Spastic colitis of the intestine: symptoms, treatment and nutrition

Spastic colitis of the intestine: symptoms, treatment and nutrition
Spastic colitis of the intestine: symptoms, treatment and nutrition

The intestine is one of the most important organs in the human body. It is he who is responsible for the immunity and well-being of a person. After all, there is a huge number of microorganisms that perform important functions. Therefore, any problems with the digestive system can lead to serious consequences.

Pain in colitis
Pain in colitis

Spastic colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine. Such a disease belongs to functional disorders. It can bring not only discomfort, but also severe pain. What should be done in this case and whom to contact? The answers can be found in the article.

Disease symptoms

Spastic colitis continues for a long period of time. Often the pain does not go away even after six months. Unfortunately, people live with such a problem and often they are even ashamed to go to the doctor, but it is necessary to do this.

Since this disease affects the large intestine, the symptoms also affect this area. In addition, soreness is often felt in the entire abdomen.

Spastic colitis has the following symptoms:

  • colon pain;
  • changing chair;
  • violation of intestinal motility;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • discomfort and pain after eating.

When observing your body and identifying any of the above symptoms, you can be worried. After all, such symptoms may indicate this disease.

Basically, the disease is characterized by spasms. They have different locations. That is why it is sometimes difficult for a patient to describe exactly where his stomach hurts. Sometimes discomfort occurs on the right side, and later on the left. Often they look like spasms in the navel.

Stomach ache
Stomach ache

Symptoms and treatment of spastic colitis can vary from person to person. In this disease, everything is purely individual. Some people may have diarrhea, while others may have constipation. In this case, the chair can often change. This gives a lot of anxiety to a person.

He althy people shouldn't have trouble going to the toilet. If they have any difficulties, then this indicates that not everything is in order with their body. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a professional.

With spastic colitis, pain decreases after defecation. It is by this symptom that the disease can be identified. It is also noteworthy that during sleep a person does not feel discomfort.

Additional symptoms

Chronic spastic colitis can also be characterized by other symptoms. For example, they include:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • headpain;
  • back pain;
  • weakness;
  • irritability and fatigue;
  • and others.

It should be noted that with intestinal diseases, human immunity deteriorates. As a result, he is more susceptible to various diseases. It is more difficult to cure a common cold or runny nose. And all because the body's defenses have weakened, and the person has become extremely vulnerable.

spastic colitis
spastic colitis

Also, people in this state begin to lose interest in life. They have problems in various areas. It can be noted that they quickly get tired and become nervous. It happens to almost every patient. Knowing both the causes and symptoms of spastic colitis, it will be easier to choose the appropriate treatment.

Causes of disease

Spastic bowel colitis occurs for a number of reasons. One of the most common are stress and physical overwork. The human body is weakening. This leads to loose stools and other manifestations of colitis.

Inflammation of the large intestine
Inflammation of the large intestine

Reasons must be known in order to recover from the disease. This is really important, so you can't ignore them. You should carefully analyze your diet, and also pay attention to whether a person has had a nervous breakdown recently. This will help to understand the "roots of the problem". All your observations should be reported to an experienced specialist.

Mainly leads to illness:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • malnutrition;
  • usealcohol;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • use of drugs that affect intestinal motility.

Also, chronic infections and foods that the body does not perceive can also lead to illness. You need to be extremely careful about your he alth so as not to encounter this problem.

Disease diagnosis

Knowing the causes and symptoms of spastic colitis, treatment is much easier to choose, but this should be done by a qualified specialist. First of all, to diagnose the disease, the doctor must carefully listen to all the complaints of the patient. After that, colitis can be determined by palpation of the abdomen. In this case, some parts of the large intestine will be painfully expanded or contracted.

Examination for colitis must be done by a doctor. He needs to identify painful places in the patient.

Treatment for spastic colitis
Treatment for spastic colitis

Spastic colitis can also be determined using endoscopic methods. The doctor may prescribe a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy for the patient. In this case, the study will show that the walls of the large intestine are edematous and hyperemic. At the same time, the tone of the muscles of the large intestine is weakened.

In Tibetan medicine, another method is used - pulse diagnosis. With its help, you can learn about the causes of the disease, as well as determine the general condition of the patient.

Soon there may be new, improved methods that will help to recognize this disease more quickly.


It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it afterwards. This is especially true when it comes to spastic colitis. After all, it is he who gives people a lot of pain and discomfort.

With symptoms of spastic colitis of the intestine, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor and only after a thorough examination.

First of all, you should pay close attention to your diet. It must be balanced and rich in various vitamins and minerals. In addition, you should lead a he althy lifestyle. To do this, you need to go in for sports at least several times a week, spend as much free time in the fresh air as possible.

You also need to remember the rules of personal hygiene. And of course, do not use medications that affect intestinal motility without the permission of a doctor.

Such simple recommendations will help prevent the disease. The main thing is to follow them regularly.

