In the body of any living creature there is a macronutrient sodium. It is so important for the individual that he alth and life expectancy depend on it to a greater extent. What processes is sodium responsible for in the human body? Its role in the functioning of life systems will be discussed in this article.
Sodium is a very soft metal that belongs to the alkaline group. It has a silvery-white color, is active, and rapidly oxidizes in air. In nature, it occurs mainly in the form of compounds. In 1807, it was first obtained in its pure form. This metal is endowed with interesting physical and chemical properties. It melts at less than 100 degrees.

When heated under high pressure, it turns red, similar to a ruby. Sodium is lighter than water and reacts violently with it, releasing large amounts of heat and hydrogen.
The role of sodium for the individual
When sodium enters the human body, it is rapidly absorbed. Processbegins in the stomach, but the main assimilation of the element occurs in the small intestine. Its ions trap water molecules inside the gastrointestinal tract, causing food to swell. The absorption of the mineral is controlled by the thyroid gland. In case of violation of its work, it remains in the tissues and is not delivered to the cells. This macronutrient regulates very important cellular processes in the body:
- transmission of nerve impulses;
- osmotic pressure in liquid media;
- transportation of carbon dioxide;
- controls the level of acidity;
- normalizes water-s alt balance;
- activates enzymes, especially digestive enzymes;
- helps transport nutrients.
The human body contains about 100 g of sodium, of which approximately 40% is found in cartilage and bones. In smaller quantities, it is present in the lymph and blood, as well as in the mucous membranes, saliva, brain, bile, kidneys and liver. Half of all sodium is concentrated in extracellular fluids, where it is the most representative element and, along with chloride ions, ensures the stability of osmotic pressure. Being inside the cell together with magnesium and calcium, it acts as a mediator of cellular excitation and provides neuromuscular regulation.
Sodium is excreted from the human body up to 90% with urine, feces and sweat.
Daily requirement for sodium
The main supplier of sodium (daily dose does not exceed 4-6 g) is table s alt. If it is consumed daily from 10 to 15 grams, then this will be quite enough. With increasedsweating in hot weather, increased physical activity, the need for sodium increases. And it is necessary to reduce its quantity:
- in violation of the functions of the kidneys and liver;
- bone fractures;
- allergic reactions;
- obese;
- high blood pressure;
- taking drugs containing hormones;
- diseases of the pancreas and stomach.

Always remember that excessive s alt intake, which exceeds 20-30 grams per day, can cause an excess of sodium and lead to serious problems.
Lack of sodium
Macronutrient deficiencies are rare. A person encounters this phenomenon in the following cases:
- prolonged fasting;
- following a strict diet;
- constant use of diuretics;
- hard physical work;
- protracted diarrhea;
- repeated vomiting;
- heavy sweating;
- uncontrolled intake of potassium and calcium;
- severe blood loss;
- kidney disease.
At the same time, the lack of sodium s alts in the human body adversely affects its condition and is manifested by the following symptoms:
- severe weakness and increased fatigue;
- convulsions;
- dizzy;
- skin rashes and hair loss;
- lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
- very thirsty.

