiopathic pathology.
- Cold rhinitis. It would seem that a common cold, but there is a significant difference - the symptoms appear only in the cold. As soon as a person enters a warm place, all signs disappear.
- Cold dermatitis. Allergy to cold on the hands in this case is manifested by peeling of the skin and severe itching. If the pathology has become severe, swelling of the whole body is detected.

Don't confuse the described states with one of the body's normal defense reactions. The latter can be treated with symptomatic drugs and pass quickly. But if in doubt, it is better to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct a study and make a diagnosis.
Symptoms of allergy to cold on the hands and not only
It is not easy to calculate this ailment, because it skillfully disguises itself as dermatitis or a common cold. When going outside with a low air temperature, the patient immediately begins to have a headache. It reduces the muscles of the face and neck, presses on the back of the head, due to painful sensations, a feeling of nausea appears. When the patient enters a warm room, the symptoms disappear after 15-20 minutes. A sign of a headache can occur not only due to sub-zero air temperature, but also when drinking cold water.
Often begins an allergy to cold on the hands. The skin at first just slightly itches, then coarsens, becomesdry, cracks appear. After a while, rashes are found, which subsequently spread throughout the body.
As for children, they are primarily allergic to cold on the face. The cheeks and chin turn red, there is a burning sensation, the child begins to rub these places, which leads to the formation of unpleasant blisters. As already noted, young girls are more susceptible to this pathology. This is due to wearing thin pantyhose in winter, resulting in redness on the inside of the thighs and under the knees.
Allergy to cold, the photo of the manifestations of which you can see in the article, proceeds in different ways:
- possible long runny nose;
- nasal congestion;
- conjunctivitis;
- sore throat.
When going out into the cold, the patient feels short of breath, the bronchi narrow, which leads to shortness of breath. The patient feels chronic fatigue, sharp mood swings are characteristic.

But this type of allergy can also be a symptom of other diseases, for example, vitamin deficiency, vascular dystonia, thyroid dysfunction, etc. It should be noted that against the background of diseases, cold urticaria is more severe, and the patient actually has to fight ailments at the same time.
Child allergic to cold
Children are more difficult to tolerate all diseases due to the unformed immune system of the body, allergies are no exception. There is a high risk of complications. Therefore, the treatment of the disease, especiallyin childhood, should be timely.
During pregnancy, the expectant mother should avoid hypothermia in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Cold urticaria manifests itself in a more severe and pronounced form in babies. Its symptoms occur during a walk in the fresh air at low temperatures. Consider the symptoms of a cold allergy in children:
- the face takes the brunt of it - redness of the cheeks occurs, which does not go away for a long time;
- itchy blisters appear;
- there is profuse lacrimation.
In babies up to a year, the described ailment can be observed even with a slight decrease in temperature. Therefore, you should not leave a child in a cold room or carry out hardening procedures at such a young age without consulting a specialist.

In rare cases, even newborns can be allergic to cold. This is usually due to either a hereditary problem or poor hygiene. A child from the mother's womb enters a new environment, where, accordingly, the temperature is lowered. It will freeze instantly, in just a few minutes, if you do not put it under a heat source.
Having talked about how an allergy to cold manifests itself, it is necessary to consider the procedure for identifying the disease.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of diagnosis, because the effectiveness of further treatment depends on it. Identification of the disease is based on a specific clinical picture, and in addition it is recommended to conductallergy test. This method is the most accurate, but also sensitive. Therefore, it should be treated with caution. You can do the research at home, but it's best to leave it to the professionals.
To identify an allergy to cold, use the following methods:
- applying a cold object to the skin, like an ice cube for 15 minutes;
- immersion of hands in cold water for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there is no draft and that the legs are warm;
- exercise in cool air for 10 minutes.
Results are evaluated instantly. First of all, you need to pay attention to the upper limbs. As you know, an allergy to cold on the skin of the hands first appears, and if swelling and rashes appear against the background of a deterioration in the general condition, the doctor conducts laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment of disease
It must be said that the most effective method in this case is complex therapy. To begin with, it is worth eliminating the irritant, that is, the cold. Allergy sufferers do not need to be exposed to air at low temperatures for a long time. If you still need to go outside, you should dress according to the weather, minimize the area of exposed areas of the body. Allergy to cold, the photo of which is not much different from the images of a normal allergic reaction, in fact, does not require special treatment, the symptoms go away on their own after a while.

