Every woman wants to stay young, he althy and beautiful longer. Unfortunately, with the onset of menopause, the aging process begins to advance especially rapidly. The skin loses its former elasticity, hair turns gray, and intimate life becomes not as bright as before. That is why many are trying to learn how to delay menopause and prevent the first signs of menopause. There are many ways to do this, so every woman can choose the most suitable one for herself.
What happens before menopause
A few years before the onset of menopause, a woman begins to actively transform, flourish and take care of herself. Interests change, new hobbies appear, and intimate life becomes brighter. This happens due to the active production of estrogen hormones. Closer to the onset of menopause, they begin to subside, and even with menopausestop being produced by the ovaries. That is why the female body is undergoing such serious changes.
What is menopause
The onset of this period comes along with the cessation of regular menstruation. Menopause is often equated with menopause. However, these two processes can be characterized separately. Menopause is just one of the symptoms of menopause, which is manifested by the final absence of menstruation in adulthood. Most of the fair sex equate menopause with approaching old age. Therefore, having crossed a certain age limit, they think about how to delay menopause, making attempts to prolong youth.
With the onset of menopause, the possibility of conceiving a child disappears, as the ovaries cease their activity. The appearance of a woman also suffers from this. The quality of skin, hair and nails deteriorates, and interest in intimate life also disappears.

When menopause starts
Reproductive activity finally ceases to function in every woman in different ways. If we take into account the average statistical indicators, then this period begins from 45 to 55 years. It is at this age that women begin to think about how to delay menopause. Among the factors that influence its onset, one can single out heredity, as well as individual he alth indicators. A certain number of women retain the ability to conceive even at 45, and some become hostages of menopause as early as 35.
Due to shutdownThe ovaries stop producing estrogen and other sex hormones. This greatly affects the female body. Menopause slows down all metabolic processes, impairs the functioning of the reproductive system, and in the future completely stops its activity.
Stages of menopause
Climax is usually divided into three stages. However, each of them has its own duration and symptoms:
- Perimenopause. Menstruation becomes irregular, but does not completely stop. Perimenopause occurs between the ages of 40 and 45. It lasts from 2 to 10 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.
- Menopause. The complete absence of menstruation occurs at about 50-55 years after a certain period of time after premenopause. This period does not last long - from 2 to 5 years.
- Immediately after menopause comes postmenopause. It manifests itself after 5-7 years from the end of the last menstruation. This period lasts for a woman for the rest of her life.
The onset of menopause after 40 years is a completely natural and normal process that should not cause concern for a woman. If you visit a gynecologist on time and do not forget about regular examinations of the whole body, you can not worry about how to delay menopause. The attending physician will always explain in detail about all the symptoms of the approaching menopause and help prevent it with the help of various medications and folk methods.

Signs of approaching menopause
Every woman even withouta visit to the doctor can determine the approach of menopause by the following symptoms:
- The menstrual cycle is changing. Changes are characterized by an increase in the interval between menstruation. This may also reduce the amount of discharge. In some cases, periods stop very abruptly.
- The tides are coming. This symptom is one of the most pronounced. Many women note that it is the tides that give them most of the discomfort and discomfort. Hot flashes are considered to be a sharp increase in body temperature and the appearance of heat in the face and neck. This condition is always accompanied by increased sweating, shortness of breath and severe discomfort. Quite often, such hot flashes provoke the development of migraines.
- The work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. These disorders are manifested by high blood pressure, as well as a rapid pulse. This condition comes on in sudden attacks that last no longer than 3 minutes.
- Weakness, apathy appears, libido decreases. Almost all women who go through menopause complain of a decrease in performance, fatigue and a constant feeling of fatigue that does not go away even on days of low activity.
- The immune system is weakened. As menopause approaches, chronic diseases begin to appear in the body. This happens due to a decrease in resistance to various infections, bacteria and viruses.
- The mental state is changing. The perimenopausal period is always accompanied by a change in behavior. The woman becomes moreirritable, nervous and emotionally vulnerable.
In addition to the above symptoms, the onset of menopause may be accompanied by the occurrence of diseases such as cystitis, urinary incontinence, obesity, and neoplasms on the ovaries. Significantly increases the risk of developing diabetes. Hormones have a huge impact on the female body. Therefore, a violation of their usual activities is always accompanied by changes that affect all internal systems of life.

Can menopause be prevented
Thinking about how to delay menopause and avoid the manifestations of menopause, every woman will try to do her best. Fortunately, there are many ways that do not harm the body with their action. However, you should not take any measures without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe drugs or approve the chosen treatment with folk remedies. Otherwise, you can aggravate the condition of the fragile reproductive system, which is on the verge of menopause.
To delay menopause, most doctors advise women to start hormone therapy. They contain the hormone progesterone, which is synthesized by an artificial method. Experts recommend hormone therapy a few years before menopause. As a preventive measure, many women start taking medications after the age of 35. That is why it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of one's own women's he alth, to controlmenstrual cycle and do not neglect visiting the gynecologist. Only he will tell you how to delay menopause and avoid the manifestations of menopause.

