Lack of ejaculation in men: causes and form of the disease

Lack of ejaculation in men: causes and form of the disease
Lack of ejaculation in men: causes and form of the disease

In the article, we will consider the reasons for the lack of ejaculation in men.

It is believed that good lovers are able to stretch the sexual intercourse so as to give the partner the opportunity to get an orgasm earlier. But it also happens that in men sexual contact is delayed not at all due to special skill, but due to certain physiological problems. About what these difficulties are, and about the absence of ejaculation, we will tell further.

What kind of ejaculation is considered normal?

In sexology, such a factor as a delay in sexual contact or even the inability of a man to complete sexual intercourse is known. In this case, it lasts longer than the partners want, and this causes discomfort to both.

lack of ejaculation
lack of ejaculation

Before considering the causes of prolonged sexual intercourse, you need to decide how long it can be considered normal. Some sources say that the time of intimacy is normal, which allows both a woman and a man to get an orgasm. But thisis not quite a correct statement, because in this case many other factors are involved.

For example, women may not have an orgasm for various reasons. Gynecologists believe that normal sexual intercourse should last from nine to eleven minutes. At the same time, urologists converge on a duration of seven to nine minutes. Apparently, this is due to the fact that there are more women among gynecologists, and men among urologists, respectively. Thus, in the event that sexual contact lasts up to fifteen or twenty minutes, then this is quite acceptable. When it stretches to forty or fifty minutes, the man tries to finish it, but he doesn’t succeed, it quickly bothers both sexual partners.

Forms of the disease in the absence of ejaculation

Such a phenomenon in medicine is called anejaculation. The so-called primary form of this deviation is that ejaculation is carried out only in the form of involuntary emission, but not during sexual contact.

Against this background, sexual desire, that is, libido, like orgasm, can persist. This condition usually manifests itself with the onset of sexual activity. Often the main cause is psychological trauma along with some congenital or acquired defects of the genital area.

Secondary lack of ejaculation can be expressed in the fact that ejaculation does not occur in a man who has not encountered such a problem before. To overcome the problem with ejaculation in such a case, you can use targeted stimulationsexual organ (for example, masturbation).

treatment for lack of ejaculation
treatment for lack of ejaculation

Complete absence of ejaculation

A particularly difficult form of anejaculation is the complete absence of ejaculation. This may occur as a primary or as part of a secondary anejaculation. The absolute absence of ejaculation, as a rule, turns into a deep stress factor for men.

Cortical form of pathology

This form of lack of ejaculation is based on a dysfunction of the central system. The consequences of its occurrence include erection failure, in which ejaculation is carried out with a long delay. Often men are in a deep depression against this background. Their excess sperm, which is in the body, leads to continuous long-term arousal. A man with this disease has a completely normal sexual desire and erection, but sexual intercourse proceeds without orgasm with a strong delay in ejaculation.

Also, doctors describe the cortical form of lack of ejaculation as an ailment accompanied by erectile dysfunction. Men with this diagnosis have a headache with an abnormal amount of sweating. Such patients are tired and weak.

Spinal shape

It includes damage to the spinal center, which is responsible for ejaculation. Causes include spinal cord injury along with exhaustion of the spinal center. The latter is often associated with frequent and prolonged masturbation of men. Prerequisites for the development of the spinal form of the disease include the presence of nicotineintoxication and alcohol poisoning.

Reasons for not ejaculating

Most often, a similar situation is observed in men after forty or forty-five years, their testosterone levels decrease with age.

During this period, the average concentration of this hormone decreases by one percent per year. Younger men can also have low testosterone levels.

erectile dysfunction and lack of ejaculation
erectile dysfunction and lack of ejaculation

This element acts as a male sex hormone, which makes it possible to maintain sexual desire with an erection. When the amount of testosterone decreases, the erotic mood decreases in parallel, along with excitability, the duration of sexual intercourse increases. Initially, these patients present with difficult ejaculation. It is difficult for them to finish intercourse in order to achieve orgasm. As a rule, for this a man needs to change his position or dream up, for example, that he is with another woman and so on.


With an even greater decline in testosterone concentration, erectile dysfunction and lack of ejaculation are often observed simultaneously. In addition, the volume of sperm directly depends on the amount of testosterone. Normally, the ejaculant that is released from the urethra should be from three to seven milliliters, in the case of a decrease in the level of the hormone, the volume of sperm decreases to 0, 5 or 1 milliliter, or even disappears.

The reasons for the lack of ejaculation in men must be found out.

It is often difficult for men to end sexual intercourse with a permanent partner who has bored him andwhich he no longer desires. A similar phenomenon is also noted when the partner is used to restraining ejaculation in order to give the opportunity to enjoy his woman. As a rule, such deviations are easy to deal with. It is enough to either change the position or the partner.

