Insomnia is, without a doubt, a very, very unpleasant phenomenon. After a night without sleep, a person feels overwhelmed all day, his state of he alth leaves much to be desired, and his brain often goes on a real strike.

So what if you can't sleep - toss and turn until dawn or take a couple of sleeping pills? First, let's decide whether you really suffer from chronic insomnia, or you just don't feel like sleeping. If you've only had one or two nights of poor sleep, it's too early to start worrying about it. There can be many reasons for a temporary sleep disorder. So, for example, strong emotions, a change of scenery, a cold, or the fact that you abused tonic drinks or cigarettes before going to bed can prevent you from falling asleep normally.
Also, sleep disturbance can be triggered by a staggered work schedule. When night shifts alternate with day shifts. All these factors, both individually and together, may well cause insomnia. But it is impossible to change the work schedule spontaneously, except perhaps to quit. So what to do? If you can'tfall asleep due to disrupted biorhythms, then you can try to “endure” one night. In the future, sleep normalizes on its own.

If you've been going awake for the third night in a row, then you should think about what to do. If insomnia affects your well-being, then you can try to solve the problem both with medication and in the usual way. Let's try to do without the services of the pharmacological industry to begin with. For starters, try not to think about what to do if you can't sleep. Obsessive thoughts about insomnia do nothing to eliminate it. On the contrary, the more you worry about not sleeping, the less likely you are to fall asleep. And in the morning you will get up not only with a heavy head from lack of sleep, but also with completely torn nerves from anxiety about this. In principle, this is a real vicious circle. You can't sleep, you worry about it, and that worry keeps you from falling asleep. So what do you do when you can't sleep and you can't stop thinking about it?

There is an old recipe - to count sheep, but it is not as good as it is presented to us. It is also not very good advice to turn on the TV. Even if you fall asleep, your sleep will not be strong, since the sound and the change of pictures on the screen will interfere with you. It will be even worse to turn on the computer and go to the Internet. Although you will stop worrying about insomnia, you will definitely not be able to fall asleep.
Tryif possible, go to bed in a well-ventilated room. Moreover, the temperature regime can also play a role. It is known that it is simply impossible to fall asleep in a very hot room. If you can hide from the cold under a warm blanket, then only air conditioning can beat the heat in the bedroom.
It would be nice to have a glass of warm milk before going to bed. Remember your childhood. If you ask any grandmother about what to do if you can’t fall asleep, then with one hundred percent probability she will say that you need to drink warm milk with honey at night. And it really helps. A leisurely walk can also help you sleep better, especially if you take a warm bath with aromatic additives after it.