Successful functioning of the digestive system is ensured by gastric juice, the main component of which is considered to be hydrochloric acid. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of "low acidity", the treatment of which takes a long time, is being made more and more often. The main reason for such disharmony is the poor functioning of the parietal cells, which create hydrochloric acid. Another reason may be an excess amount of alkaline substances that are part of the gastric juice and are designed to neutralize its acidity.

When there is low stomach acid, food is digested too slowly, and this causes a number of symptoms. So, quite often there is bloating, accumulation of gases, pain. To a large extent, intestinal motility worsens, resulting in constant constipation, bad breath. Microorganisms that enter the stomach cannot be eliminated in time, and therefore actively multiply and cause a number of viral and fungal diseases. Quite comfortable in such an environment feel and differentkind of helminths. If you do not increase the acidity of the stomach in time, then the body will not be able to consume the right amount of minerals and an imbalance will occur. May develop cancer or gastritis.

If today there are many good drugs to neutralize the acid, then it is not so easy to increase the acidity of the stomach. In less advanced cases, doctors recommend a special diet or suggest the use of herbal medicines. So, an excellent irritant, which has a good effect on the secretion of gastric juice, is a tincture of wormwood, as well as mint, calamus, fennel. These herbs can be made into teas and taken throughout the day. If the situation is rather complicated, then the patient is prescribed hormonal drugs. So, hormones such as histamine and gaarine will help increase the acidity of the stomach. For instant improvement, the patient can use hydrochloric acid capsules. With their help, food is easily digested. It should be remembered that such drugs are quite dangerous, and therefore should be taken under the strict supervision of doctors.
Diet with low acidity
It is easy to solve the problem of digestion thanks to proper nutrition. Meals should be divided at least 5-7 times. The amount of food should be small. During exacerbations, it is better to consume only those foods that are recommended in this case.

So, you can quickly increase the acidity of the stomach thanks to black coffee orstrong tea, as well as with chili peppers and horseradish. However, you should not abuse such products, because they can cause gastritis and ulcers. It will be useful to consume sour kissels, as well as berries and fruits (kiwi, apples). Be sure to reduce the need for food intake, which contributes to the fermentation process (kefir, milk, yogurt, etc.) and heavy digestion (fatty meat, cheeses, cottage cheese, etc.). Everything cooked must be fresh and uns alted.