However, ifsigns disturb on an ongoing basis, and also remain longer than an hour, it's time to contact a dermatologist. After identifying the disease, the doctor will offer a comprehensive treatment. To get rid of this problem, you must follow all the recommendations of the doctor.
Drug therapy
Treatment with drugs is aimed at combating the manifestations of allergic reactions, such as rashes and respiratory problems. To cope with cold urticaria, it is necessary to use local remedies. Which ones are the most effective?

It is best to use hormone-based drugs, as they will quickly relieve the symptoms of dermatitis and relieve you of external manifestations in a short time. If there is no serious damage to the skin, you can use the funds yourself. But, despite the minimal risk of developing an additional infection, it is better to consult a specialist.
The following medications are usually prescribed:
- spray in the throat from possible manifestations of a cold;
- oral antihistamines - "Tavegil" or "Suprastin" (injections are used only if complications are detected);
- be sure to use topical medications, that is, ointments and creams (if you are allergic to cold on the legs and other parts of the body, the anti-inflammatory "Bepanten", the healing "La Cree", etc.) will help.
Sometimes scars appear on the skin. If you choose wrongtopical medications or booked too late with a dermatologist, it will be difficult to get rid of them forever. Cicatricial changes practically do not disappear without a trace, especially if significant areas of the skin are affected.
When an allergy is detected in a child, it is necessary to restore in a similar way. Just before taking actions, coordinate them with the doctor.
Folk remedies
Treatment of allergies to cold on the hands, face and feet is carried out in a complex way, and traditional medicine recipes will help you with this. Decoctions and tinctures from various herbs are especially effective. A positive result can be achieved when using hawthorn, chamomile, St. John's wort, duckweed, etc. Folk remedies eliminate symptoms and support the body during an exacerbation of the disease.
It is worth noting that the use of funds in the presence of allergies to them is strictly prohibited. Among all the recipes, the following stand out:
- Raspberry. Here you will need the roots of the plant, previously crushed. It is necessary to pour 50 g of roots into 0.5 liters of water and then simmer for half an hour over low heat. Ready broth should be consumed three times a day, two tablespoons. Within 2 months, if you do not skip the dose, all symptoms will be relieved. For the best effect, as well as for prevention, you can drink a decoction a month before the onset of cold weather.
- Celery. Freshly squeezed juice of this plant perfectly copes with allergies to the cold. You need to take half a teaspoon three times a day.
- Birch sap. This remedy has a mild diuretic effect and perfectly fights the symptomsallergies. The juice is especially effective in removing swelling from the face and hands. You can use the drink in unlimited quantities, an adult needs at least one liter per day. If a cold allergy is found in a child, it is worth giving half a liter of liquid daily.
- Schisandra juice. They wipe the skin. This is an excellent remedy for severe itching on different parts of the body. It must be used carefully, without injuring the skin, and only in a warm room.
- Baths from needles. To do this, pick up branches with needles, boil and take baths. It is recommended, plus everything, to wash your face with a decoction twice: in the morning and in the evening. There are no clear proportions here.
All of the above folk remedies are quite effective, but they should be used only after consulting with your doctor. Self-medication is not worth it, it can lead to complications.
Symptoms and treatment of cold allergy are current and discussed topics. This is not surprising, because many people are faced with this problem, and share their experience with other users. Each body is different and therefore the course of the disease and symptoms may vary slightly.
In this regard, the reviews are of a different nature: some talk about difficult treatment, others claim that the allergy went away in a few days. Among all types of ailment, urticaria is the most widespread, it is she who worries many people.

Users note that the most effective remedies for it arehormonal ointments and antihistamines - "Suprastin" and "Claritin". If you have developed allergic rhinitis, Avamys will be an excellent solution. Despite the rather high price, it is actively bought, as it copes with symptoms in the shortest possible time. Folk remedies have a good effect, so use complex therapy in the treatment.
The main preventive measure for the described case will be getting rid of the source of the allergy. However, the cold itself cannot be avoided, so you need to limit contact with it:
- wear warm clothes - no need to chase fashion at the expense of he alth;
- if you are allergic, minimize the number of trips to the cold;
- observe the average temperature regime.
In addition, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the immune system, especially before the onset of frost. If possible, avoid colds, refuse to consume cold drinks. If necessary, you can adjust the diet, but in this case, its usefulness is important.
Allergy to cold is a very unpleasant phenomenon. At the most inopportune moment, symptoms appear, and you cannot enjoy the frosty season when you want to walk in the fresh air, play snowballs, go sledding. In order not to deprive yourself of such pleasure, follow preventive measures to the maximum.