"Prospan": instructions for use, analogues are cheaper. Analogue of "Prospan" for children

"Prospan": instructions for use, analogues are cheaper. Analogue of "Prospan" for children
"Prospan": instructions for use, analogues are cheaper. Analogue of "Prospan" for children

Many probably heard a lot about the effectiveness of the drug "Prospan", and this is not only the merit of advertising campaigns. The drug really has a lot of positive pharmacological benefits and can even cope with complex respiratory ailments. But what analogue of "Prospan" has an identical effect and is just as safe for patients, let's try to figure it out.

Prospan's analogue
Prospan's analogue

Pharmacological action of Prospan

The basis of this mucolytic drug is a dry extract of ivy leaves. It is thanks to this active ingredient that the agent has an antitussive, secretolytic and mucokinetic effect. In addition, the presence of saponins in ivy extract allows you to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi. In other words, the drug has an antispasmodic effect. Due to this versatile spectrum of action, the drug is effective in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, whichaccompanied by a strong cough syndrome and the formation of viscous sputum.

Another advantage of the drug is that it does not affect the central respiratory regulation system. Contains more detailed information about the pharmacological action of the drug "Prospan" instructions for use. Analogues of the drug have completely different characteristics and features, so it is better to consult your doctor before taking them.

Syrup Prospan analogues
Syrup Prospan analogues

Indications and release form of the drug "Prospan"

This medicinal product is prescribed to patients diagnosed with diseases such as bronchial obstruction syndrome, chronic or acute bronchitis, asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system with an inflammatory etiology. The drug helps to thin the sputum and remove it.

Assign it to both adult patients and crumbs from birth. However, for the first, the drug is recommended to be used in the form of effervescent tablets, but for children it is better to use the medicine in the form of a sweet syrup. It is also worth noting that any analogue of "Prospan" for children is prescribed in liquid form. After all, this allows not only to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug depending on the age of the baby, but also makes it easier to directly take the medication.

Drug dosing system and administration rules

Effervescent tablets can be taken by patients from 4 years of age. To do this, you need to dissolve the allowable dose of the drug in 1 glass of water. It is better, of course, if the resulting drink is hot, this will provide an increaseantispasmodic action. But if the baby refuses to take the medicine even when it is warm, you can use cool water for cooking. For small patients, whose age is from 4 to 12 years, doctors usually prescribe the medicine ½ tablet three times a day. For children over 12 years old and adults, the recommendations are slightly different. This group of patients should take 1 tablet twice a day. Regardless of belonging to the age group, the duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. However, to achieve the desired result, this period must be at least 7 days.

As for the remedy in the form of a syrup, adults should use it 7.5 ml three times a day, children from 6 to 14 years old - 5 ml at the same interval, but for crumbs under the age of six, measuring spoon should measure 2.5 ml. It is worth noting that any analogue of "Prospan" for children in the form of a syrup has a device for accurate dosing of the medicine. These can be special syringes, caps, cups or measuring spoons.

Prospan instructions for use analogues
Prospan instructions for use analogues

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

Thanks to the herbal basis, no adverse reactions are observed in patients taking Prospan. Analogues are cheaper, it is worth noting, they rarely have such an advantage, and they have a much larger list of contraindications. As for the "Prospan" remedy, it is not recommended to take it only to patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Pregnant women and nursing mothersthe drug is best used under the supervision of a physician, although clinical trials have not established the harm of the drug to the fetus or baby.

Prospan analogues are cheaper based on ivy
Prospan analogues are cheaper based on ivy

Structural analogues of Prospan

There is probably no need to say that ivy is a medicinal plant and has long been used both in traditional and folk medicine. But it’s still worth getting acquainted with the medicines that are made on the basis of this herbal component. After all, like the Prospan remedy, cheaper analogues based on ivy are effective for various inflammatory ailments of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by cough and the formation of viscous, difficult-to-separate sputum. These include medicines such as Gedelix, Gerbion (ivy syrup), Pectolvan ivy, as well as green ivy dry extract. Let's take a closer look at each of these drugs in order to understand what advantages and disadvantages they have.

Means "Gedelix"

This analogue of "Prospan" is also produced on the basis of ivy leaf extract, but the auxiliary components are different depending on the form of release of the drug. For drops, pharmacists used mint, eucalyptus and anise oil, propylene glycol, levomenthol. But the auxiliary components of the syrup are purified water, sorbitol solution, anise fruit oil, etc.

Prospan analogues
Prospan analogues

This medicine is prescribed as an expectorant for diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by a strong cough and sputum difficult to separate. If athe attending physician did not recommend an individual dosing regimen, then the drops should be taken at the doses indicated in the instructions for use. Children from 2 to 4 years old need to drink 16-48 drops three times a day after the main meals, washing down the medicine with plenty of liquid. Patients who belong to the age group from 4 to 10 years are recommended a single dose of 21-63 drops, but for patients older than 10 years, 31-93 drops are prescribed.

As for the Gedelix syrup, it can be used to treat cough in children from birth. However, it is worth remembering that, like the drug "Prospan", analogues should be prescribed by a specialist who will calculate the dosage for the patient, based on the severity and nature of the disease. Means "Gedelix" is no exception, especially when it comes to the treatment of infants.

Pectolvan ivy

This analogue of "Prospan" contains an extract of ivy leaves, so there is no need to re-examine its pharmacological properties. The medicine is produced only in the form of a syrup, 5 ml of which contains 35 mg of the active ingredient.

Prescribe the drug to patients with acute respiratory ailments that are accompanied by a cough. It is also effective in the treatment of various bronchial pathologies of inflammatory etiology. However, unlike Prospan, this medication has some positive and negative features.

Prospan analogues are cheaper
Prospan analogues are cheaper

The disadvantages include the fact that the medicine is forbidden to be used to treat children under one year old. In addition, the use of the tool inIn rare cases, it can cause a number of adverse reactions such as skin rashes, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea.

But the advantages of this medicine include its low cost.

Means "Gerbion"

This medicine, like all the medicines described above, is available in the form of a syrup. It is prescribed for respiratory diseases that have an inflammatory etiology. In addition, the remedy can be used as a symptomatic therapy for chronic bronchial pathologies.

Since this analogue of "Prospan" also contains ivy leaf extract at the base, it effectively copes with cough and helps to thin and separate sputum. It is prescribed to children from birth, but the dosing system is set exclusively by the doctor, as well as the duration of the course of treatment.

Sleep analogue for children
Sleep analogue for children

If the doctor prescribed Prospan syrup, analogues, in particular the Gerbion remedy, should not be used on your own. After all, this medicine can cause side effects, such as skin rash and itching, hyperemia of the epidermis and mucous membranes, as well as nausea, vomiting and stool disorders.

Analogues of the drug "Prospan" for children

Today's assortment of drugs offered in pharmacies makes it easy to find and purchase a substitute for any drug. However, when it comes to the he alth of your own child, is it worth the risk? The answer is obvious. And if the doctor prescribed the drug "Prospan" to the baby, it is not worth choosing cheaper analogues on your own. This can be very dangerous for the baby. If for some reasonor for reasons it is impossible to purchase the medicine "Prospan", it is necessary to consult with your doctor. The specialist will be able to choose a safe and at the same time effective medication.

If the ivy extract is contraindicated for the baby, and accordingly, the Prospan syrup, the analogues that the pediatrician will offer will contain another active ingredient and will not yield in pharmacological action.
