Worldwide, millions of people suffer from scoliosis. A large percentage is in adolescent patients from 12 to 17 years of age. This is explained by the fact that at this time in the body there is a sharp jump in the growth of bone tissue. Adult patients are most commonly affected by idiopathic or hereditary scoliosis.
Scoliosis of the first degree is not easy to identify on your own, it is almost invisible. The child does not complain about anything, only a doctor can visually determine scoliosis, attentive parents can suspect the disease.

Signs and symptoms of disease
Scoliosis 1 degree refers to the initial stage of curvature of the spine. Localized in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions. Nowadays, this is the most common disease. What are the signs of scoliosis?
In the photo, scoliosis of the first degree is displayed as a stooped back.
Slight asymmetry barely visible. With thoracic scoliosis, the shoulder blades are asymmetric - one is higher than the other, with lumbar scoliosis - weaklythe asymmetry of the pelvis, waist is expressed.
In young children with scoliosis, there is a noticeable asymmetry on the legs of the skin folds. It should be borne in mind that scoliosis in babies is often combined with hip dysplasia.
Symptoms of grade 1 scoliosis are the following:
- Pain and discomfort after long walks, playing sports, during any physical activity.
- Discomfort when standing for a long time, fast fatigue.
Symptomatology is not always expressed. More often, the disease in the initial stage proceeds without any noticeable symptoms.
Classification of scoliosis

Scoliosis of the spine is classified according to a number of features, it depends on the course of the disease, causes, clinic and characteristics of the deformity. The following types of disease are distinguished:
- Innate form. Manifested as a result of abnormal intrauterine development, the laying of the spinal column failed.
The acquired form can occur under adverse conditions: incorrect sitting posture, various diseases that contributed to the development of muscle and bone tissue - these are poliomyelitis, rickets, Marfin's syndrome, spinal tuberculosis, tumors and injuries. Scoliosis of the spine of the first degree often begins to develop in children due to poor posture already in elementary school. Acquired scoliosis also includes:
- Neurogenic form- develops in the presence of some neurological disorders that cause muscle weakness;
- Static form - develops with disproportion of the lower extremities.
- Idiopathic scoliosis has no apparent cause. Accounts for 80% of cases.
Stages and types of scoliosis

Scoliosis develops through several stages.
Scoliosis of the first degree in a child is the easiest stage, there are slight deviations. But if the curvature is not given due importance, more complex stages may begin to develop.
Second - the curvature is already noticeable, a hump begins to form.
Last stage - pronounced lesions of the chest, a large costovertebral hump is formed, vertebral mobility becomes insignificant.
There are several types of curvature, it depends on the configuration:
- One arc of curvature - C-shaped type.
- Two arcs of curvature - S-type.
- Three arcs of curvature - Z-type.
It must be remembered that even minor deviations from the initial stage can lead to serious consequences, severe anomalies, if no measures are taken to treat scoliosis.
Provoking factors

The disease is graded according to which angle the curvature has. The simplest is the first stage of the disease. Withit begins the development of an anomalous process. Scoliosis of the first degree in degrees has an indicator of no more than 10. Doctors identify the following factors that lead to this pathology of spinal development:
- spinal injuries and tumors;
- natural connective tissue diseases;
- presence of osteoporosis;
- violation of posture since childhood;
- hereditary predisposition;
- injury to the pelvis, limbs.
Most often, scoliosis is diagnosed in adolescence, the peak of the disease is from 10 to 15 years. In girls, the disease occurs many times more often. Most likely, due to the fragility of the bones and the weakness of the muscular apparatus. Most often, children have idiopathic scoliosis of the first degree. There are suggestions that factors such as calcium deficiency, heredity, accelerated growth, as well as poor posture can affect its development.
Manifestations of the initial stage
There is left-sided and right-sided scoliosis. Moreover, left-sided scoliosis of the first degree is more common. With this disease, complications are detected in parallel with disorders of the hemodynamic and respiratory type. The initial stage is characterized by a C-shaped spine. Then there is a gradual formation of a curved arc, so the displaced position of the center of gravity is compensated. At the initial stage, the arc is formed very rarely. An S-shaped spine at grade 1 can only appear if there are any natural flaws. More oftenthe thoracic region suffers the most, while the neck and lower back are involved in the process.
Thoracic scoliosis of the first degree is characterized by less clinical manifestations. There is a slightly noticeable curvature, rarely - back pain. Symptoms are practically absent, and therefore many parents do not attach importance to a slight stoop, a curvature of posture. But it is worth remembering that the first degree is the most important step. The outcome of the disease will depend on whether timely measures were taken for treatment. Otherwise, the disease will develop, the configuration of the spine will change, and irreversible processes will begin.