Hormone Therapy
With the help of taking hormones, you can deceive nature and delay the menopause period for several years. Regularly taking such medications, you can restore the hormonal balance in the female body. Thanks to this, the reproductive system is able to function in the usual rhythm for several more years. When women think about how to delay menopause and get pregnant, they prefer this method of delaying menopause. The most popular and effective drugs include:
- "Divinu".
- Divisek.
- "Pausegest".
- Triaclim.
- Klimonorm.
- Angelique.
- "Hormoplex".
If you start taking hormones during menopause, you can get rid of all the discomfort that every woman has during this period. The above medicines should be taken only after a thorough examination by a doctor. The specialist will make the necessary tests to ensure the urgency of hormone therapy, and also exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction to any component of the drug. In some cases, doctors prescribe herbal medicine, which gently and delicately affects the reproductive system of the female body. Most often, phytohormones are prescribed several years before menopause.
Phytotherapy to delay menopause
Pharmaceuticalproduction actively use phytoestrogens to create medicines aimed at preventing the development of menopause. Homeopathic remedies help prevent early menopause, and also perfectly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, if it has already begun. Therapy based on phytoestrogens has practically no side effects, as it does not have an aggressive effect on the body. Numerous reviews on how to delay menopause and avoid the manifestations of menopause indicate that preparations from natural raw materials are excellent for women aged 35 to 45.
Hormonal pills, which are produced synthetically, have a huge number of contraindications. Therefore, before prescribing them, the doctor directs the woman for examinations and tests. Phytotherapy also needs strict supervision of specialists, but it can suit almost every organism.
Phytoestrogens prevent menopause
When looking for information on how to delay menopause and avoid menopause, only the best drugs should be preferred. Among the most popular medicines based on herbal substances, the following drugs can be distinguished:
- Remens.
- Estrovel.
- Klimadinon.
- Feminal.
- "Climaxan".
The above phytoestrogens are prescribed by doctors to women most often, since they are famous for their effective effect on the reproductive system. Natural medicines are sold in ordinary pharmacies, butit is still not recommended to purchase them without a doctor's prescription.
Delaying menopause with folk remedies
Traditional medicine has long been famous for its miraculous recipes. Therefore, many women turn to her for help, thinking about how to delay the onset of menopause. With the help of medicinal herbs, you can reduce or even completely eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that always accompany menopause. The best herbs for herbal medicine are:
- Sage.
- Licorice.
- Red clover.
- Horsetail.
- Juniper.
- Air.
How to delay menopause with folk remedies, every woman should know. Doctors prescribe treatment with herbal decoctions and tinctures only as a prevention of early menopause, as well as to eliminate mild symptoms in the early stages of menopause. Traditional medicine acts on the reproductive system extremely delicately, but even herbs should not be abused, because they are medicinal.
For example, an overdose of herbal sage decoction can cause liver dysfunction, as its excess accumulates in this organ. The use of herbal infusions in excess can adversely affect the condition of all internal organs. Therefore, before taking any medication, it is so important to consult with your doctor.

Delay menopause with he althy habits
Gynecologists recommend a range of preventive measures thataimed at maintaining women's he alth, and also contribute to strengthening the physical form. Not all women know whether it is possible to delay menopause on their own. But adhering to a he althy lifestyle, there is a chance not only to prevent early menopause, but also to maintain good he alth, as well as an attractive appearance. Every woman over the age of 35 is obliged to introduce the following habits into her life:
- Sleep well. Sleep is an essential aspect of women's beauty and he alth. Nighttime sleep should not be less than 8 hours. If you experience insomnia, see your doctor for a prescription for sleeping pills.
- Avoid stressful situations. Experiencing negative emotions, the body produces the hormone cortisol. It lowers the level of the main female hormone estrogen. If a stressful situation nevertheless has come, it is necessary to take sedatives.

Proper nutrition is a great way to prevent menopause
Every woman should know how to delay menopause and avoid menopause. Proper nutrition is considered one of the most important aspects that affect the state of the reproductive system. The food you eat always affects a person's he alth. Abuse of flour, sweet, fried, spicy and smoked products leads to various diseases. Toxins that clog the body can even affect the reproductive system.
Therefore, every woman needs to eat he althy foods. To do this, include in your daily dietfish, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, cheese, milk and dairy products. The menu should always have he althy fats, fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. From drinks, you should give preference to pure water, natural freshly squeezed juices, homemade compotes and fruit drinks, green tea.

Delay menopause with physical activity
For menopause to come later, you need to love sports and engage in vigorous physical activity as often as possible. Reviews of how to delay menopause indicate that the ideal option would be to enroll in a gym. If this is not possible, you can take up dancing, swimming, walking or running. The main condition is to be mobile and energetic. A sedentary lifestyle is bad for both he alth and appearance. Therefore, physical activity is simply necessary for those women who are trying to delay the onset of menopause.