Visual acuity - what do you know about it?

Visual acuity - what do you know about it?
Visual acuity - what do you know about it?

Probably it makes no sense to talk about how important normal vision is for a person. And not only in his professional activities. In everyday life, in ordinary everyday life, a visually impaired person faces the same problems as at work.

visual acuity
visual acuity

Decreased visual acuity makes life uncomfortable. The danger lies in the fact that if you do not contact a specialist (ophthalmologist) in time, you can miss the time to diagnose a serious disease that can lead to complete blindness.

Most often, a decrease in visual acuity indicates changes in the eyeball. For example, in farsighted people, the eyeball is flattened, while in nearsighted people it is oblong. The ability of the lens to focus the resulting image is lost. Such changes are successfully corrected with the help of glasses. For more than a decade, ophthalmologists around the world have been practicing laser correction of myopia. Interestingly, farsightedness in newborns is the norm.

Visual acuity may decrease if some functions of the brain are impaired. People with migraine attacks often report worseningvision. The effects of brain injury also affect vision.

I must say about the temporary impairment of vision. This phenomenon occurs when there is insufficient blood supply to the vessels of the brain. If for some reason a person does not take food for a long time, the level of glucose in his blood drops sharply, as a result of which visual acuity is impaired.

decreased visual acuity
decreased visual acuity

There are symptoms, upon discovering which, a person should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. One of these serious symptoms is the appearance of light flashes, stars or stripes when eyes are closed. Such symptoms can be with retinal detachment. In addition, a decrease in the field of view, the appearance of a dark spot in the field of view should be alarming.

With natural aging, the lens of the eye and its vitreous body becomes cloudy, this causes a "veil before the eyes" in a person. It is impossible to prevent or stop this process. Often, clouding of the lens can be caused by a metabolic disorder, it is also observed in infectious diseases, with cataracts.

If visual acuity is impaired, this is already a serious reason to visit an ophthalmologist. Timely assistance is especially important if detachment is suspected

visual acuity test
visual acuity test

retina or eye injury. The optometrist will examine the eyes using a slit lamp, microscope, or ophthalmoscope; if necessary, measure eye pressure. These examinations are absolutely painless.

If it is necessary for further examination, the doctor will drip into the eyesa medicine to dilate the pupils, which will allow you to carefully check the condition of the fundus. But you should know that after such a procedure, you can’t read, write or drive a car for several hours, so you need to take care of the release from work on the day of the examination.

Visual acuity testing should be done at least once a year. Especially if the person wears glasses. The wrong glasses can worsen your vision even more and faster.