Right side first degree scoliosis
Scoliosis is divided into left-sided and right-sided because of where the upper angle of the curvature of the spine is directed. This pathology is dangerous not only with anatomical disorders of the bone structure, but also with possible irreversible changes in the functioning of internal organs.
With right-sided scoliosis, the internal organs located on the left side (heart, lungs, digestive glands) are damaged. It is believed that scoliosis of the first degree in childhood is associated with weakness with intensive growth of the musculoskeletal structure. However, there are cases when scoliosis is caused by congenital anomalies of the bone structure and ligaments of the spine. Possible violations:
- presence of extra (rudimentary) vertebrae;
- individual vertebrae develop abnormally;
- possibility of splicing neighboringvertebrae;
- abnormal development of the lumbosacral region as a whole.
If there are such disorders in the spine, then the right-sided curvature of the chest region can manifest itself at an early age. By the age of a baby, a diagnosis can be made.
An orthopedic doctor can make a diagnosis of scoliosis based on an examination of the patient. Each pathological process draws a clinical picture and is the basis for determining the stage of changes occurring in the spine. The doctor pays special attention to the existing asymmetry of the shoulder blades, costal arches and femurs, as well as to the deviation from the physical axis of the body of the spinal column. Diagnosis is carried out in the following positions:
- standing position with hands down at the sides of the body;
- patient leans forward about 90 degrees.
To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is referred for an x-ray of the spine. These measures are enough to not only establish an accurate diagnosis, identify the degree of the disease, but also to see possible comorbidities.

There are several ways to treat the initial stage of the disease:
- medication use;
- massage, physiotherapy;
- exercise therapy;
- method of physical rehabilitation for the first degree of scoliosis.
If only medicines are used,it is impossible to cure scoliosis even at the earliest stage of development. Medicines are used in parallel to get rid of pain, to relieve possible inflammation. Immunomodulators, calcium preparations are also used. The main role in the treatment of scoliosis of the first degree is, of course, gymnastics. It helps to strengthen muscles, stabilize the development of the ridge. But, it should be borne in mind that overloads can have a negative effect, they will increase the instability of the vertebrae and can accelerate the progression of the disease. The principles of exercise therapy are based on an individual approach to each patient. The greatest effect of treatment is observed at the initial stage of development of scoliosis. Exercises are developed by a doctor of exercise therapy, the purpose of the exercises is to strengthen the muscles. correct curvature. Those involved in the method of physical rehabilitation in a large percentage bring the state of their spine back to normal. In addition, it is recommended to do breathing exercises, swim and go for a massage.
A special massage technique is used for scoliosis of the first degree. The reason is the nervous tension of the spinal muscles. On the side that is convex, they are weakened and elongated, on the opposite side, the muscles are unusually tense and contracted. In addition, it is necessary to massage not only the back, but also the shoulders, chest, arms, buttocks. Massage improves blood circulation, relieves stress from the muscles. Self-massage in this pathology is contraindicated. It must be carried out by a specialist. With incorrect movements, the situation can only worsen and worsen the condition of the vertebrae.
Swimming. Trainers

Swimming is considered a very effective method of treating scoliosis. Movements must be careful, dosed, rapid movements and overloads are prohibited. Less than 60 minutes a day is considered the best option.
To strengthen the muscles of the back recommended exercises on simulators under the supervision of an instructor. Muscles become stronger, become more hardened, better hold the spinal column. After 20-30 days of constant exercise, patients notice that fatigue disappears, it becomes easier to keep their back in an upright position.
In the treatment of scoliosis of the 1st degree, physiotherapy is also used. It improves and consolidates the effect of gymnastic training. Physiotherapy includes muscle electrical stimulation, electrophoresis, thermal procedures.
The main rule for preventing scoliosis is correct posture, always a straight back.
To keep the muscles in the right position, you need to constantly exercise, strengthen the muscles of the back. At the same time, nutrition should also be correct, rich in proteins and B vitamins.
Some orthopedists advise wearing special corsets for scoliosis. The question is moot. With the constant wearing of such a holder, muscle hypodynamia occurs, they become lazy and weak. It is necessary to use a corset only during loads, as needed, up to several hours a day.
Pay attention to physical development more often, only the right exercises will bring real benefits to your spine.
Visit your doctor regularly-orthopedist. He will monitor the development of the disease and adjust the treatment system.