When is it better to go to the gynecologist: choosing the day of the cycle, advice from doctors

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When is it better to go to the gynecologist: choosing the day of the cycle, advice from doctors
When is it better to go to the gynecologist: choosing the day of the cycle, advice from doctors

Video: When is it better to go to the gynecologist: choosing the day of the cycle, advice from doctors

Video: When is it better to go to the gynecologist: choosing the day of the cycle, advice from doctors
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Every woman knows to visit the gynecologist regularly. This is the only way to identify various ailments at an early stage of their development. It is important to make a visit to the women's doctor and before planning pregnancy. Therefore, the question often arises of when it is better to go to the gynecologist. Much depends on the menstrual cycle. This will be discussed, and you can also find out the opinion of doctors on this issue.

Why is it so important to visit a gynecologist?

when is the best time to go to the gynecologist
when is the best time to go to the gynecologist

Before considering the question of when it is better to go to a gynecologist, you should figure out what it is for. The main reason for regular visits to the gynecologist is a complete examination of the female reproductive system in order to identify various diseases at an early stage. In this case, it is possible to quickly fix the problem without bringing it to a critical point.

It is worth sorting it out, whatthe importance of a gynecological examination for the beautiful half of humanity:

  1. Exclusion of gynecological diseases. Statistics say that 10% of women have identified various ailments as a result of the examination. This gives a chance to avoid negative consequences due to the development of pathology and cope with it at the initial stage.
  2. Identification of serious ailments. As you know, many dangerous diseases, including cancerous tumors, are asymptomatic for a long time and begin to manifest themselves already at the stage of progression. That's why it's so important to have regular check-ups with your gynecologist.
  3. The way to avoid infertility. This is very important for young women who plan to give birth to he althy children in the future. As you know, many infectious diseases lead to infertility, sometimes they also may not manifest themselves for a long time until they reach a critical stage.

How do you know if you need to see a doctor if you're pregnant?

when is the best time to visit a gynecologist
when is the best time to visit a gynecologist

If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, then it is not difficult to find out that a pregnancy has occurred. This is determined by the delay in menstruation. Even if the delay lasts for 3-4 days, it is worth getting a pregnancy test.

But if the cycle is not regular, it will be more difficult here. But even in this situation, you can pay attention to such signs:

  • Last period longer than usual.
  • Occurrence of incomprehensible sensations in the abdomen and chest.
  • Change in food preferences or appetite in general.

BIn the event that unprotected sexual contact has occurred, then pregnancy can be checked 20-25 days after it. Especially if there is a delay.

Initially, you can check your guesses on a rapid test, and then go on a visit to the doctor. When to go to the gynecologist during pregnancy, you will learn further.

Optimal time for a visit to the doctor during pregnancy

when is the best time to visit a gynecologist
when is the best time to visit a gynecologist

When is the best time to go to the gynecologist when pregnant? If you are confident in pregnancy, you need to decide when is the best time to go to see a doctor. It's not worth the hassle with this. It is recommended to register on the 4th-6th week, but no later than the 12th week.

Don't listen to experienced girlfriends that you can go to the gynecologist later. It is worth remembering about your own he alth and the he alth of the unborn child. Only by registering in the early stages, you can be sure of the security of your position. At the same time, the doctor will send the woman for tests and examinations to make sure that the pregnancy is going well.

Ultrasound will determine the position of the fetus, where it is fixed - inside the uterus or outside it.

When to go to the gynecologist for a general checkup?

when is the best time to go to the gynecologist after menstruation
when is the best time to go to the gynecologist after menstruation

Don't think that you need to go to the gynecologist when there are any problems. Be sure to visit a doctor for prevention. This should be done once every 6 months.

Be sure tovisit a gynecologist at such times:

  1. In the autumn-winter period, when immunity can decrease due to cold weather and there is a risk for the development of various infections. During a routine examination, the doctor will prescribe drugs that strengthen the immune system, then the body will cope with many viruses and bacteria.
  2. When the cycle is broken. Usually this is signaled by long periods that are present for more than 8 days. Often there is pain in the abdomen and lumbar region. All of these indicate certain problems that need to be addressed.
  3. In inflammatory and infectious processes. Symptoms of this condition are itching, burning in the genital area and characteristic discharge. You should not wait until the problem goes away on its own, infectious diseases must be treated.
  4. To prevent the development of uterine fibroids. According to statistics, this condition is diagnosed in every fifth woman. Sometimes, under the influence of favorable factors, the neoplasm grows rapidly, reaching an impressive size.
  5. With pathological processes in the mammary glands. This is especially important if a woman has found a lump in her chest.
  6. In case of detection of cancerous tumors.
  7. For discomfort during intercourse.

What you need to know before going to the doctor

when to go to the gynecologist after
when to go to the gynecologist after

When it is better to go to the gynecologist and under what circumstances, it was found out. Now it's time to deal with the question of what you need to know before visiting a doctor.

