Erectile pain: symptoms, causes and treatment

Erectile pain: symptoms, causes and treatment
Erectile pain: symptoms, causes and treatment

Pain during arousal can occur in men at any age. Before starting treatment, you need to determine the cause of pain during erection, why it occurs, and what factors can affect it. Many men are embarrassed to see a doctor when discomfort occurs. However, it is important to remember that embarrassment is inappropriate in this case, as these may be signs of a serious illness, and untimely treatment can cause he alth problems.

Physiological causes of pain

groin pain during erection
groin pain during erection

Phymosis can be attributed to the physiological causes of pain in the genitals in a man. And this number also includes frequent masturbation, injuries to the penis and scrotum, prolonged abstinence, an allergic reaction to the use of drugs or lubricants.

Other reasons

Pain during erection is the most common symptom of the development of such diseases:

  1. Infectious inflammation of the genital organs. The inflammatory process can develop not only as a result of any ailments caused by a cold, but also as a result of sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. In most cases, this disease develops due to the reproduction of fungi and viruses.
  3. Peyronie's disease. For this disease, a characteristic feature is the curvature of the penis, which causes pain during erection, in addition, in this case, having sex becomes completely impossible.
  4. Urethritis and other diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. Such diseases are characterized by a sensation of pain not only during erection, but also during urination.
  5. Priapism is a painful tension in the penis that does not subside even after discharge.
  6. Diabetes. During this pathology, the patient may experience stagnation in the penis, which begins to subsequently cause pain.
  7. Orchiepididymitis - inflammation of the testicles and its appendages. With orchiepididymitis, pain occurs not only in the penis, but also in the scrotum and groin. In addition, the patient may experience fluctuations in body temperature. A dangerous disease that can lead to male infertility if not treated in time.
  8. Colliculitis. A characteristic feature of this pathology is the reflux of seminal fluid into the bladder. Sexual intercourse with colliculitis can be unstable - this canbe either a very long intercourse or, conversely, a quick ejaculation.


penis pain during erection
penis pain during erection

In addition to pain during erection, the patient may experience other signs indicating the presence of any pathology in the body:

  1. Pain in the groin and lower back.
  2. Burning during urination.
  3. Difficulty in passing urine.
  4. Excited state of the penis, which does not subside even after a full discharge.
  5. Rash, redness and sores on the genitals, discharge from the urethra.


pain in the penis during erection
pain in the penis during erection

Painful sensations during arousal is a rather broad concept, therefore, during the examination, pay attention to all the subtleties of the patient's lifestyle and general state of his he alth.

If there is pain in the head during an erection, men should immediately consult a doctor. A complete examination of the patient is prescribed only after the relief of pain and stress relief. Classic examination includes:

  1. Ultrasound examination of the scrotum and pelvis to examine the spermatic cords, epididymis and adjacent lymph nodes.
  2. Bacteriological analysis of urine.
  3. Spermogram.
  4. Cultural tests.
  5. In order to detect the presence of genitourinary infections and sexually transmitted diseases, or, conversely, to refute them, the patient is prescribed scrapings of the mucous membrane from the urinary canal.
  6. In caseif the cause of the pain cannot be identified, urethrocystoscopy is performed using endoscopic equipment.


erection pain
erection pain

After the main cause of pain during erection in men is found out, painkillers are prescribed to help relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Such remedies can be used as ointments to be applied to the head of the penis, as well as rectal suppositories.

Other drugs

When establishing the exact cause of the development of pain during erection, the doctor prescribes the appropriate therapy. Depending on the severity of phimosis, it can be treated in several ways:

  1. At the initial stage, it is necessary to rinse the genitals several times a day with herbal decoctions. During the procedure, the head of the penis must be fully open, this can be achieved by moving the foreskin.
  2. In case of ineffectiveness of herbal decoctions, drug therapy is used. The patient needs to gradually stretch the foreskin, while applying a special lubricant. As a lubricant, the doctor usually prescribes drugs such as Clobetasol, Hydrocortisone, Valerate, Betamethasone, and Triamcinolone Acetonide.
  3. If none of the above examples had the necessary effect and the patient did not feel relief, then a decision is made to perform a surgical intervention.

Peyronie's disease is actually notundergoes no therapy other than surgery, but at an early stage of the pathology, the doctor may prescribe drug therapy. With a mild form, the patient is prescribed: vitamin E in large quantities, "Colchicine", "Potaba", "Verapamil" in injections, "Lidase", "Hydrocortisone" and "Demixid".

If pain during erection arose against the background of sexually transmitted diseases, then a venereologist deals with the treatment of this problem. The patient in such cases is usually prescribed antibiotics and antibacterial suppositories. Antibiotics can be used both as tablets and as injections.

It is worth noting the fact that regardless of the cause of pain in the penis during erection, sometimes after a course of therapy in men, libido decreases, but you should not worry about this, as this is a temporary phenomenon.

If you have stones or s alts in the kidneys and urinary tract, you should consult a urologist who can prescribe adequate treatment. One of the most popular drugs in this case is Canephron, which can be taken both in the form of drops and in the form of tablets.


why does pain during erection
why does pain during erection

Surgical operations to eliminate pain during erection are indicated in connection with the development of the following pathologies:

  1. Phimosis. In this case, circumcision or circumcision of the foreskin of the penis is performed. The development of phimosis can begin in early childhood. With incorrecthygiene of the genital organs, the boy accumulates s alts and pathogenic microflora under the foreskin, then the child begins to experience pain during urination. In this regard, in order to avoid the re-development of phimosis already in an adult male, circumcision is recommended in early childhood.
  2. In case of a fracture of the penis, the patient needs immediate help from specialists and a surgical operation.
  3. If pain in the groin during erection or during intercourse is accompanied by other symptoms indicating the presence of a disease such as prostate cancer, then surgery is performed to eliminate the underlying pathology in order to help the patient live a full life again.
  4. Pathologies such as Peyronie's disease and priapism also require surgery. The main objective of the operation for these diseases is to improve blood flow in the penis, the alignment of the organ. Sometimes a penile prosthesis may be needed.
  5. Prostatitis, in which the main methods of therapy did not give the proper result.

Possible consequences

The lack of diagnosis and necessary therapy for pain during erection can lead to serious complications:

  1. A malignant tumor of the prostate that develops if the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis is not started in time.
  2. With untreated injuries of the penis, the patient may develop an infectious-inflammatory process.
  3. Impotence.


painduring an erection
painduring an erection

To avoid problems, you should be more attentive to your he alth and promptly treat all colds that can provoke the development of an inflammatory process throughout the body. These include: diseases of the ear, throat and nose, as well as pneumonia. In addition, there are a number of preventive measures that will help men avoid the occurrence of such an unpleasant symptom as pain during erection, as well as diseases associated with this symptom:

  1. Sex should only be done with one proven partner, if this is not possible, then barrier contraception should be used during intercourse.
  2. Avoid penile injury.
  3. You need to have sex regularly and if sexual intercourse is started, then you must always bring it to the end.
  4. Personal hygiene of the genitals is an integral part of, and in some cases will help prevent the formation of pain in the penis.
  5. If there are any unpleasant symptoms that indicate problems in the genitals, you should consult a specialist, and not self-medicate.
  6. A balanced diet, an active lifestyle, daily exercise, and avoiding the use of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs will help prevent many sexual problems for a long time.
lower back pain
lower back pain


Pain in the penis during erection can occur for a variety of reasons, but whatever they arewere, you should immediately consult a doctor when the first signs appear, as they may be the result of any pathology. This will help avoid more serious complications and he alth problems.