A doctor who can help

Unfortunately, today everyone can face the disease, regardless of age. Therefore, you should not be shy. Need help as soon as possible.

If you have signs of spastic colitis, you should consult a gastroenterologist. He examines the patient, clarifies his diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Also, a proctologist deals with the symptoms and treatment of spastic colitis in adults. His speci alty is the intestines. Therefore, he will be able to give a full answer to many questions.

It is worth remembering that for a speedy recovery, you need to listento all doctor's recommendations.

Treatment of disease

The doctor should prescribe the treatment. He will select individually defined drugs for each person and indicate their dosage. No need to self-medicate! Often this leads to irreversible consequences. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing medicines and taking them.

Pain in colitis
Pain in colitis

Today you can achieve noticeable results with the help of modern treatment. But you need to understand that such a disease requires complex therapy. There are a number of pills that are prescribed for this disease. At the same time, they can be divided into various groups, namely:

  • eliminating constipation;
  • eliminating diarrhea;
  • reducing pain;
  • eliminating dysbacteriosis (probiotics).

Each medicine produces a certain therapeutic effect. Only a doctor can prescribe them.

Diet for sickness

In spastic colitis, nutrition plays one of the most important roles. Every doctor will tell this to his patient. After all, all digestive problems are most often directly or indirectly related to malnutrition. Therefore, every person who is faced with such a problem needs to monitor what he eats.

Every case is different, so it's hard to talk about general recommendations. But it can still be done.

First, people who have this problem should eat regularly. They should not skip breakfast, lunch or dinner. You should also pay special attention to snacking. At the same time, the breaks between meals should not be large.

Secondly, people with colitis should eat slowly. You shouldn't be in a hurry. It is better to chew your food thoroughly.

For bloating, you can eat flax seeds or oatmeal. If you have severe diarrhea and bloating, avoid eating large amounts of fresh fruit.

Proper nutrition for colitis
Proper nutrition for colitis

Also, a person who suffers from such a problem needs to pay attention to products that lead to deterioration. Their use should be reduced or completely eliminated.

When colitis is good to eat cereals, drink fresh juices, and eat he althy foods. Many doctors recommend constipation to pay attention to bran. Everything is quite individual and not always products can produce the expected effect. In any case, you should pay attention to nutrition and believe in a speedy recovery.


Psychotherapy is often used to treat spastic colitis. This is due to the fact that sometimes the disease occurs on a nervous basis. In this case, it is best to seek the help of a psychotherapist. The doctor will be able to relieve the symptoms of the disease and possibly even cure the patient.

You should be careful with such a method as hypnosis. Although it is not contraindicated, it is not always resorted to.

Folk treatments

Treat spastic colitis can be tried at home. Many folk remedies have been tested over the years and have helped a large number of people. Basically, the treatment of spastic intestinal colitis with traditional medicine involves taking herbal infusions. We will only mention a few natural remedies.

Sauerkraut can help with constipation. Pumpkin also has laxative properties. But gooseberry juice will help to cope with severe pain.

Helps restore intestinal motility blueberries. You can use it in any form.

Such remedies, when used correctly, have no side effects. That is why many people resort to traditional medicine. Not everyone wants to drink a huge amount of pills. Most consider them harmful. In this case, it is worth trying a similar treatment.

Physical activity

Despite the severity of spastic colitis, we must not forget about sports. You should always try to lead an active lifestyle, even when it seems that this is impossible. Walking in the fresh air, exercising and simple movements will help to cope with this disease.

There are special exercises that help to cope with the disease. Treatment of the symptoms of spastic colitis of the intestine in this case will be even more effective.

It is good to stretch the spine in case of illness. For example, leaning to the side with a flat back and an outstretched arm above your head will help with bloating. Also, people with this disease can do various twists on the rug. They will tone up the work of the intestines.


According to the international classification, this disease belongs to the class K58. The ICD of spastic colitis also defines it as a subspecies K58.0 andK58.9. The official diagnosis is irritable colon syndrome. Only in the first case it is accompanied by diarrhea, and in the second it is not.


Unfortunately, numerous studies have shown that it is extremely difficult to cure this disease. In many patients, symptoms persist for a long period of time, and sometimes for life. But despite this, every day there are new methods in medicine and medicines. Therefore, there are chances for recovery. The main thing is not to lose heart and follow all the recommendations of your doctor.


Spastic colitis is a common ailment. It, like allergies or obesity, is found in most people. This disease brings a lot of trouble to its owner. With it, the motor function of the large and even small intestine is disturbed. The symptoms of spastic colitis are difficult to treat. You need to be patient in order to achieve a positive result. After all, it may take more than a year before a person forgets about this problem.

It is important to note that the treatment of spastic colitis should be comprehensive. Here it is important to eliminate pain, restore the motor function of the intestine and correct the work of the gallbladder and stomach. After the first appointment with the doctor, you will need to go regularly until all symptoms of the disease have disappeared.