  • When to go togynecologist after menstruation? The visit is best done on the 2nd or 3rd day after the end of menstruation. This is due to the fact that the pain and discharge have already passed, but the sensitivity of the uterus has been preserved. It is at this time that the presence of latent infections, if any, can be detected.
  • Before going to the gynecologist, you should observe sexual abstinence for at least two days. Since, subject to testing, the result may be affected by the remaining sperm in the vagina or the artificial lubricant that is applied to the condom.
  • Before entering the doctor's office, you should empty your bladder. An exception may be tests in which it is desirable not to go to the toilet for 2-3 hours. But this is usually notified in advance.
  • If the girl is a virgin, then her examination involves penetration through the anus, in this case, an enema is required.
  • 2-3 weeks before the visit to the doctor, you should stop taking certain medications. Especially those that affect the sexual sphere. This will affect the results of the analyzes, which will give an incorrect result. In addition, unauthorized use of drugs can harm he alth. But if a woman cannot do without a medicine, for example, in case of a chronic disease, then it is not necessary to cancel the drug.

How to prepare for your gynecological appointment

when is the best time to visit a gynecologist
when is the best time to visit a gynecologist

In order not to feel discomfort and excessive excitement at the reception, you need to properly prepare in advance. To do this, you need to do the followingeasy steps:

  1. Come to the examination with an empty bowel and bladder, this will facilitate the work of the doctor and reduce discomfort during the procedure.
  2. Take a shower or bath. Do not douche or wash thoroughly, otherwise you can harm the vaginal microflora, when taking a smear for analysis, it may show an incorrect result. Fragrances and deodorants should not be used during intimate hygiene.
  3. When you go to the gynecologist, it is best to exclude intimacy for three days. What it is for, it was said above.
  4. Before the examination, do not take alcoholic beverages, and exclude antibacterial drugs two weeks before the visit to the doctor.
  5. You need to go to the gynecologist in the first days after your period.

What to pack

when to go to the gynecologist
when to go to the gynecologist

Especially this issue worries girls who are sent for the first time for examination. Each clinic has its own requirements. But if we generalize them, we get the following wishes:

  • Diaper, towel or small sheet. They are needed in order to be able to lay the fabric under you on the gynecological chair.
  • Disposable gynecological kit. It includes: a mirror, devices in the form of sticks for scraping, disposable gloves. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. However, this set is not always used, as many clinics practice on reusable instruments that are processed in special devices.
  • Condom. It is necessary forperforming ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Although in most medical institutions they are provided for use.
  • Shoe covers or socks.

How to prepare the intimate area

At this time, a woman has a lot of questions besides the banal: when is it better to go for an examination to a gynecologist. Especially with regard to intimate hygiene. It is worth considering the main ones:

  1. Do I need to douche? You can’t do it, otherwise the natural microflora in the vagina will be disturbed and the swab taken will not give a result.
  2. Do I need to shave before this? The aesthetic side of the issue is more likely to excite the patient than the doctor. For the most part, he doesn't care. But if there are skin manifestations of the disease, they will be better viewed on smooth skin in the intimate area. But, if a woman's skin is prone to redness and allergization after shaving, then in order not to lead to a false diagnosis, it is better not to remove hair at all.
  3. Is washing necessary? Do not do this right before leaving the house. Since the microflora should not be disturbed by thorough washing. But if the reception is scheduled for a time when it is not possible to carry out hygiene measures, you should use baby wipes without fragrance. Aggressive hygiene is completely excluded.

When is the best time to go for an ultrasound to a gynecologist

Most often, ultrasound of the uterus is done for suspected various diseases:

  • myoma;
  • hyperplasia;
  • appearance of polyps, etc.

Need to know when is the best timethe pathological process is visible. During the period of thickening of the endometrium, the ultrasound procedure will not be effective, since it is more difficult to view its inside through the layer of the walls of the organ. Thickening of the endometrium occurs in the second part of the cycle.

In the second part of the cycle, the follicles begin to mature. If there are cysts with a diameter of 2-3 cm, then they can be examined at an appointment with a sonologist. Therefore, according to the testimony of the doctor, ultrasound can be performed in the second half of the cycle.

During menstruation, ultrasound is not performed, as the blood fills the uterine cavity and it becomes impossible to view the state of the organ. Although the uterine walls and ovaries can be diagnosed at this time.

It is advisable to conduct an ultrasound examination after menstruation. Therefore, the question of when it is better to go to the gynecologist, after menstruation, will be the most correct answer.


Many patients have a fear of going to the gynecologist. But it's not scary at all. After all, such examinations will only bring benefits, and you can survive a little discomfort. It is more important to identify various gynecological disorders in the early stages, which makes it possible to undergo treatment and get rid of the threat of developing the disease forever. But what day it is better to go to the gynecologist will depend on the specific situation, depending on the purpose of going to the doctor.