There may be a lack of sperm during ejaculation and in people who are too often sexually active. That is, if you overdo it with sexual intercourse, then it becomes difficult to finish them. It is worth noting that alcohol also lengthens intercourse and also causes a lack of ejaculation.

lack of ejaculation in men
lack of ejaculation in men

What to do in this case?

In the event that a man complains about the lack of ejaculation at the appointment with a sex therapist, then first he is examined for the total amount of testosterone, and then appropriate treatment is prescribed. When the reserve functions of the testicles are still preserved, and they can generally produce testosterone, the patient is prescribed stimulating therapy. That is, they stimulate the production of testosterone by the testicles. In order to reduce the duration and against the background of difficult ejaculation, testosterone preparations are used to increase the sensitivity of the penis head and sexual desire.

Diagnosis of ejaculation disorders

Diagnosis is based largely on the sexual history of patients. The doctor conducts a detailed questioning, the specialist tries to determine whether the disorder is situational or permanent, whether any circumstances influence it, whether it depends on the partner, and so on. For variousejaculation disorders, there are specific diagnostic methods. The main diagnostic tools are:

  • Determining the time of ejaculatory intravaginal delay. In this case, the man independently calculates the duration of intimate contact. Doctors are not recommended to use a stopwatch to establish this indicator, it will be enough how the man himself evaluates this time. It is also necessary to evaluate how effectively control over ejaculation is given. In this case, you can use a scale from zero to four.
  • Using questionnaires. Of the many options, evidence-based medicine uses two main ones today. One of them is a diagnostic tool for establishing problems with ejaculation. It determines the required stimulation along with the patient's level of depression and problems in interpersonal relationships. The second method is the Arabic index, which is designed to study male sexual desire. At the same time, the sufficiency of an erection for sexual intimacy, the time before a possible ejaculation, along with the satisfaction of both partners, are taken into account, the level of anxiety and depression is taken into account. Scores of seven to thirteen indicate a severe disorder.
  • lack of sperm during ejaculation
    lack of sperm during ejaculation

So what to do if you don't ejaculate?

Additional diagnostic measures

First of all, the patient in the absence of ejaculation requires a medical examination. First of all, attention is focused on the detection of endocrine and neurological pathologies in order to determineproblem factors. These include prostatitis along with urethritis and Peyronie's disease. A set of laboratory tests directly depends on the conclusions of the physician. There are no standard tests recommended for absolutely all patients. Each case is individual. What to do in the absence of ejaculation, it is important to determine in advance.

Diagnosis includes:

  • Conducting a medical examination. It includes a thorough examination of the male genital organs, the doctor can check their general sensitivity to touch.
  • Handling a blood test. With the help of such a study, the level of sex hormones is determined. In addition, the amount of thyroid hormones is established, diabetes and some other pathologies are excluded.
  • Urine examination. This analysis helps to detect signs of urological infection, inflammatory disease, and so on.

As a rule, a standard questioning of a man and the indicated diagnostic methods are quite enough. But depending on what caused such a pathology, a wider range of examinations may be required along with the consultation of related specialists (whether it be a neuropathologist or an endocrinologist).

lack of ejaculation what to do
lack of ejaculation what to do

Specific test

To clarify the diagnosis of retrograde ejaculation, doctors use a specific test that detects semen in the urine after orgasm. Typically, this procedure is performed in a medical facility. In the event that spermatozoa are not noted in the urine, then dryorgasms along with infertility can have other causes.

What is the treatment for lack of ejaculation?


Unfortunately, most men do not get to the doctor. This is not even due to their modesty, but to the belief that problems with ejaculation are not treated at all. But this is a big misconception, in the case of such pathologies, visits to andrologists or sexologists can correct the situation. The main pharmacological treatments for the absence of ejaculation are:

  • Appointment "Dapoxetine". This drug is approved in many countries and is suitable specifically for the treatment of this problem.
  • Using local anesthetics.
  • Treatment with Tramadol and phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors.

Currently, the lack of ejaculation in men is more of a deviation than a serious disease. But, nevertheless, it is by no means worth delaying with its therapy and prevention. Men who are predisposed to such a problem are strongly recommended to undergo additional procedures with specialists such as a urologist, psychiatrist and psychologist.

causes of lack of ejaculation in men
causes of lack of ejaculation in men

Help sexologist

It is worth, among other things, to seek help from a sex therapist in order to establish a sexual life. By following the recommendations and advice of all experts, a man will be able to completely overcome such an ailment and become a full-fledged he althy person, capable of further procreation. Effective methods of treatment and prevention of absenceejaculation in men are considered pharmaceutical drugs along with exotic therapies like hypnosis and the placebo effect.