Short-termlack of sodium is not dangerous for the human body and does not cause serious consequences. Prolonged macronutrient deficiency can be accompanied by hallucinations and impaired consciousness, malfunctions of the vestibular apparatus. In this case, it is washed out of the bones, which leads to their destruction.
It should be remembered that sodium in the human body is not produced on its own, therefore, it is possible to compensate for its loss only through foods that must be chosen correctly.
Indications for prescribing sodium
In some situations, doctors prescribe it to the patient to replenish the balance of a macronutrient. This is needed when required:
- restore the water-s alt balance in case of dehydration;
- wash the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity in case of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, allergies, ARVI diseases;
- make an inhalation of the upper respiratory tract;
- restore the volume of plasma lost during burns and operations;
- improve the patient's condition in violation of the function of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
- carry out antibacterial treatment of wounds;
- flushing for poisoning.
Sodium metabolism in the human body
In the regulation of water-electrolyte and acid-base balance, the main role is played by metabolic processes associated with sodium and potassium. These macronutrients are found in sufficient quantities in food. And problems with them are often associated not with their lack, but with an imbalance. This occurs in the following cases:
- Excessive fluid intake without s alt. Possible developmentwater poisoning. It is characterized by convulsions.
- The introduction of a large volume of saline solutions in case of poisoning and large blood loss. Edema of the extremities occurs, and pulmonary edema is possible.
- Uncontrolled eating of pickles without fresh water, or drinking sea water, which is high in sodium. Possible fatal outcome.
- Diarrhea and vomiting are the most common causes of dehydration. The kidneys stop working if water and s alt are not supplied from outside.
- The loss of fluid is not replenished - they did not drink water after heavy sweating, they forgot to give water to a weak patient.
Too much s alt is just as bad as too little. It disrupts the balance between potassium and sodium cations. Excess sodium leads to potassium deficiency. And this is manifested by changes in the heart muscle and impaired kidney function.
Excess sodium
The main cause of an overabundance of the macronutrient sodium is its excessive consumption with food. But its content may increase in the following situations:
- diabetes;
- poor kidney function;
- stressful situations;
- long-term treatment with corticosteroids.
The negative effect of sodium on the human body is accompanied by a number of adverse effects and leads to serious illnesses:
- high blood pressure;
- nervousness and hyperactivity;
- edema;
- nervous disorders;
- muscle cramps;
- allergic reactions.
Excessive sodium is very dangerous forbrain tissue and causes increased nervous excitability, confusion, and in extreme cases - to whom. S alt lovers are advised to replace table s alt with sea s alt. It has a strong taste, so the consumption will be reduced by almost half. In addition, it contains s alts of other metals, including potassium. And as you know, potassium and sodium in the human body balance each other.
Sources of sodium
Undoubtedly, the main source of sodium is table s alt. This is the most common seasoning for food a person consumes daily. Daily use is limited to one teaspoon. Therefore, unlike animals, a person rarely experiences a lack of sodium. Animals get this macronutrient only from food, and sometimes, in order to maintain the necessary balance, they are periodically fed with s alt. A person most often suffers from an overabundance of this spice, so s alt-free diets are increasingly being used. And saturation with sodium chloride in the human body occurs due to the use of the following products in the diet:
- carrots and beets;
- legumes;
- seafood;
- various cereals;
- offal - brains and kidneys;
- red tomatoes;
- dairy products;
- herbs – celery, dandelion, chicory, artichoke.

People leading an active lifestyle have large losses of sodium, which are excreted in sweat. It is quite possible to replenish them by eating right and eating the aboveproducts.
Food to Avoid
Some foods contain a very high amount of s alt, and it is advisable to limit their consumption. These include:
- all sausages, boiled pork, ham;
- pickled, canned vegetables and pickles;
- sauces - mayonnaise, ketchup, soy vinegar;
- cheese;
- s alted and dried fish;
- crackers and nuts with s alt, chips;
- baking soda and confectionery products with its addition.

Sodium for athletes
There is a lot of controversy in sports circles about the benefits of sodium. The inclusion of s alt in the diet provides athletes with the following benefits:
- Increases blood circulation. A s alt shake before a workout stimulates blood flow and improves muscle nutrition.
- Improves the delivery of the right substances. Sodium increases the rate of metabolic processes and transports nutrients to the muscles.

- Positive effect on the nervous system. Nerve fibers vigorously use potassium and sodium when generating an impulse. There is muscle growth under nervous influence. There is an assimilation of nutrients and the removal of decay products.
- One of the functions of sodium in the human body is to increase thirst. With an increase in the level of liquid, the removal of decay products from the body occurs faster, liquid blood becomes mobile, blood flow increases, which facilitates the work of the heart during heavy exertion.
Higher sodium levels lead to ideal body hydration, allowing the athlete to overcome fatigue, build endurance and prepare for greater effort.
Functions of chlorine in the body
For the life of a living being, chlorine is as necessary as other major macronutrients: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Its content in the human body is approximately 115 g. It is present in the skin, skeletal muscles, bones, intercellular fluid, and blood. In the human body, chlorine, sodium and potassium are actively involved in water-s alt metabolism. All three elements are present in the intercellular fluid in a certain ratio so that there are no he alth problems.

When the metabolic processes of chlorine fail, puffiness appears, problems arise with the work of the heart, pressure becomes unstable. This element, being part of the intercellular fluid, takes part in the regulation of osmotic pressure in tissues and cells. As a result, fluid and s alts are released from the body and their content in tissues and media is regulated. Chlorine stimulates the production of gastric juice, removes carbon dioxide, toxins and waste products from cells and tissues. Its replenishment in the body, like sodium, is mainly due to table s alt.
Now you know why sodium is needed in the human body. Its role is to normalize the regulation of water-s alt balance, maintain osmotic pressure and ensure the passage of nerve impulses. Very importanteach individual to monitor the correct consumption of table s alt. As it turned out, she is the main supplier of sodium. And its excess negatively affects the work of many internal organs and he alth in general.